
Ashwini K. Nanda

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30EEH. Peter Hofstee, Ashwini K. Nanda, John J. Ritsko: Preface. IBM Journal of Research and Development 51(5): 501-502 (2007)
29EEAshwini K. Nanda, J. Randal Moulic, Robert E. Hanson, Gottfried Goldrian, Michael N. Day, Bruce D. D'Amora, Sreeni Kesavarapu: Cell/B.E. blades: Building blocks for scalable, real-time, interactive, and digital media servers. IBM Journal of Research and Development 51(5): 573-582 (2007)
28EEYang Liu, Holger Jones, Sheila Vaidya, Michael Perrone, Borivoj Tydlitát, Ashwini K. Nanda: Speech recognition systems on the Cell Broadband Engine processor. IBM Journal of Research and Development 51(5): 583-592 (2007)
27EEBruce D'Amora, Ashwini K. Nanda, Karen A. Magerlein, Atman Binstock, Bernard Yee: High-performance server systems and the next generation of online games. IBM Systems Journal 45(1): 103-118 (2006)
26EEKimberly Keeton, Russell M. Clapp, Ashwini K. Nanda: Guest Editors' Introduction: Evaluating Servers with Commercial Workloads. IEEE Computer 36(2): 29-32 (2003)
25 Michel Dubois, Jaeheon Jeong, Ashwini K. Nanda: Shared cache architectures for decision support systems. Perform. Eval. 49(1/4): 283-298 (2002)
24 Yiming Hu, Ashwini K. Nanda, Qing Yang: Measurement, Analysis and Performance Improvement of the Apache Web Server. I. J. Comput. Appl. 8(4): (2001)
23EEAshwini K. Nanda, Anthony-Trung Nguyen, Maged M. Michael, Douglas J. Joseph: High-throughout coherence control and hardware messaging in Everest. IBM Journal of Research and Development 45(2): 229-244 (2001)
22EEAshwini K. Nanda, Kwok-Ken Mak, Krishnan Sugavanam, Ramendra K. Sahoo, Vijayaraghavan Soundararajan, T. Basil Smith: MemorIES: A Programmable, Real-Time Hardware Emulation Tool for Multiprocessor Server Design. ASPLOS 2000: 37-48
21EEAshwini K. Nanda, Anthony-Trung Nguyen, Maged M. Michael, Douglas J. Joseph: High-Throughput Coherence Controllers. HPCA 2000: 145-155
20EERavi R. Iyer, Laxmi N. Bhuyan, Ashwini K. Nanda: Using Switch Directories to Speed Up Cache-to-Cache Transfers in CC-NUMA Multiprocessors. IPDPS 2000: 721-728
19EEMaged M. Michael, Ashwini K. Nanda: Design and Performance of Directory Caches for Scalable Shared Memory Multiprocessors. HPCA 1999: 142-151
18EERussell M. Clapp, Ashwini K. Nanda, Josep Torrellas: Second Workshop on Computer Architecture Evaluation Using Commercial Workloads. HPCA 1999: 322
17EEYiming Hu, Ashwini K. Nanda, Qing Yang: Measurement, analysis and performance improvement of the Apache Web server. IPCCC 1999: 261-267
16EEMaged M. Michael, Ashwini K. Nanda, Beng-Hong Lim: Coherence Controller Architectures for Scalable Shared-Memory Multiprocessors. IEEE Trans. Computers 48(2): 245-255 (1999)
15EEAshwini K. Nanda, Yiming Hu, Moriyoshi Ohara, Caroline Benveniste, Mark Giampapa, Maged M. Michael: The Design of COMPASS: An Execution Driven Simulator for Commercial Applications Running on Shared Memory Multiprocessors. IPPS/SPDP 1998: 503-509
14EEUming Ko, Poras T. Balsara, Ashwini K. Nanda: Energy optimization of multilevel cache architectures for RISC and CISC processors. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 6(2): 299-308 (1998)
13 Ashwini K. Nanda, James O. Bondi, Simonjit Dutta: The Misprediction Recovery Cache. International Journal of Parallel Programming 26(4): 383-415 (1998)
12EEAnthony-Trung Nguyen, Pradip Bose, Kattamuri Ekanadham, Ashwini K. Nanda, Maged M. Michael: Accuracy and Speedup of Parallel Trace-Driven Architectural Simulation. IPPS 1997: 39-44
11EEMaged M. Michael, Ashwini K. Nanda, Beng-Hong Lim, Michael L. Scott: Coherence Controller Architectures for SMP-Based CC-NUMA Multiprocessors. ISCA 1997: 219-228
10EELaxmi N. Bhuyan, Ravi R. Iyer, Tahsin Askar, Ashwini K. Nanda, Mohan Kumar: Performance of Multistage Bus Networks for a Distributed Shared Memory Multiprocessor. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 8(1): 82-95 (1997)
9EEJames O. Bondi, Ashwini K. Nanda, Simonjit Dutta: Integrating a Misprediction Recovery Cache (MRC) into a Superscalar Pipeline. MICRO 1996: 14-23
8EEUming Ko, Poras T. Balsara, Ashwini K. Nanda: Energy optimization of multi-level processor cache architectures. ISLPD 1995: 45-49
7 Laxmi N. Bhuyan, Ashwini K. Nanda, Tahsin Askar: Performance and Reliability of the Multistage Bus Network. ICPP (1) 1994: 26-33
6 Ashwini K. Nanda, Laxmi N. Bhuyan: Design and Analysis of Cache Coherent Multistage Interconnection Networks. IEEE Trans. Computers 42(4): 458-470 (1993)
5 Ashwini K. Nanda, Laxmi N. Bhuyan: Efficient Mapping of Applications on Cache Based Multiprocessors. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 19(3): 179-191 (1993)
4EEAshwini K. Nanda, Hong Jiang: Analysis of Directory Based Cache Coherence Schemes with Multistage Networks. ACM Conference on Computer Science 1992: 485-492
3 Ashwini K. Nanda, Doug DeGroot, Daniel L. Stenger: Scheduling Directed Task Graphs on Multiprocessors Using Simulated Annealing. ICDCS 1992: 20-27
2 Ashwini K. Nanda, Laxmi N. Bhuyan: A Formal Specification and Verification Technique for Cache Coherence Protocols. ICPP (1) 1992: 22-26
1 Ashwini K. Nanda, Laxmi N. Bhuyan: Mapping Applications onto a Cache Coherent Multiprocessor. SC 1992: 368-377

