
Weng-Long Chang

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29EEWeng-Long Chang, Ting-Ting Ren, Jun Luo, Mang Feng, Minyi Guo: Quantum algorithms for bio-molecular solutions to the satisfiability problem on a quantum computer. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2008: 1080-1088
28EEWeng-Long Chang, Michael (Shan-Hui) Ho, Minyi Guo: Constructing Bio-molecular Databases on a DNA-based Computer CoRR abs/0712.1863: (2007)
27EEWeng-Long Chang, Michael (Shan-Hui) Ho, Minyi Guo, Xiaohong Jiang, Jingling Xue, Minglu Li: Fast Parallel DNA-Based Algorithms for Molecular Computation: Determining a Prime Number. ICITA (1) 2005: 447-452
26EEWeng-Long Chang, Minyi Guo, Michael (Shan-Hui) Ho, Sien-Tang Tsai: Communication-Free Data Alignment for Arrays with Exponential References Using Elementary Linear Algebra. ISPA 2005: 454-466
25EEMinyi Guo, Weng-Long Chang, Jian Lu, Minglu Li: One-dimensional I test and direction vector I test with array references by induction variable. IJHPCN 3(4): 219-226 (2005)
24EEWeng-Long Chang, Minyi Guo, Jesse Wu: Solving the Independent-set Problem in a Dna-based Supercomputer Model. Parallel Processing Letters 15(4): 469-480 (2005)
23EEWeng-Long Chang, Michael (Shan-Hui) Ho, Minyi Guo: Fast Parallel Molecular Algorithms for DNA-based Computation: Factoring Integers. BIBE 2004: 125-133
22EEMinyi Guo, Weng-Long Chang, Jiannong Cao: The Non-continuous Direction Vector I Test. ISPAN 2004: 332-338
21EEWeng-Long Chang, Minyi Guo, Michael (Shan-Hui) Ho: Towards solution of the set-splitting problem on gel-based DNA computing. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 20(5): 875-885 (2004)
20EEWeng-Long Chang, Jih-Woei Huang, Chih-Ping Chu: Using Elementary Linear Algebra to Solve Data Alignment for Arrays with Linear or Quadratic References. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 15(1): 28-39 (2004)
19EEMinyi Guo, Weng-Long Chang, Jiannong Cao: Using sticker to solve the 3-dimensional matching problem in molecular supercomputers. IJHPCN 1(1/2/3): 128-139 (2004)
18EEWeng-Long Chang, Chih-Ping Chu, Michael (Shan-Hui) Ho: Exploitation of parallelism to nested loops with dependence cycles. Journal of Systems Architecture 50(12): 729-742 (2004)
17EEMinyi Guo, Michael (Shan-Hui) Ho, Weng-Long Chang: Fast parallel molecular solution to the dominating-set problem on massively parallel bio-computing. Parallel Computing 30(9-10): 1109-1125 (2004)
16EEMinyi Guo, Jiannong Cao, Weng-Long Chang, Li Li, Chengfei Liu: Effective OpenMP Extensions for Irregular Applications on Cluster Environments. GCC (2) 2003: 97-104
15EEMichael (Shan-Hui) Ho, Weng-Long Chang, Minyi Guo: Molecular Fast Solution for Set-basis Problem on Sticker-based Model. ICPP Workshops 2003: 205-212
14EEWeng-Long Chang, Minyi Guo, Jesse Wu: Is Cook's Theorem Correct for DNA-Based Computing? ISHPC 2003: 222-233
13EEWeng-Long Chang, Minyi Guo, Michael (Shan-Hui) Ho: Solving the Set-Splitting Problem in Sticker-Based Model and the Adleman-Lipton Model. ISPA 2003: 185-196
12EEMinyi Guo, Weng-Long Chang, Yi Pan: Optimization Techniques for Parallel Codes of Irregular Scientific Computations. ICPP Workshops 2002: 405-413
11EEWeng-Long Chang, Chih-Ping Chu, Jia-Hwa Wu: A simple and general approach to parallelize loops with arbitrary control flow and uniform data dependence distances. Journal of Systems and Software 63(2): 91-98 (2002)
10EEWeng-Long Chang, Chih-Ping Chu, Jia-Hwa Wu: A precise dependence analysis for multi-dimensional arrays under specific dependence direction. Journal of Systems and Software 63(2): 99-112 (2002)
9 Weng-Long Chang, Chih-Ping Chu, Jia-Hwa Wu: A multi-dimensional version of the I test. Parallel Computing 27(13): 1783-1799 (2001)
8 Weng-Long Chang, Chih-Ping Chu: The generalized Direction Vector I test. Parallel Computing 27(8): 1117-1144 (2001)
7 Weng-Long Chang, Chih-Ping Chu, Jia-Hwa Wu: Communication-Free Alignment for Array References with Linear Subscripts in Three Loop Index Variables or Quadratic Subscripts. The Journal of Supercomputing 20(1): 67-83 (2001)
6 Weng-Long Chang, Chih-Ping Chu: The infinity Lambda test: A multi-dimensional version of Banerjee infinity test. Parallel Computing 26(10): 1275-1295 (2000)
5EEWeng-Long Chang, Chih-Ping Chu, Jesse Wu: The Generalized Lambda Test. IPPS/SPDP 1998: 181-186
4EEWeng-Long Chang, Chih-Ping Chu: The Infinity Lambda Test. International Conference on Supercomputing 1998: 196-203
3EEWeng-Long Chang, Chih-Ping Chu: The I+ Test. LCPC 1998: 367-381
2EEWeng-Long Chang, Chih-Ping Chu: The extension of the I test. Parallel Computing 24(14): 2101-2127 (1998)
1 I. Y. Chiou, Weng-Long Chang, Wang-Chuan Tsai: FOG: A Distributed Communications Platform. ICPP (2) 1991: 266-267

Coauthor Index

1Jiannong Cao [16] [19] [22]
2I. Y. Chiou [1]
3Chih-Ping Chu [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [18] [20]
4Mang Feng [29]
5Minyi Guo [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [19] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29]
6Michael (Shan-Hui) Ho [13] [15] [17] [18] [21] [23] [26] [27] [28]
7Jih-Woei Huang [20]
8Xiaohong Jiang [27]
9Li Li [16]
10Minglu Li [25] [27]
11Chengfei Liu [16]
12Jian Lu [25]
13Jun Luo [29]
14Yi Pan [12]
15Ting-Ting Ren [29]
16Sien-Tang Tsai [26]
17Wang-Chuan Tsai [1]
18Jesse Wu [5] [14] [24]
19Jia-Hwa Wu [7] [9] [10] [11]
20Jingling Xue [27]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)