
Hinrich Schütze

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33EEAlexander Fraser, Renjing Wang, Hinrich Schütze: Rich Bitext Projection Features for Parse Reranking. EACL 2009: 282-290
32EEKatrin Schweitzer, Michael Walsh, Bernd Möbius, Arndt Riester, Antje Schweitzer, Hinrich Schütze: Frequency Matters: Pitch Accents and Information Status. EACL 2009: 728-736
31EEHinrich Schütze, Michael Walsh: A Graph-theoretic Model of Lexical Syntactic Acquisition. EMNLP 2008: 917-926
30EENavin Goyal, Yury Lifshits, Hinrich Schütze: Disorder inequality: a combinatorial approach to nearest neighbor search. WSDM 2008: 25-32
29EEAndré Blessing, Hinrich Schütze: Automatic acquisition of vernacular places. iiWAS 2008: 662-665
28EEAndré Blessing, Reinhard Kuntz, Hinrich Schütze: Towards a context model driven german geo-tagging system. GIR 2007: 25-30
27EEEmre Velipasaoglu, Hinrich Schütze, Jan O. Pedersen: Improving active learning recall via disjunctive boolean constraints. SIGIR 2007: 893-894
26EEMichaela Atterer, Hinrich Schütze: Prepositional Phrase Attachment without Oracles. Computational Linguistics 33(4): 469-476 (2007)
25EEMichaela Atterer, Hinrich Schütze: The Effect of Corpus Size in Combining Supervised and Unsupervised Training for Disambiguation. ACL 2006
24EEHinrich Schütze, Emre Velipasaoglu, Jan O. Pedersen: Performance thresholding in practical text classification. CIKM 2006: 662-671
23EEAndré Blessing, Stefan Klatt, Hinrich Schütze, Daniela Nicklas, Steffen Volz: Language-Derived Information and Context Models. PerCom Workshops 2006: 24-29
22EEJeffrey T. Chang, Hinrich Schütze, Russ B. Altman: GAPSCORE: finding gene and protein names one word at a time. Bioinformatics 20(2): 216-225 (2004)
21EESoumya Raychaudhuri, Hinrich Schütze, Russ B. Altman: Inclusion of Textual Documentation in the Analysis of Multidimensional Data Sets: Application to Gene Expression Data. Machine Learning 52(1-2): 119-145 (2003)
20EEJames E. Pitkow, Hinrich Schütze, Todd A. Cass, Robert Cooley, Don Turnbull, Andy Edmonds, Eytan Adar, Thomas M. Breuel: Personalized search. Commun. ACM 45(9): 50-55 (2002)
19 Hinrich Schütze: Automatic Word Sense Discrimination. Computational Linguistics 24(1): 97-123 (1998)
18 Brett Kessler, Geoffrey Nunberg, Hinrich Schütze: Automatic Detection of Text Genre. ACL 1997: 32-38
17EEHinrich Schütze, Craig Silverstein: Projections for Efficient Document Clustering. SIGIR 1997: 74-81
16EEBrett Kessler, Geoffrey Nunberg, Hinrich Schütze: Automatic Detection of Text Genre CoRR cmp-lg/9707002: (1997)
15 Hinrich Schütze, Jan O. Pedersen: A Cooccurrence-Based Thesaurus and Two Applications to Information Retrieval. Inf. Process. Manage. 33(3): 307-318 (1997)
14EEDavid A. Hull, Jan O. Pedersen, Hinrich Schütze: Method Combination For Document Filtering. SIGIR 1996: 279-287
13EEDavid A. Hull, Gregory Grefenstette, B. Maximilian Schulze, Éric Gaussier, Hinrich Schütze, Jan O. Pedersen: Xerox TREC-5 Site Report: Routing, Filtering, NLP, and Spanish Tracks. TREC 1996
12EEHinrich Schütze, David A. Hull, Jan O. Pedersen: A Comparison of Classifiers and Document Representations for the Routing Problem. SIGIR 1995: 229-237
11EEMarti A. Hearst, Jan O. Pedersen, Peter Pirolli, Hinrich Schütze, Gregory Grefenstette, David A. Hull: Xerox Site Report: Four TREC-4 Tracks. TREC 1995
10EEHinrich Schütze: Distributional Part-of-Speech Tagging CoRR cmp-lg/9503009: (1995)
9 Hinrich Schütze, Yoram Singer: Part-of-Speech Tagging using a Variable Memory Markov Model. ACL 1994: 181-187
8 Hinrich Schütze, Jan Pedersen: A Cooccurence-Based. Thesaurus and two Applications on Information Retrieval. RIAO 1994: 266-275
7 Hinrich Schütze, Jan O. Pedersen, Marti A. Hearst: Xerox TREC-3 Report: Combining Exact and Fuzzy Predictors. TREC 1994: 0-
6 Hinrich Schütze: Part-of-Speech Induction from Scratch. ACL 1993: 251-258
5EEHinrich Schütze: Word Space. NIPS 1992: 895-902
4 Hinrich Schütze: Dimensions of Meaning. SC 1992: 787-796
3 Hideyuki Nakashima, Stanley Peters, Hinrich Schütze: Communication and Inference through Situations. IJCAI 1991: 75-81
2 Godehard Link, Hinrich Schütze: The Treatment of Plurality in L-LILOG. Text Understanding in LILOG 1991: 342-352
1 Hinrich Schütze: Pluralbehandlung in natürlichsprachlichen Wissensverabeitungssystemen IWBS Report 73: (1989)

Coauthor Index

1Eytan Adar [20]
2Russ B. Altman [21] [22]
3Michaela Atterer [25] [26]
4André Blessing [23] [28] [29]
5Thomas M. Breuel [20]
6Todd A. Cass [20]
7Jeffrey T. Chang [22]
8Robert Cooley [20]
9Andy Edmonds [20]
10Alexander Fraser [33]
11Éric Gaussier [13]
12Navin Goyal [30]
13Gregory Grefenstette [11] [13]
14Marti A. Hearst [7] [11]
15David A. Hull [11] [12] [13] [14]
16Brett Kessler [16] [18]
17Stefan Klatt [23]
18Reinhard Kuntz [28]
19Yury Lifshits [30]
20Godehard Link [2]
21Bernd Möbius [32]
22Hideyuki Nakashima [3]
23Daniela Nicklas [23]
24Geoffrey Nunberg [16] [18]
25Jan Pedersen [8]
26Jan O. Pedersen [7] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [24] [27]
27Stanley Peters [3]
28Peter Pirolli [11]
29James E. Pitkow [20]
30Soumya Raychaudhuri [21]
31Arndt Riester [32]
32B. Maximilian Schulze [13]
33Antje Schweitzer [32]
34Katrin Schweitzer [32]
35Craig Silverstein [17]
36Yoram Singer [9]
37Don Turnbull [20]
38Emre Velipasaoglu [24] [27]
39Steffen Volz [23]
40Michael Walsh [31] [32]
41Renjing Wang [33]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)