
John K. Salmon

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15EEJohn P. Grossman, Cliff Young, Joseph A. Bank, Kenneth Mackenzie, Doug Ierardi, John K. Salmon, Ron O. Dror, David E. Shaw: Simulation and embedded software development for Anton, a parallel machine with heterogeneous multicore ASICs. CODES+ISSS 2008: 125-130
14EERichard H. Larson, John K. Salmon, Ron O. Dror, Martin M. Deneroff, Cliff Young, John P. Grossman, Yibing Shan, John L. Klepeis, David E. Shaw: High-throughput pairwise point interactions in Anton, a specialized machine for molecular dynamics simulation. HPCA 2008: 331-342
13EEJohn P. Grossman, John K. Salmon, Richard C. Ho, Doug Ierardi, Brian Towles, Brannon Batson, Jochen Spengler, Stanley C. Wang, Rolf Mueller, Michael Theobald, Cliff Young, Joseph Gagliardo, Martin M. Deneroff, Ron O. Dror, David E. Shaw: Hierarchical simulation-based verification of Anton, a special-purpose parallel machine. ICCD 2008: 340-347
12EEDavid E. Shaw, Martin M. Deneroff, Ron O. Dror, Jeffrey Kuskin, Richard H. Larson, John K. Salmon, Cliff Young, Brannon Batson, Kevin J. Bowers, Jack C. Chao, Michael P. Eastwood, Joseph Gagliardo, John P. Grossman, Richard C. Ho, Doug Ierardi, István Kolossváry, John L. Klepeis, Timothy Layman, Christine McLeavey, Mark A. Moraes, Rolf Mueller, Edward C. Priest, Yibing Shan, Jochen Spengler, Michael Theobald, Brian Towles, Stanley C. Wang: Anton, a special-purpose machine for molecular dynamics simulation. Commun. ACM 51(7): 91-97 (2008)
11EEDavid E. Shaw, Martin M. Deneroff, Ron O. Dror, Jeffrey Kuskin, Richard H. Larson, John K. Salmon, Cliff Young, Brannon Batson, Kevin J. Bowers, Jack C. Chao, Michael P. Eastwood, Joseph Gagliardo, John P. Grossman, Richard C. Ho, Doug Ierardi, István Kolossváry, John L. Klepeis, Timothy Layman, Christine McLeavey, Mark A. Moraes, Rolf Mueller, Edward C. Priest, Yibing Shan, Jochen Spengler, Michael Theobald, Brian Towles, Stanley C. Wang: Anton, a special-purpose machine for molecular dynamics simulation. ISCA 2007: 1-12
10EEKevin J. Bowers, Edmond Chow, Huafeng Xu, Ron O. Dror, Michael P. Eastwood, Brent A. Gregersen, John L. Klepeis, István Kolossváry, Mark A. Moraes, Federico D. Sacerdoti, John K. Salmon, Yibing Shan, David E. Shaw: Molecular dynamics - Scalable algorithms for molecular dynamics simulations on commodity clusters. SC 2006: 84
9EEJohn K. Salmon, Thomas L. Sterling, Rajesh Bordawekar, Christopher Stein: Scaling of Beowulf-Class Distributed Systems. HPDC 1998: 368-369
8 Michael S. Warren, Donald J. Becker, M. Patrick Goda, John K. Salmon, Thomas L. Sterling: Parallel Supercomputing with Commodity Components. PDPTA 1997: 1372-1381
7 John K. Salmon, Michael S. Warren: Parallel, Out-of-Core Methods for N-body Simulation. PPSC 1997
6 David W. Pfitzner, John K. Salmon, Thomas L. Sterling: Halo World: Tools for Parallel Cluster Finding in Astrophysical N-body Simulations. Data Min. Knowl. Discov. 1(4): 419-438 (1997)
5 David W. Pfitzner, John K. Salmon: Parallel Halo Finding in N-Body Cosmology Simulations. KDD 1996: 26-31
4 G. S. Winckelmans, John K. Salmon, Michael S. Warren, A. Leonard: The Fast Solution of Three-Dimensional Fluid Dynamical N-Body Problems Using Parallel Tree Codes: Vortex Element Method and Boundary Element Method. PPSC 1995: 301-306
3 Michael S. Warren, John K. Salmon: A Parallel, Portable and Versatile Treecode. PPSC 1995: 319-324
2EEMichael S. Warren, John K. Salmon: A parallel hashed Oct-Tree N-body algorithm. SC 1993: 12-21
1 Michael S. Warren, John K. Salmon: Astrophysical N-body Simulations Using Hierarchical Tree Data Structures. SC 1992: 570-576

Coauthor Index

1Joseph A. Bank [15]
2Brannon Batson [11] [12] [13]
3Donald J. Becker [8]
4Rajesh Bordawekar [9]
5Kevin J. Bowers [10] [11] [12]
6Jack C. Chao [11] [12]
7Edmond Chow [10]
8Martin M. Deneroff [11] [12] [13] [14]
9Ron O. Dror [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15]
10Michael P. Eastwood [10] [11] [12]
11Joseph Gagliardo [11] [12] [13]
12M. Patrick Goda [8]
13Brent A. Gregersen [10]
14John P. Grossman [11] [12] [13] [14] [15]
15Richard C. Ho [11] [12] [13]
16Doug Ierardi [11] [12] [13] [15]
17John L. Klepeis [10] [11] [12] [14]
18István Kolossváry [10] [11] [12]
19Jeffrey Kuskin [11] [12]
20Richard H. Larson [11] [12] [14]
21Timothy Layman [11] [12]
22A. Leonard [4]
23Kenneth Mackenzie [15]
24Christine McLeavey [11] [12]
25Mark A. Moraes [10] [11] [12]
26Rolf Mueller [11] [12] [13]
27David W. Pfitzner [5] [6]
28Edward C. Priest [11] [12]
29Federico D. Sacerdoti [10]
30Yibing Shan [10] [11] [12] [14]
31David E. Shaw [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15]
32Jochen Spengler [11] [12] [13]
33Christopher Stein [9]
34Thomas L. Sterling [6] [8] [9]
35Michael Theobald [11] [12] [13]
36Brian Towles [11] [12] [13]
37Stanley C. Wang [11] [12] [13]
38Michael S. Warren [1] [2] [3] [4] [7] [8]
39G. S. Winckelmans [4]
40Huafeng Xu [10]
41Cliff Young [11] [12] [13] [14] [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)