
Peter Neuhaus

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14EEBrian V. Bonnlander, John R. Rebula, Peter Neuhaus, Matthew Johnson, Greg Hill, Carlos Pérez, John Carff, William Howell, Jerry E. Pratt: Hierarchical two stage planner for little dog. ICRA 2008: 2201-2202
13EEJohn R. Rebula, Greg Hill, Brian V. Bonnlander, Matthew Johnson, Peter Neuhaus, Carlos Pérez, John Carff, William Howell, Jerry E. Pratt: Learning terrain cost maps. ICRA 2008: 2217
12EEJohn R. Rebula, Peter Neuhaus, Brian V. Bonnlander, Matthew J. Johnson, Jerry E. Pratt: A Controller for the LittleDog Quadruped Walking on Rough Terrain. ICRA 2007: 1467-1473
11EEPeter Neuhaus, Michael O'Sullivan, David Eaton, John Carff, Jerry E. Pratt: Concept Designs for Underwater Swimming Exoskeletons. ICRA 2004: 4893-4898
10EEWolfgang Schmidt-Heck, Katrin Zeilinger, Michael Pfaff, Susanne Töpfer, Dominik Driesch, Gesine Pless, Peter Neuhaus, Joerg C. Gerlach, Reinhard Guthke: Network Analysis of the Kinetics of Amino Acid Metabolism in a Liver Cell Bioreactor. ISBMDA 2004: 427-438
9 Peter Neuhaus, H. Kazerooni: Design and Control of Human Assisted Walking Robot. ICRA 2000: 563-569
8 R. D. Clarke, D. Phillips, H. L. Zhang, R. G. Templer, Peter Neuhaus: Robotic Handling of Ovine Meat Cuts. IVCNZ 1998: 192-197
7 Peter Neuhaus, Norbert Bröker: The Complexity of Recognition of Linguistically Adequate Dependency Grammars. ACL 1997: 337-343
6EEPeter Neuhaus, Norbert Bröker: The Complexity of Recognition of Linguistically Adequate Dependency Grammars CoRR cmp-lg/9709001: (1997)
5EEUdo Hahn, Peter Neuhaus, Norbert Bröker: Message-Passing Protocols for Real-World Parsing -- An Object-Oriented Model and its Preliminary Evaluation CoRR cmp-lg/9709010: (1997)
4EEPeter Neuhaus, Udo Hahn: Restricted Parallelism in Object-Oriented Lexical Parsing. COLING 1996: 502-507
3EEPeter Neuhaus, Udo Hahn: Trading off Completeness for Efficiency - The ParseTalk Performance Grammar Approach to Real-World Text Parsing CoRR cmp-lg/9605026: (1996)
2EEPeter Neuhaus, Udo Hahn: Restricted Parallelism in Object-Oriented Lexical Parsing CoRR cmp-lg/9605027: (1996)
1 Peter Neuhaus: Solving the Mapping Problem - Experiences with a Genetic Algorithm. PPSN 1990: 170-175

Coauthor Index

1Brian V. Bonnlander [12] [13] [14]
2Norbert Bröker [5] [6] [7]
3John Carff [11] [13] [14]
4R. D. Clarke [8]
5Dominik Driesch [10]
6David Eaton [11]
7Joerg C. Gerlach [10]
8Reinhard Guthke [10]
9Udo Hahn [2] [3] [4] [5]
10Greg Hill [13] [14]
11William Howell [13] [14]
12Matt Johnson (Matthew Johnson) [13] [14]
13Matthew J. Johnson [12]
14H. Kazerooni [9]
15Michael O'Sullivan [11]
16Carlos Pérez [13] [14]
17Michael Pfaff [10]
18D. Phillips [8]
19Gesine Pless [10]
20Jerry E. Pratt [11] [12] [13] [14]
21John R. Rebula [12] [13] [14]
22Wolfgang Schmidt-Heck [10]
23R. G. Templer [8]
24Susanne Töpfer [10]
25Katrin Zeilinger [10]
26H. L. Zhang [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)