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SC 1992: Minneapolis, MN, USA

Proceedings Supercomputing '92, November 16-20, 1992, Minneapolis, MN, USA. IEEE Computer Society, 1992, ISBN 0-8186-2630-5

Session 1: Panel - HPCCI in Review

Session 1: Performance Methodology

Session 1: Sparse Matrix Algorithms

Session 2: Numerical Applications

Session 2: Compiling for Cache and Register Efficiency

Session 2: Minisymposium

Session 3: Applications: Computational Fluid Dynamics

Session 3: Invited Speakers

Session 4: Minisymposium

Session 4: Numerical Algorithms

Session 4: Parallelizing Transformations

Session 5: Parallel Programming

Session 5: Visualization!

Session 6: Applications: Fluids, Particles, and Waves

Session 6: Shared-Memory Multiprocessors

Session 7: Cache Coherence 1

Session 7: Panel

Session 7: Performance Measurement

Session 8: Applications: Industrial Modeling

Session 8: Combinatorial and Symbolic Algorithms

Session 9: Interconnections 1

Session 9: Optimization and Debugging for Distributed Memory Machines

Session 9: Gordon Bell Prize Lectures

Session 10: Characterizing the Behavior of Algorithms on Caches

Session 10: Distributed Storage

Session 10: Invited Speakers

Session 11: Cache Coherence 2

Session 11: Distributed Computing

Session 11: Panel

Session 12: Interconnections 2

Session 12: Massively Parallel Systems

Session 12: Minisymposium

Session 13: Applications: Artificial Intelligence and Biosciences

Session 13: Panel

Session 13: Scheduling and Instruction-Level Optimization

Copyright © Sat May 16 23:36:55 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)