
David H. Bailey

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36EEJuan C. Meza, Scott Campbell, David H. Bailey: Mathematical and Statistical Opportunities in Cyber Security CoRR abs/0904.1616: (2009)
35EELin-Wang Wang, Byounghak Lee, Hongzhang Shan, Zhengji Zhao, Juan C. Meza, Erich Strohmaier, David H. Bailey: Linearly scaling 3D fragment method for large-scale electronic structure calculations. SC 2008: 65
34EEDavid H. Bailey: Book Review. Scientific Programming 16(1): 97-98 (2008)
33EEDavid H. Bailey, Jonathan M. Borwein: Effective Bounds in Euler-Maclaurin-Based Quadrature (Summary for HPCS06). HPCS 2006: 34
32EEPiotr Luszczek, David H. Bailey, Jack Dongarra, Jeremy Kepner, Robert F. Lucas, Rolf Rabenseifner, Daisuke Takahashi: S12 - The HPC Challenge (HPCC) benchmark suite. SC 2006: 213
31EEHongzhang Shan, Erich Strohmaier, Ji Qiang, David H. Bailey, Katherine A. Yelick: Particles and contiuum - Performance modeling and optimization of a high energy colliding beam simulation code. SC 2006: 97
30EEDavid H. Bailey: Accuracy and Reliability in Scientific Computing, by Bo Einarsson. Scientific Programming 14(1): 41-42 (2006)
29EEDavid H. Bailey, Allan Snavely: Performance Modeling: Understanding the Past and Predicting the Future. Euro-Par 2005: 185-195
28EEDavid H. Bailey, David John Broadhurst, Yozo Hida, Xiaoye S. Li, Brandon Thompson: High performance computing meets experimental mathematics. SC 2002: 1-12
27EEXiaoye S. Li, James Demmel, David H. Bailey, Greg Henry, Yozo Hida, Jimmy Iskandar, William Kahan, Suh Y. Kang, Anil Kapur, Michael C. Martin, Brandon Thompson, Teresa Tung, Daniel J. Yoo: Design, implementation and testing of extended and mixed precision BLAS. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 28(2): 152-205 (2002)
26EEYozo Hida, Xiaoye S. Li, David H. Bailey: Algorithms for Quad-Double Precision Floating Point Arithmetic. IEEE Symposium on Computer Arithmetic 2001: 155-162
25 David H. Bailey, David John Broadhurst: Parallel integer relation detection: Techniques and applications. Math. Comput. 70(236): 1719-1736 (2001)
24EEAdrian T. Wong, Leonid Oliker, William T. C. Kramer, Teresa L. Kaltz, David H. Bailey: System Utilization Benchmark on the Cray T3E and IBM SP. JSSPP 2000: 56-67
23EEAdrian T. Wong, Leonid Oliker, William T. C. Kramer, Teresa L. Kaltz, David H. Bailey: ESP: A System Utilization Benchmark. SC 2000
22 Helaman R. P. Ferguson, David H. Bailey, Steve Arno: Analysis of PSLQ, an integer relation finding algorithm. Math. Comput. 68(225): 351-369 (1999)
21 Alan H. Karp, Ewing L. Lusk, David H. Bailey: 1997 Gordon Bell Prize Winners. IEEE Computer 31: 86-92 (1998)
20 David H. Bailey: Onward to Petaflops Computing. Commun. ACM 40(6): 90-92 (1997)
19 Alan H. Karp, Al Geist, David H. Bailey: 1996 Gordon Bell Prize Winners. IEEE Computer 30(1): 80-85 (1997)
18 David H. Bailey, Jonathan M. Borwein, Richard E. Crandall: On the Khintchine constant . Math. Comput. 66(217): 417-431 (1997)
17 David H. Bailey, Jonathan M. Borwein, Roland Girgensohn: Finding New Mathematical Identities with Supercomputers. PPSC 1995: 245-248
16 David H. Bailey: Position Paper. PPSC 1995: 863-864
15EEDavid H. Bailey: A Fortran-90 Based Multiprecision System. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 21(4): 379-387 (1995)
14EEDavid H. Bailey: Unfavorable Strides in Cache Memory Systems (RNR Technical Report RNR-92-015). Scientific Programming 4(2): 53-58 (1995)
13 David H. Bailey, Robert Krasny, Richard B. Pelz: Multiple Precision, Multiple Processor Vortex Sheet Roll-Up Computation. PPSC 1993: 52-56
12EEDavid H. Bailey: RISC microprocessors and scientific computing. SC 1993: 645-654
11EEGary Mountry, David H. Bailey, Eugene D. Brooks III, David W. Forslund, Robert J. Harrison, Don Heller, Tom Kraay: Massively parallel vs. parallel vector supercomputers: a user's perspective (panel). SC 1993: 918-920
10EEDavid H. Bailey: Experience with Parallel Computers at NASA Ames. International Journal of High Speed Computing 5(1): 51-62 (1993)
9 David H. Bailey: Misleading Performance in the Supercomputing Field. SC 1992: 155-158
8 David H. Bailey, Leonardo Dagum, E. Barszcz, Horst D. Simon: NAS Parallel Benchmark Results. SC 1992: 386-393
7EEDavid H. Bailey: Misleading Performance Reporting in the Supercomputing Field. Scientific Programming 1(2): 141-151 (1992)
6EEDavid H. Bailey, E. Barszcz, J. T. Barton, D. S. Browning, Robert L. Carter, Leonardo Dagum, Rod Fatoohi, Paul O. Frederickson, T. A. Lasinski, Robert Schreiber, Horst D. Simon, V. Venkatakrishnan, Sisira Weeratunga: The NAS parallel benchmarks - summary and preliminary results. SC 1991: 158-165
5EEDavid H. Bailey, Paul O. Frederickson: Performance results for two of the NAS parallel benchmarks. SC 1991: 166-173
4 David H. Bailey: FFTs in External or Hierarchical Memory. PPSC 1989: 211-224
3EEDavid H. Bailey, H. R. P. Gerguson: A Strassen-Newton algorithm for high-speed parallelizable matrix inversion. SC 1988: 419-424
2 David H. Bailey: A High-Performance FFT Algorithm for Vector Supercomputers-Abstract. PPSC 1987: 114
1 David H. Bailey: Vector Computer Memory Bank Contention. IEEE Trans. Computers 36(3): 293-298 (1987)

