
Peng Jin

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7EEPeng Jin, Xu Sun, Yunfang Wu, Shiwen Yu: Word Clustering for Collocation-Based Word Sense Disambiguation. CICLing 2007: 267-274
6EEPhil Jacobs, Aamir Zia, Okan Erdogan, Paul M. Belemjian, Peng Jin, Jin Woo Kim, Michael Chu, Russell P. Kraft, John F. McDonald: Amdahl's figure of merit, SiGe HBT BiCMOS, and 3D chip stacking. ICCD 2007: 202-207
5EEPeng Jin, Yunlong Zhu: Mining Customer Change Model Based on Swarm Intelligence. ICIC (2) 2007: 456-464
4EEYunfang Wu, Peng Jin, Yangsen Zhang, Shiwen Yu: A Chinese Corpus with Word Sense Annotation. ICCPOL 2006: 414-421
3EEPeng Jin, Yunlong Zhu, Sufen Li, Kunyuan Hu: Application Architecture of Data Mining in Telecom Customer Relationship Management Based on Swarm Intelligence. PRICAI 2006: 960-964
2EEJiyou Wang, Guorui Ji, Peng Jin, Lijuan Zhao, Cunzhou Zhang: Upconversion emission of a Er3+-doped glass microsphere under 633 nm excitation. Microelectronics Journal 35(4): 353-355 (2004)
1EEJiyou Wang, Guorui Ji, Peng Jin, Lijuan Zhao, Cunzhou Zhang: Erratum to "Upconversion emission of a Er3+-doped glass microsphere under 633 nm excitation" [Microelectronics Journal 35 (4) 353-355]. Microelectronics Journal 35(7): 627 (2004)

Coauthor Index

1Paul M. Belemjian [6]
2Michael Chu [6]
3Okan Erdogan [6]
4Kunyuan Hu [3]
5Phil Jacobs [6]
6Guorui Ji [1] [2]
7Jin Woo Kim [6]
8Russell P. Kraft [6]
9Sufen Li [3]
10John F. McDonald [6]
11Xu Sun [7]
12Jiyou Wang [1] [2]
13Yunfang Wu [4] [7]
14Shiwen Yu [4] [7]
15Cunzhou Zhang [1] [2]
16Yangsen Zhang [4]
17Lijuan Zhao [1] [2]
18Yunlong Zhu [3] [5]
19Aamir Zia [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)