2009 |
42 | EE | Gianluca Baldassarre,
Stefano Nolfi:
Strengths and synergies of evolved and designed controllers: A study within collective robotics.
Artif. Intell. 173(7-8): 857-875 (2009) |
2008 |
41 | EE | Georg Martius,
Stefano Nolfi,
J. Michael Herrmann:
Emergence of Interaction among Adaptive Agents.
SAB 2008: 457-466 |
40 | EE | Dario Floreano,
Phil Husbands,
Stefano Nolfi:
Evolutionary Robotics.
Springer Handbook of Robotics 2008: 1423-1451 |
39 | EE | Vito Trianni,
Stefano Nolfi,
Marco Dorigo:
Evolution, Self-organization and Swarm Robotics.
Swarm Intelligence 2008: 163-191 |
38 | EE | Valerio Sperati,
Vito Trianni,
Stefano Nolfi:
Evolving coordinated group behaviours through maximisation of mean mutual information.
Swarm Intelligence 2(2-4): 73-95 (2008) |
2007 |
37 | EE | Vito Trianni,
Christos Ampatzis,
Anders Lyhne Christensen,
Elio Tuci,
Marco Dorigo,
Stefano Nolfi:
From Solitary to Collective Behaviours: Decision Making and Cooperation.
ECAL 2007: 575-584 |
36 | EE | Alberto Acerbi,
Davide Marocco,
Stefano Nolfi:
Social Facilitation on the Development of Foraging Behaviors in a Population of Autonomous Robots.
ECAL 2007: 625-634 |
35 | EE | Orazio Miglino,
Onofrio Gigliotta,
Michela Ponticorvo,
Stefano Nolfi:
Breedbot: An Edutainment Robotics System to Link Digital and Real World.
KES (2) 2007: 74-81 |
34 | EE | Davide Marocco,
Stefano Nolfi:
Emergence of communication in embodied agents evolved for the ability to solve a collective navigation problem.
Connect. Sci. 19(1): 53-74 (2007) |
33 | EE | Gianluca Baldassarre,
Vito Trianni,
Michael Bonani,
Francesco Mondada,
Marco Dorigo,
Stefano Nolfi:
Self-Organized Coordinated Motion in Groups of Physically Connected Robots.
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 37(1): 224-239 (2007) |
2006 |
32 | | Stefano Nolfi,
Gianluca Baldassarre,
Raffaele Calabretta,
John C. T. Hallam,
Davide Marocco,
Jean-Arcady Meyer,
Orazio Miglino,
Domenico Parisi:
From Animals to Animats 9, 9th International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior, SAB 2006, Rome, Italy, September 25-29, 2006, Proceedings
Springer 2006 |
31 | EE | Mariagiovanna Mazzapioda,
Stefano Nolfi:
Synchronization and Gait Adaptation in Evolving Hexapod Robots.
SAB 2006: 113-125 |
30 | EE | Davide Marocco,
Stefano Nolfi:
Origins of Communication in Evolving Robots.
SAB 2006: 789-803 |
29 | EE | Stefano Zappacosta,
Stefano Nolfi,
Gianluca Baldassarre:
A Testbed for Neural-Network Models Capable of Integrating Information in Time.
SAB ABiALS 2006: 189-217 |
28 | EE | Gianluca Baldassarre,
Domenico Parisi,
Stefano Nolfi:
Distributed Coordination of Simulated Robots Based on Self-Organization.
Artificial Life 12(3): 289-311 (2006) |
27 | EE | Vito Trianni,
Stefano Nolfi,
Marco Dorigo:
Cooperative hole avoidance in a swarm-bot.
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 54(2): 97-103 (2006) |
2005 |
26 | EE | Michelle McPartland,
Stefano Nolfi,
Hussein A. Abbass:
Emergence of communication in competitive multi-agent systems: a pareto multi-objective approach.
GECCO 2005: 51-58 |
25 | EE | Stefano Nolfi:
Emergence of communication in embodied agents: co-adapting communicative and non-communicative behaviours.
Connect. Sci. 17(3-4): 231-248 (2005) |
2004 |
24 | EE | Marco Dorigo,
Elio Tuci,
Roderich Groß,
Vito Trianni,
Thomas Halva Labella,
Shervin Nouyan,
Christos Ampatzis,
Jean-Louis Deneubourg,
Gianluca Baldassarre,
Stefano Nolfi,
Francesco Mondada,
Dario Floreano,
Luca Maria Gambardella:
The SWARM-BOTS Project.
Swarm Robotics 2004: 31-44 |
23 | EE | Francesco Mondada,
Giovanni C. Pettinaro,
André Guignard,
Ivo W. Kwee,
Dario Floreano,
Jean-Louis Deneubourg,
Stefano Nolfi,
Luca Maria Gambardella,
Marco Dorigo:
Swarm-Bot: A New Distributed Robotic Concept.