Coauthor Index

1Steve Arno [22]
2E. Barszcz [6] [8]
3J. T. Barton [6]
4Jonathan M. Borwein [17] [18] [33]
5David John Broadhurst [25] [28]
6Eugene D. Brooks III [11]
7D. S. Browning [6]
8Scott Campbell [36]
9Robert L. Carter [6]
10Richard E. Crandall [18]
11Leonardo Dagum [6] [8]
12James Demmel [27]
13Jack Dongarra [32]
14Rod Fatoohi [6]
15Helaman R. P. Ferguson [22]
16David W. Forslund [11]
17Paul O. Frederickson [5] [6]
18Al Geist (G. A. Geist II) [19]
19H. R. P. Gerguson [3]
20Roland Girgensohn [17]
21Robert J. Harrison [11]
22Don Heller [11]
23Greg Henry [27]
24Yozo Hida [26] [27] [28]
25Jimmy Iskandar [27]
26William Kahan [27]
27Teresa L. Kaltz [23] [24]
28Suh Y. Kang [27]
29Anil Kapur [27]
30Alan H. Karp [19] [21]
31Jeremy Kepner [32]
32Tom Kraay [11]
33William T. C. Kramer [23] [24]
34Robert Krasny [13]
35T. A. Lasinski [6]
36Byounghak Lee [35]
37Xiaoye S. Li [26] [27] [28]
38Robert F. Lucas [32]
39Ewing L. Lusk [21]
40Piotr Luszczek [32]
41Michael C. Martin [27]
42Juan C. Meza [35] [36]
43Gary Mountry [11]
44Leonid Oliker [23] [24]
45Richard B. Pelz [13]
46Ji Qiang [31]
47Rolf Rabenseifner [32]
48Robert Schreiber [6]
49Hongzhang Shan [31] [35]
50Horst D. Simon [6] [8]
51Allan Snavely [29]
52Erich Strohmaier [31] [35]
53Daisuke Takahashi [32]
54Brandon Thompson [27] [28]
55Teresa Tung [27]
56V. Venkatakrishnan [6]
57Lin-Wang Wang [35]
58Sisira Weeratunga [6]
59Adrian T. Wong [23] [24]
60Katherine A. Yelick [31]
61Daniel J. Yoo [27]
62Zhengji Zhao [35]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)