Volume 21,
Number 1,
April 1994
Special Issue on Data Parallel Algorithms and Programming
- Joseph JáJá, Pearl Y. Wang:
Special Issue on Data Parallel Algorithms and Programming - Guest Editors' Introduction.
1-3 BibTeX
- Guy E. Blelloch, Jonathan C. Hardwick, Jay Sipelstein, Marco Zagha, Siddhartha Chatterjee:
Implementation of a Portable Nested Data-Parallel Language.
4-14 BibTeX
- Zeki Bozkus, Alok N. Choudhary, Geoffrey Fox, Tomasz Haupt, Sanjay Ranka, Min-You Wu:
Compiling Fortran 90D/HPF for Distributed Memory MIMD Computers.
15-26 BibTeX
- Seema Hiranandani, Ken Kennedy, Chau-Wen Tseng:
Evaluating Compiler Optimizations for Fortran D.
27-45 BibTeX
- Rhys S. Francis, Ian D. Mathieson, Paul G. Whiting, Martin R. Dix, Harvey L. Davies, Leon D. Rotstayn:
A Data Parallel Scientific Modelling Language.
46-60 BibTeX
- Balaram Sinharoy, Boleslaw K. Szymanski:
Data and Task Alignment in Distributed Memory Architectures.
61-74 BibTeX
- Nikos Chrisochoides, Elias N. Houstis, John R. Rice:
Mapping Algorithms and Software Environment for Data Parallel PDE Iterative Solvers.
75-95 BibTeX
- Cho-Li Wang, Viktor K. Prasanna, Hyoung Joong Kim, Ashfaq A. Khokhar:
Scalable Data Parallel Implementations of Object Recognition Using Geometric Hashing.
96-109 BibTeX
- Lawrence A. Crowl, Mark Crovella, Thomas J. LeBlanc, Michael L. Scott:
The Advantages of Multiple Parallelizations in Combinatorial Search.
110-123 BibTeX
- Mu-Cheng Wang, Wayne G. Nation, James B. Armstrong, Howard Jay Siegel, Shin-Dug Kim, Mark A. Nichols, Michael Gherrity:
Multiple Quadratic Forms: A Case Study in the Design of Data.Parallel Algorithms.
124-139 BibTeX
- Joseph G. Sela, Paul B. Anderson, Dave W. Norton, Michael A. Young:
Massive Parallization of NMC's Spectral Model.
140-149 BibTeX
- James M. Stichnoth, David R. O'Hallaron, Thomas R. Gross:
Generating Communication for Array Statement: Design, Implementation, and Evaluation.
150-159 BibTeX
- Nawal Copty, Sanjay Ranka, Geoffrey Fox, Ravi V. Shankar:
A Data Parallel Algorithm for Solving the Region Growing Problem on the Connection Machine.
160-168 BibTeX
Volume 21,
Number 2,
May 1994
- Giovanni Manzini:
sparse Matrix Computations on the Hypercube and Related Networks.
169-183 BibTeX
- Suresh Singh, James F. Kurose:
Electing "Good" Leaders.
184-201 BibTeX
- Edward J. Barragy, Graham F. Carey, Robert A. van de Geijn:
Performance and Scalability of Finite Element Analysis for Distributed Parallel Computation.
202-212 BibTeX
- Zvi Galil, Kunsoo Park:
Parallel Algorithms for Dynamic Programming Recurrences with More than O(1) Dependency.
213-222 BibTeX
- Santosh Pande, Dharma P. Agrawal, Jon Mauney:
A Threshold Scheduling Strategy for Sisal on Distributed Memory Machines.
223-236 BibTeX
- Tony T. Lee:
Generalized Recursive Sorting Networks.
237-245 BibTeX
- Leonid B. Boguslavsky, Karim Harzallah, Alexander Kreinin, Kenneth C. Sevcik, Alexander Vainshtein:
Optimal Strategies for Spinning and Blocking.
246-254 BibTeX
Volume 21,
Number 3,
June 1994
Special Issue on Heterogeneous Processing
- Richard F. Freund, Vaidy S. Sunderam:
Special Issue on Heterogeneous Processing - Guest Editors' Introduction.
255-256 BibTeX
- Andrew S. Grimshaw, Jon B. Weissman, Emily A. West, Edmond C. Loyot Jr.:
Metasystems: An Approach Combining Parallel Processing and Heterogeneous Distributed Computing Systems.
257-270 BibTeX
- Daniel W. Watson, Howard Jay Siegel, John K. Antonio, Mark A. Nichols, Mikhail J. Atallah:
A Block-Based Mode Selection Model for SIMD/SPMD Parallel Environments.
271-288 BibTeX
- Christian J. Callsen, Gul Agha:
Open Heterogeneous Computing in Actor Space.
289-300 BibTeX
- Patrick T. Homer, Richard D. Schlichting:
A Software Platform for Constructing Scientific Applications from Heterogeneous Resources.
301-315 BibTeX
- Val Donaldson, Francine Berman, Ramamohan Paturi:
Program Speedup in a Heterogeneous Computing Network.
316-322 BibTeX
- Walter B. Ligon III, Umakishore Ramachandran:
Evaluating Multigauge Architectures for Computer Vision.
323-333 BibTeX
Copyright © Sun May 17 00:10:49 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)