
Lindsay Kleeman

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27EEWai Ho Li, Lindsay Kleeman: Autonomous segmentation of Near-Symmetric objects through vision and robotic nudging. IROS 2008: 3604-3609
26EEM. Ziaur Rahman, Lindsay Kleeman: Self-Localization Schemes for Geographic Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks. VTC Spring 2008: 71-75
25EELindsay Kleeman, Roman Kuc: Sonar Sensing. Springer Handbook of Robotics 2008: 491-519
24EESaeid Fazli, Lindsay Kleeman: Simultaneous landmark classification, localization and map building for an advanced sonar ring. Robotica 25(3): 283-296 (2007)
23EEAlan M. Zhang, Lindsay Kleeman, R. Andrew Russell: Topological Mapping Inspired by Techniques in DNA Sequence Alignment. IROS 2006: 2754-2759
22EEWai Ho Li, Lindsay Kleeman: Real Time Object Tracking using Reflectional Symmetry and Motion. IROS 2006: 2798-2803
21EEWai Ho Li, Alan M. Zhang, Lindsay Kleeman: Real Time Detection and Segmentation of Reflectionally Symmetric Objects in Digital Images. IROS 2006: 4867-4873
20EESaeid Fazli, Lindsay Kleeman: Sensor design and signal processing for an advanced sonar ring. Robotica 24(4): 433-446 (2006)
19 Albert Diosi, Geoffrey Taylor, Lindsay Kleeman: Interactive SLAM using Laser and Advanced Sonar. ICRA 2005: 1103-1108
18 Lindsay Kleeman: Ultrasonic Sensors in Robotics. The Industrial Information Technology Handbook 2005: 1-7
17EEGeoffrey Taylor, Lindsay Kleeman: Stereoscopic Light Stripe Scanning: Interference Rejection, Error Minimization and Calibration. I. J. Robotic Res. 23(12): 1141-1155 (2004)
16EELindsay Kleeman: Advanced Sonar with Velocity Compensation. I. J. Robotic Res. 23(2): 111-126 (2004)
15EEGeoffrey Taylor, Lindsay Kleeman: Robust Range Data Segmentation using Geometric Primitives for Robotic Applications. SIP 2003: 467-472
14EELindsay Kleeman: Advanced Sonar Sensing. ISRR 2001: 485-498
13EEKok Seng Chong, Lindsay Kleeman: Mobile-Robot Map Building from an Advanced Sonar Array and Accurate Odometry. I. J. Robotic Res. 18(1): 20-36 (1999)
12EEKok Seng Chong, Lindsay Kleeman: Feature-Based Mapping in Real, Large Scale Environments Using an Ultrasonic Array. I. J. Robotic Res. 18(1): 3-19 (1999)
11EEAlexander Zelinsky, Andrew Russell, Lindsay Kleeman: Editorial. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 26(2-3): 77-79 (1999)
10 Teruko Yata, Lindsay Kleeman, Shin'ichi Yuta: Wall Following Using Angle Information Measured by a Single Ultrasonic Transducer. ICRA 1998: 1590-1596
9 Huzefa Akbarally, Lindsay Kleeman: A Sonar Sensor for Accurate 3D Target Localization and Classification. ICRA 1995: 3003-3008
8 Mun Li Hong, Lindsay Kleeman: A Low Sample Rate 3D Sonar Sensor for Mobile Robots. ICRA 1995: 3015-3020
7 Lindsay Kleeman, Roman Kuc: Mobile Robot Sonar for Target Localization and Classification. I. J. Robotic Res. 14(4): 295-318 (1995)
6 Lindsay Kleeman, Roman Kuc: An Optimal Sonar Array for Target Localization and Classification. ICRA 1994: 3130-3135
5 Lindsay Kleeman: The Jitter Model for Metastability and Its Application to Redundant Synchronizers. IEEE Trans. Computers 39(7): 930-942 (1990)
4 Lindsay Kleeman, Antonio Cantoni: On the Unavoidability of Metastable Behavior in Digital Systems. IEEE Trans. Computers 36(1): 109-112 (1987)
3 Lindsay Kleeman, Antonio Cantoni: The Analysis and Performance of Batching Arbiters. SIGMETRICS 1986: 35-43
2 Lindsay Kleeman, Antonio Cantoni: Can Redundancy and Masking Improve the Performance of Synchronizers? IEEE Trans. Computers 35(7): 643-646 (1986)
1 Antonio Cantoni, Lindsay Kleeman: Three Way Branching Self Consistency Checking of Hardware and Software. Softw., Pract. Exper. 16(11): 1053-1054 (1986)

Coauthor Index

1Huzefa Akbarally [9]
2Antonio Cantoni [1] [2] [3] [4]
3Kok Seng Chong [12] [13]
4Albert Diosi [19]
5Saeid Fazli [20] [24]
6Mun Li Hong [8]
7Roman Kuc [6] [7] [25]
8Wai Ho Li [21] [22] [27]
9M. Ziaur Rahman [26]
10Andrew Russell [11]
11R. Andrew Russell [23]
12Geoffrey Taylor [15] [17] [19]
13Teruko Yata [10]
14Shin'ichi Yuta [10]
15Alexander Zelinsky [11]
16Alan M. Zhang [21] [23]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)