Auton. Robots 17(2-3): 193-221 (2004) |
22 | EE | Marco Dorigo,
Vito Trianni,
Erol Sahin,
Roderich Groß,
Thomas Halva Labella,
Gianluca Baldassarre,
Stefano Nolfi,
Jean-Louis Deneubourg,
Francesco Mondada,
Dario Floreano,
Luca Maria Gambardella:
Evolving Self-Organizing Behaviors for a Swarm-Bot.
Auton. Robots 17(2-3): 223-245 (2004) |
21 | EE | Stefano Nolfi:
Editorial: Evolutionary robotics: looking forward.
Connect. Sci. 16(4): 223-225 (2004) |
20 | EE | Raffaele Bianco,
Stefano Nolfi:
Toward open-ended evolutionary robotics: evolving elementary robotic units able to self-assemble and self-reproduce.
Connect. Sci. 16(4): 227-248 (2004) |
2003 |
19 | EE | Raffaele Bianco,
Stefano Nolfi:
Evolving the Neural Controller for a Robotic Arm Able to Grasp Objects on the Basis of Tactile Sensors.
AI*IA 2003: 375-384 |
18 | EE | Gianluca Baldassarre,
Stefano Nolfi,
Domenico Parisi:
Evolution of Collective Behavior in a Team of Physically Linked Robots.
EvoWorkshops 2003: 581-592 |
17 | | Gianluca Baldassarre,
Stefano Nolfi,
Domenico Parisi:
Evolving Mobile Robots Able to Display Collective Behaviors.
Artificial Life 9(3): 255-268 (2003) |
2002 |
16 | EE | Stefano Nolfi:
Power and the limits of reactive agents.
Neurocomputing 42(1-4): 119-145 (2002) |
2000 |
15 | | Raffaele Calabretta,
Stefano Nolfi,
Domenico Parisi,
Günter P. Wagner:
Duplication of Modules Facilitates the Evolution of Functional Specialization.
Artificial Life 6(1): 69-84 (2000) |
1999 |
14 | | Stefano Nolfi,
Domenico Parisi:
Exploiting the Power of Sensory-Motor Coordination.
ECAL 1999: 173-182 |
13 | | Stefano Nolfi,
Dario Floreano:
Learning and Evolution.
Auton. Robots 7(1): 89-113 (1999) |
12 | EE | Stefano Nolfi,
Jun Tani:
Extracting Regularities in Space and Time Through a Cascade of Prediction Networks: The Case of a Mobile Robot Navigating in a Structured Environment.
Connect. Sci. 11(2): 125-148 (1999) |
11 | EE | Jun Tani,
Stefano Nolfi:
Learning to perceive the world as articulated: an approach for hierarchical learning in sensory-motor systems.
Neural Networks 12(7-8): 1131-1141 (1999) |
1998 |
10 | | Stefano Nolfi,
Dario Floreano:
How Co-Evolution can Enhance the Adaptive Power of Artificial Evolution: Implications for Evolutionary Robotics.
EvoRobots 1998: 22-38 |
9 | | Stefano Nolfi,
Dario Floreano:
Coevolving Predator and Prey Robots: Do ``Arms Races'' Arise in Artificial Evolution?
Artificial Life 4(4): 311-335 (1998) |
8 | EE | Stefano Nolfi:
Evolutionary Robotics: Exploiting the Full Power of Self-organization.
Connect. Sci. 10(3-4): 167-184 (1998) |
1997 |
7 | | Stefano Nolfi,
Domenico Parisi:
Neural Networks in an Artificial Life Perspective.
ICANN 1997: 733-737 |
6 | EE | Stefano Nolfi:
Evolving non-trivial behaviors on real robots: A garbage collecting robot.
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 22(3-4): 187-198 (1997) |
1996 |
5 | EE | Raffaele Calabretta,
Riccardo Galbiati,
Stefano Nolfi,
Domenico Parisi:
Two Is Better Than One: A Diploid Genotype for Neural Networks.
Neural Processing Letters 4(3): 149-155 (1996) |
1995 |
4 | | Stefano Nolfi,
Domenico Parisi:
Evolving non-Trivial Behaviors on Real Robots: an Autonomous Robot that Picks up Objects.
AI*IA 1995: 243-254 |
3 | | Stefano Nolfi,
Domenico Parisi:
Evolving Artificial Neural Networks that Develop in Time.
ECAL 1995: 353-367 |
2 | | Raffaele Calabretta,
Stefano Nolfi,
Domenico Parisi:
An Artificial Life Model for Predicting the Tertiary Structure of Unknown Proteins that Emulates the Folding Process.
ECAL 1995: 862-875 |
1 | | Orazio Miglino,
Henrik Hautop Lund,
Stefano Nolfi:
Evolving Mobile Robots in Simulated and Real Environments.
Artificial Life 2(4): 417-434 (1995) |