
Carlos Pérez

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19EECarlos Pérez, L. Gracia, Nicolás García Aracil, José Maria Sabater, José Maria Azorín, J. de Gea: On Accelerating the ss-Kalman Filter for High-Performance Computation. DCAI 2008: 132-141
18EEJosé Maria Azorín, Rafael Aracil, Carlos Pérez, Nicolás M. García, José Maria Sabater: Bilateral Control Architecture for Telerobotics Systems in Unknown Environments. EuroHaptics 2008: 13-22
17EEBrian V. Bonnlander, John R. Rebula, Peter Neuhaus, Matthew Johnson, Greg Hill, Carlos Pérez, John Carff, William Howell, Jerry E. Pratt: Hierarchical two stage planner for little dog. ICRA 2008: 2201-2202
16EEJohn R. Rebula, Greg Hill, Brian V. Bonnlander, Matthew Johnson, Peter Neuhaus, Carlos Pérez, John Carff, William Howell, Jerry E. Pratt: Learning terrain cost maps. ICRA 2008: 2217
15EEJosé Maria Azorín, Rafael Aracil, Carlos Pérez, Nicolás M. García, Jose M. Sabater Navarro: Transparent bilateral control for time-delayed teleoperation by state convergence. ICRA 2008: 643-648
14EEOriol Jorba, Thomas Loridan, Pedro Jiménez-Guerrero, Carlos Pérez, José María Baldasano: Linking the advanced research WRF meteorological model with the CHIMERE chemistry-transport model. Environmental Modelling and Software 23(8): 1092-1094 (2008)
13 Carlos Pérez, Nicolás García Aracil, José Maria Sabater, José Maria Azorín, Óscar Reinoso, L. Gracia: Improvement of the visual servoing task with a new trajectory predictor - the fuzzy kalman filter. ICINCO-RA (1) 2007: 133-140
12EEJuan Antonio Álvarez, Carlos Pérez, Cecilio Angulo, Juan Antonio Ortega: Combining Smart Tags and Body Fixed Sensors for Disabled People Assistance. KES (2) 2007: 10-17
11EEJosé Maria Azorín, Rafael Aracil, José Maria Sabater, Manuel Ferre, Nicolás M. García, Carlos Pérez: Bilateral Control of Different Order Teleoperators. EUROS 2006: 119-127
10 Carlos Pérez, R. Morales, Nicolás García Aracil, José Maria Azorín, José Maria Sabater: The visibility problem in visual servoing. ICINCO-RA 2006: 482-485
9 Carlos Pérez, Nicolás García Aracil, José Maria Azorín, José Maria Sabater, L. Navarro, Roque J. Saltarén: Image-based and intrinsic-free visual navigation of a mobile robot defined as a global visual servoing task. ICINCO 2005: 189-195
8 Nicolás García Aracil, Carlos Pérez, Luis Payá, Ramón P. Ñeco, José Maria Sabater, José Maria Azorín: Avoiding Visual Servoing Singularities Using a Cooperative Control Architecture. ICINCO (2) 2004: 162-168
7 Carlos Pérez, Óscar Reinoso, Maria Asunción Vicente: Robot Hand Visual Tracking Using an Adaptive Fuzzy Logic Controller. WSCG (Posters) 2004: 129-132
6 Maria Asunción Vicente, César Fernández Peris, Óscar Reinoso, Carlos Pérez: Robust Object Detection in Complex Background using ICA Compression. WSCG (Posters) 2004: 185-188
5 Kun Wang, Marta Murcia, Pere Constans, Carlos Pérez, Angel R. Ortiz: Gaussian mapping of chemical fragments in ligand binding sites. Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design 18(2): 101-118 (2004)
4 Maria Asunción Vicente, Óscar Reinoso, Carlos Pérez, César Fernández Peris, José Maria Sabater: Recognition and location of real objects using eigenimages and a neural network classifier. VCIP 2003: 385-392
3EECarlos Pérez, Germán Fabregat, Rafael J. Martínez, Juan J. Villaplana: TREG: Transactional Services Based on Incremental Messages. PRDC 2001: 325-332
2EERaquel García-Nieto, Carlos Pérez, Federico Gago: Automated docking and molecular dynamics simulations of nimesulide in the cyclooxygenase active site of human prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase-2 (COX-2). Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design 14(2): 147-160 (2000)
1EECarlos Pérez, Germán Fabregat, Rafael J. Martínez, G. Martín: Incremental Messages: Micro-Kernel Services for Flexible and Efficient Management of Replicated Data. FTCS 1999: 56-63

Coauthor Index

1Juan Antonio Álvarez [12]
2Cecilio Angulo [12]
3Nicolás García Aracil [8] [9] [10] [13] [19]
4Rafael Aracil [11] [15] [18]
5José Maria Azorín [8] [9] [10] [11] [13] [15] [18] [19]
6José María Baldasano [14]
7Brian V. Bonnlander [16] [17]
8John Carff [16] [17]
9Pere Constans [5]
10Germán Fabregat [1] [3]
11Manuel Ferre [11]
12Federico Gago [2]
13Nicolás M. García [11] [15] [18]
14Raquel García-Nieto [2]
15J. de Gea [19]
16L. Gracia [13] [19]
17Greg Hill [16] [17]
18William Howell [16] [17]
19Pedro Jiménez-Guerrero [14]
20Matt Johnson (Matthew Johnson) [16] [17]
21Oriol Jorba [14]
22Thomas Loridan [14]
23G. Martín [1]
24Rafael J. Martínez [1] [3]
25R. Morales [10]
26Marta Murcia [5]
27Jose M. Sabater Navarro [15]
28L. Navarro [9]
29Ramón P. Ñeco [8]
30Peter Neuhaus [16] [17]
31Juan Antonio Ortega [12]
32Angel R. Ortiz [5]
33Luis Payá [8]
34César Fernández Peris [4] [6]
35Jerry E. Pratt [16] [17]
36John R. Rebula [16] [17]
37Óscar Reinoso [4] [6] [7] [13]
38José Maria Sabater [4] [8] [9] [10] [11] [13] [18] [19]
39Roque J. Saltarén [9]
40Maria Asunción Vicente [4] [6] [7]
41Juan J. Villaplana [3]
42Kun Wang [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)