
César Fernández Peris

Miguel Hernandez University, Elche (Alicante), Spain

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9 César Fernández Peris, Maria Asunción Vicente, Óscar Reinoso, Luis Payá, Rafael Puerto: Grasp feasibility computation based on cascading filters. application to a three fingered gripper. ICINCO 2005: 181-188
8 Luis Payá, Maria Asunción Vicente, Laura Navarro, Óscar Reinoso, César Fernández Peris, Arturo Gil: Continuous navigation of a mobile robot with an appearance-based approach. ICINCO 2005: 443-446
7 César Fernández Peris, Óscar Reinoso, Maria Asunción Vicente, Rafael Aracil: Kinematic Redundancy in Robot Grasp Synthesis. An Efficient Tree-based Representation. ICRA 2005: 1184-1189
6EECésar Fernández Peris, Sampsa Laine, Óscar Reinoso, Maria Asunción Vicente: Improving the Readability of Decision Trees Using Reduced Complexity Feature Extraction. IEA/AIE 2005: 442-444
5EEArturo Gil, Óscar Reinoso, Maria Asunción Vicente, César Fernández Peris, Luis Payá: Monte Carlo Localization Using SIFT Features. IbPRIA (1) 2005: 623-630
4EEMaria Asunción Vicente, César Fernández Peris, Óscar Reinoso, Luis Payá: 3D Object Recognition from Appearance: PCA Versus ICA Approaches. ICIAR (1) 2004: 547-555
3 Maria Asunción Vicente, César Fernández Peris, Óscar Reinoso, Carlos Pérez: Robust Object Detection in Complex Background using ICA Compression. WSCG (Posters) 2004: 185-188
2 Maria Asunción Vicente, Óscar Reinoso, Carlos Pérez, César Fernández Peris, José Maria Sabater: Recognition and location of real objects using eigenimages and a neural network classifier. VCIP 2003: 385-392
1EEFernando Torres Medina, Francisco A. Candelas Herías, Santiago T. Puente Méndez, Luis Miguel Jiménez García, César Fernández Peris, R. J. Agulló: Simulation and Scheduling of Real-Time Computer Vision Algorithms. ICVS 1999: 98-114

Coauthor Index

1R. J. Agulló [1]
2Rafael Aracil [7]
3Luis Miguel Jiménez García [1]
4Arturo Gil [5] [8]
5Francisco A. Candelas Herías [1]
6Sampsa Laine [6]
7Fernando Torres Medina [1]
8Santiago T. Puente Méndez [1]
9Laura Navarro [8]
10Luis Payá [4] [5] [8] [9]
11Carlos Pérez [2] [3]
12Rafael Puerto [9]
13Óscar Reinoso [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
14José Maria Sabater [2]
15Maria Asunción Vicente [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)