
Floyd B. Hanson

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9EEFloyd B. Hanson: Local supercomputing training in the computational sciences using remote national centers. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 19(8): 1335-1347 (2003)
8 Floyd B. Hanson, C. J. Pratico, M. S. Vetter, H. H. Xu: Multidimensional Visualization Applied to Renewable Resource Management. PPSC 1993: 1033-1036
7 Floyd B. Hanson, Jing-Dong Mei, Charles Tier, Huihuang Xu: PDAC: A Data Parallel Algorithm for the Performance Analysis of Closed Queueing Networks. Parallel Computing 19(12): 1345-1358 (1993)
6 C. J. Practico, Floyd B. Hanson, H. H. Xu, D. J. Jarvis, M. S. Vetter: Visualization for the Management of Renewable Resources in an Uncertain Environment. SC 1992: 258-266
5 H. H. Xu, Floyd B. Hanson, Siu Leung Chung: Optimal Data Parallel Methods for Stochastic Dynamical Programming. ICPP (3) 1991: 142-146
4 Siu Leung Chung, Floyd B. Hanson: Parallel Optimizations for Computational Stochastic Dynamic Programming. ICPP (3) 1990: 254-260
3EEFloyd B. Hanson: A real introduction to supercomputing: a user training course. SC 1990: 376-385
2 Floyd B. Hanson, Danny C. Sorensen: The SCHEDULE Parallel Programming Package with Recycling Job Queues and Iterated Dependency Graphs. Concurrency - Practice and Experience 2(1): 33-54 (1990)
1EEFloyd B. Hanson, T. Moher, N. Sabelli, Ann Solem: A training program for scientific supercomputing users. SC 1988: 342-349

Coauthor Index

1Siu Leung Chung [4] [5]
2D. J. Jarvis [6]
3Jing-Dong Mei [7]
4T. Moher [1]
5C. J. Practico [6]
6C. J. Pratico [8]
7N. Sabelli [1]
8Ann Solem [1]
9Danny C. Sorensen [2]
10Charles Tier [7]
11M. S. Vetter [6] [8]
12H. H. Xu [5] [6] [8]
13Huihuang Xu [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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