Coauthor Index

1Tahsin Askar [7] [10]
2Poras T. Balsara [8] [14]
3Caroline Benveniste [15]
4Laxmi N. Bhuyan [1] [2] [5] [6] [7] [10] [20]
5Atman Binstock [27]
6James O. Bondi [9] [13]
7Pradip Bose [12]
8Russell M. Clapp [18] [26]
9Bruce D'Amora [27]
10Bruce D. D'Amora [29]
11Michael N. Day [29]
12Doug DeGroot [3]
13Michel Dubois [25]
14Simonjit Dutta [9] [13]
15Kattamuri Ekanadham [12]
16Mark Giampapa [15]
17Gottfried Goldrian [29]
18Robert E. Hanson [29]
19H. Peter Hofstee [30]
20Yiming Hu [15] [17] [24]
21Ravi R. Iyer (Ravishankar R. Iyer) [10] [20]
22Jaeheon Jeong [25]
23Hong Jiang [4]
24Holger Jones [28]
25Douglas J. Joseph [21] [23]
26Kimberly Keeton [26]
27Sreeni Kesavarapu [29]
28Uming Ko [8] [14]
29Mohan Kumar [10]
30Beng-Hong Lim [11] [16]
31Yang Liu [28]
32Karen A. Magerlein [27]
33Kwok-Ken Mak [22]
34Maged M. Michael [11] [12] [15] [16] [19] [21] [23]
35J. Randal Moulic [29]
36Anthony-Trung Nguyen [12] [21] [23]
37Moriyoshi Ohara [15]
38Michael Perrone [28]
39John J. Ritsko [30]
40Ramendra K. Sahoo [22]
41Michael L. Scott [11]
42T. Basil Smith [22]
43Vijayaraghavan Soundararajan [22]
44Daniel L. Stenger [3]
45Krishnan Sugavanam [22]
46Josep Torrellas [18]
47Borivoj Tydlitát [28]
48Sheila Vaidya [28]
49Qing Yang [17] [24]
50Bernard Yee [27]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)