
James J. Little

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48EERobert Sim, James J. Little: Autonomous vision-based robotic exploration and mapping using hybrid maps and particle filters. Image Vision Comput. 27(1-2): 167-177 (2009)
47EEWei-Lwun Lu, Kenji Okuma, James J. Little: Tracking and recognizing actions of multiple hockey players using the boosted particle filter. Image Vision Comput. 27(1-2): 189-205 (2009)
46EESimon Léonard, Elizabeth A. Croft, James J. Little: Dynamic visibility checking for vision-based motion planning. ICRA 2008: 2283-2288
45EEAmbrose Chan, Elizabeth A. Croft, James J. Little: Trajectory specification via sparse waypoints for eye-in-hand robots requiring continuous target visibility. ICRA 2008: 3082-3087
44EEPer-Erik Forssén, David Meger, Kevin Lai, Scott Helmer, James J. Little, David G. Lowe: Informed visual search: Combining attention and object recognition. ICRA 2008: 935-942
43EEMatthew A. Baumann, Donna C. Dupuis, Simon Léonard, Elizabeth A. Croft, James J. Little: Occlusion-free path planning with a probabilistic roadmap. IROS 2008: 2151-2156
42EEDavid Meger, Per-Erik Forssén, Kevin Lai, Scott Helmer, Sancho McCann, Tristram Southey, Matthew A. Baumann, James J. Little, David G. Lowe: Curious George: An attentive semantic robot. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 56(6): 503-511 (2008)
41 Scott Helmer, David Meger, Per-Erik Forssén, Tristram Southey, Sancho McCann, Pooyan Fazli, James J. Little, David G. Lowe: The UBC Semantic Robot Vision System. AAAI 2007: 1983-1984
40EEHao Jiang, Sidney Fels, James J. Little: A Linear Programming Approach for Multiple Object Tracking. CVPR 2007
39EEChangsong Shen, S. Sidney Fels, James J. Little: OpenVL: Towards A Novel Software Architecture for Computer Vision. CVPR 2007
38EEPantelis Elinas, James J. Little: Decision theoretic task coordination for a visually-guided interactive mobile robot. IROS 2007: 4108-4114
37EEJesse Hoey, James J. Little: Value-Directed Human Behavior Analysis from Video Using Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 29(7): 1118-1132 (2007)
36EERobert Sim, Pantelis Elinas, James J. Little: A Study of the Rao-Blackwellised Particle Filter for Efficient and Accurate Vision-Based SLAM. International Journal of Computer Vision 74(3): 303-318 (2007)
35EERobert Sim, Pantelis Elinas, Matt Griffin, Alex Shyr, James J. Little: Design and analysis of a framework for real-time vision-based SLAM using Rao-Blackwellised particle filters. CRV 2006: 21
34EEWei-Lwun Lu, James J. Little: Simultaneous Tracking and Action Recognition using the PCA-HOG Descriptor. CRV 2006: 6
33EEYizheng Cai, Nando de Freitas, James J. Little: Robust Visual Tracking for Multiple Targets. ECCV (4) 2006: 107-118
32 Pantelis Elinas, Robert Sim, James J. Little: /spl sigma/SLAM: Stereo Vision SLAM using the Rao-Blackwellised Particle Filter and a Novel Mixture Proposal Distribution. ICRA 2006: 1564-1570
31EERobert Sim, James J. Little: Autonomous vision-based exploration and mapping using hybrid maps and Rao-Blackwellised particle filters. IROS 2006: 2082-2089
30EELin Zhong, James J. Little: Photometric Stereo via Locality Sensitive High-Dimension Hashing. CRV 2005: 104-111
29EEPantelis Elinas, James J. Little: sMCL: Monte-Carlo Localization for Mobile Robots with Stereo Vision. Robotics: Science and Systems 2005: 373-380
28EEDon Murray, James J. Little: Patchlets: Representing Stereo Vision Data with Surface Elements. WACV/MOTION 2005: 192-199
27EEDon Murray, James J. Little: Segmenting Correlation Stereo Range Images using Surface Elements. 3DPVT 2004: 656-663
26EEJesse Hoey, James J. Little: Value Directed Learning of Gestures and Facial Displays. CVPR (2) 2004: 1026-1033
25EEKenji Okuma, Ali Taleghani, Nando de Freitas, James J. Little, David G. Lowe: A Boosted Particle Filter: Multitarget Detection and Tracking. ECCV (1) 2004: 28-39
24EEJesse Hoey, James J. Little: Decision Theoretic Modeling of Human Facial Displays. ECCV (3) 2004: 26-38
23EEJeffrey E. Boyd, James J. Little: Biometric Gait Recognition. Advanced Studies in Biometrics 2003: 19-42
22EEJesse Hoey, James J. Little: Bayesian Clustering of Optical Flow Fields. ICCV 2003: 1086-1093
21 James J. Little, Ping Shi: Ordering Points for Incremental TIN Construction from DEMs. GeoInformatica 7(1): 33-53 (2003)
20 Pantelis Elinas, Jesse Hoey, Darrell Lahey, Jefferson D. Montgomery, Don Murray, Stephen Se, James J. Little: Waiting with José, a Vision-Based Mobile Robot. ICRA 2002: 3698-3705
19 Stephen Se, David G. Lowe, James J. Little: Mobile Robot Localization and Mapping with Uncertainty using Scale-Invariant Visual Landmarks. I. J. Robotic Res. 21(8): 735-760 (2002)
18 Stephen Se, David G. Lowe, James J. Little: Vision-based Mobile Robot Localization And Mapping using Scale-Invariant Features. ICRA 2001: 2051-2058
17EEJames J. Little, Ping Shi: Structural Lines, TINs, and DEMs. Algorithmica 30(2): 243-263 (2001)
16EEJesse Hoey, James J. Little: Representation and Recognition of Complex Human Motion. CVPR 2000: 1752-1759
15EEJames J. Little: Deforming Surface Features Lines in Intrinsic Coordinates. ICPR 2000: 1291-1294
14EEJeffrey E. Boyd, James J. Little: Phase in Model-Free Perception of Gait. Workshop on Human Motion 2000: 3-10
13 Don Murray, James J. Little: Using Real-Time Stereo Vision for Mobile Robot Navigation. Auton. Robots 8(2): 161-171 (2000)
12 Cullen Jennings, Don Murray, James J. Little: Cooperative Robot Localization with Vision-Based Mapping. ICRA 1999: 2659-2665
11EEJiping Lu, James J. Little: Reflectance and Shape from Images Using a Collinear Light Source. International Journal of Computer Vision 32(3): 213-240 (1999)
10EEVladimir Tucakov, Michael Sahota, Don Murray, Alan K. Mackworth, James J. Little, Stewart Kingdon, Cullen Jennings, Rod Barman: Spinoza: A Stereoscopic Visually Guided Mobile Robot. HICSS (5) 1997: 188-197
9EEJiping Lu, James J. Little: Geometric and Photometric Constraints for Surface Recovery. CVPR 1996: 694-
8EEJiping Lu, James J. Little: Reflectance Function Estimation and Shape Recovery from Image Sequence of a Rotating Object. ICCV 1995: 80-
7 Esfandiar Bandari, James J. Little: Cooperative Analysis of Multiple Frames by Visual Echoes. ICIP (3) 1994: 766-770
6 Guy E. Blelloch, James J. Little: Parallel Solutions to Geometric Problems in the Scan Model of Computation. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 48(1): 90-115 (1994)
5EEMichael Bolotski, Rod Barman, James J. Little, Daniel Camporese: Silt: A distributed bit-parallel architecture for early vision. International Journal of Computer Vision 11(1): 63-74 (1993)
4 James J. Little, Walter E. Gillett: Direct Evidence for Occlusion in Stereo and Motion. ECCV 1990: 336-340
3EEJames J. Little, Guy E. Blelloch, Todd A. Cass: Algorithmic Techniques for Computer Vision on a Fine-Grained Parallel Machine. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 11(3): 244-257 (1989)
2 James J. Little: Determining Object Attitude from Extended Gaussian Images. IJCAI 1985: 960-963
1 James J. Little: An Iterative Method for Reconstructing Convex Polyhedra From External Guassian Images. AAAI 1983: 247-250

Coauthor Index

1Esfandiar Bandari [7]
2Rod Barman [5] [10]
3Matthew A. Baumann [42] [43]
4Guy E. Blelloch [3] [6]
5Michael Bolotski [5]
6Jeffrey E. Boyd [14] [23]
7Yizheng Cai [33]
8Daniel Camporese [5]
9Todd A. Cass [3]
10Ambrose Chan [45]
11Elizabeth A. Croft [43] [45] [46]
12Donna C. Dupuis [43]
13Pantelis Elinas [20] [29] [32] [35] [36] [38]
14Pooyan Fazli [41]
15Sidney Fels (S. Sidney Fels) [39] [40]
16Per-Erik Forssén [41] [42] [44]
17Nando de Freitas [25] [33]
18Walter E. Gillett [4]
19Matt Griffin [35]
20Scott Helmer [41] [42] [44]
21Jesse Hoey [16] [20] [22] [24] [26] [37]
22Cullen Jennings [10] [12]
23Hao Jiang [40]
24Stewart Kingdon [10]
25Darrell Lahey [20]
26Kevin Lai [42] [44]
27Simon Léonard [43] [46]
28David G. Lowe [18] [19] [25] [41] [42] [44]
29Jiping Lu [8] [9] [11]
30Wei-Lwun Lu [34] [47]
31Alan K. Mackworth [10]
32Sancho McCann [41] [42]
33David Meger [41] [42] [44]
34Jefferson D. Montgomery [20]
35Don Murray [10] [12] [13] [20] [27] [28]
36Kenji Okuma [25] [47]
37Michael Sahota [10]
38Stephen Se [18] [19] [20]
39Changsong Shen [39]
40Ping Shi [17] [21]
41Alex Shyr [35]
42Robert Sim [31] [32] [35] [36] [48]
43Tristram Southey [41] [42]
44Ali Taleghani [25]
45Vladimir Tucakov [10]
46Lin Zhong [30]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)