
Michael Gerndt

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65 Houssam Haitof, Hans-Dieter Wehle, Michael Gerndt: FinGrid Accounting and Billing. BPSC 2009: 167-178
64EEFrancisco Almeida, Michael Gerndt, Adolfy Hoisie, Martin Schulz: Topic 2: Performance Prediction and Evaluation. Euro-Par 2008: 89
63EEMichael Gerndt, Edmond Kereku: Search Strategies for Automatic Performance Analysis Tools. Euro-Par 2007: 129-138
62EEKarl Fürlinger, Michael Gerndt, Jack Dongarra: On Using Incremental Profiling for the Performance Analysis of Shared Memory Parallel Applications. Euro-Par 2007: 62-71
61EEKarl Fürlinger, Michael Gerndt, Jack Dongarra: Scalability Analysis of the SPEC OpenMP Benchmarks on Large-Scale Shared Memory Multiprocessors. International Conference on Computational Science (2) 2007: 815-822
60EEMichael Gerndt, Edmond Kereku: Automatic Memory Access Analysis with Periscope. International Conference on Computational Science (2) 2007: 847-854
59 Michael Gerndt, Sebastian Strohhäcker: Distribution of Periscope Analysis Agents on ALTIX 4700. PARCO 2007: 113-120
58EEMichael Gerndt, John Gurd: Special Issue: European-American Working Group on Automatic Performance Analysis (APART). Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 19(11): 1447-1449 (2007)
57EEMichael Gerndt, Karl Fürlinger: Specification and detection of performance problems with ASL. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 19(11): 1451-1464 (2007)
56EEMichael Gerndt, Bernd Mohr, Jesper Larsson Träff: A test suite for parallel performance analysis tools. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 19(11): 1465-1480 (2007)
55 Michael Gerndt, Allen D. Malony, Barton P. Miller, Wolfgang E. Nagel: Automatic Performance Analysis, 12.-16. December 2005 Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum für Informatik (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany 2006
54 Michael Gerndt, Dieter Kranzlmüller: High Performance Computing and Communications, Second International Conference, HPCC 2006, Munich, Germany, September 13-15, 2006, Proceedings Springer 2006
53EEEdmond Kereku, Michael Gerndt: The monitoring request interface (MRI). IPDPS 2006
52EEKarl Fürlinger, Michael Gerndt: Finding Inefficiencies in OpenMP Applications Automatically with Periscope. International Conference on Computational Science (2) 2006: 494-501
51EEKarl Fürlinger, Michael Gerndt: Automated Performance Analysis Using ASL Performance Properties. PARA 2006: 390-397
50EEEdmond Kereku, Michael Gerndt: Automatic Monitoring of Memory Hierarchies in Threaded Applications with AMEBA. PARA 2006: 420-429
49EEKarl Fürlinger, Michael Gerndt: Analyzing Overheads and Scalability Characteristics of OpenMP Applications. VECPAR 2006: 39-51
48EEMichael Gerndt, Allen D. Malony, Barton P. Miller, Wolfgang E. Nagel: 05501 Abstracts Collection - Automatic Performance Analysis. Automatic Performance Analysis 2005
47EEMichael Gerndt, Allen D. Malony, Barton P. Miller, Wolfgang E. Nagel: 05501 Summary - Automatic Performance Analysis. Automatic Performance Analysis 2005
46EETianchao Li, Michael Gerndt: Performance Cockpit: An Extensible GUI Platform for Performance Tools. Euro-Par 2005: 104-113
45EEKarl Fürlinger, Michael Gerndt: Performance Analysis of Shared-Memory Parallel Applications Using Performance Properties. HPCC 2005: 595-604
44 Edmond Kereku, Michael Gerndt: The EP-Cache Automatic Monitoring System. IASTED PDCS 2005: 39-44
43EEMichael Gerndt, Tianchao Li: Automated Analysis of Memory Access Behavior. IPDPS 2005
42EETianchao Li, Michael Gerndt: SMART: A Simulation Tool for Analyzing Cache Access Behavior on SMPs. MASCOTS 2005: 525-528
41 Michael Gerndt, Karl Fürlinger, Edmond Kereku: Periscope: Advanced Techniques for Performance Analysis. PARCO 2005: 15-26
40EEMichael Gerndt: Automatic performance analysis tools for the Grid. Concurrency - Practice and Experience 17(2-4): 99-115 (2005)
39EEThomas Brandes, Helmut Schwamborn, Michael Gerndt, Jürgen Jeitner, Edmond Kereku, Martin Schulz, Holger Brunst, Wolfgang E. Nagel, Reinhard Neumann, Ralph Müller-Pfefferkorn, Bernd Trenkler, Wolfgang Karl, Jie Tao, Hans-Christian Hoppe: Monitoring cache behavior on parallel SMP architectures and related programming tools. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 21(8): 1298-1311 (2005)
38EEEdmond Kereku, Tianchao Li, Michael Gerndt, Josef Weidendorfer: A Data Structure Oriented Monitoring Environment for Fortran OpenMP Programs. Euro-Par 2004: 133-140
37EEMichael Gerndt, Bernd Mohr, Jesper Larsson Träff: Evaluating OpenMP Performance Analysis Tools with the APART Test Suite. Euro-Par 2004: 155-162
36EEKarl Fürlinger, Michael Gerndt: Distributed Application Monitoring for Clustered SMP Architectures. Euro-Par 2003: 127-134
35EEMichael Gerndt, Chau-Wen Tseng, Michael F. P. O'Boyle, Markus Schordan: Topic Introduction. Euro-Par 2003: 241
34EEKarl Fürlinger, Michael Gerndt: Distributed Configurable Application Monitoring on SMP Clusters. PVM/MPI 2003: 429-437
33EEMichael Gerndt, Andreas Schmidt, Martin Schulz, Roland Wismüller: Performance Analysis for Teraflop Computers: A Distributed Automatic Approach. PDP 2002: 23-30
32EEMichael Gerndt: Performance Analysis: Necessity or Add-on in Grid Computing. PVM/MPI 2002: 11
31 Michael Gerndt: Guest-Editorial: PADDA 2001. Scientific Programming 10(1): 1-2 (2002)
30EEMichael Gerndt: Topic 01: Support Tools and Environments. Euro-Par 2001: 34-35
29 Michael Gerndt: Towards automatic performance debugging tools. AADEBUG 2000
28EEBarton P. Miller, Michael Gerndt: Support Tools and Environments. Euro-Par 2000: 45-46
27EEThomas Fahringer, Michael Gerndt, Graham D. Riley, Jesper Larsson Träff: Specification of Performance Problems in MPI Programs with ASL. ICPP 2000: 51-
26EEMichael Gerndt, Hans-Georg Eßer: Specification Techniques for Automatic Performance Analysis Tools. IPDPS Workshops 2000: 269-276
25EEThomas Fahringer, Michael Gerndt, Graham D. Riley, Jesper Larsson Träff: On Performance Modeling for HPF Applications with ASL. ISHPC 2000: 191-204
24EEThomas Fahringer, Michael Gerndt, Graham D. Riley, Jesper Larsson Träff: Formalizing OpenMP Performance Properties with ASL. ISHPC 2000: 428-439
23 Michael Gerndt: High-Level Programming of Massively Parallel Computers Based on Shared Virtual Memory. Parallel Computing 24(3-4): 383-400 (1998)
22 Michael Gerndt: Sprachunterstützung zur Programmierung von Multiprozessorsystemen mit Shared Virtual Memory. GI Jahrestagung 1997: 466-475
21EEMichael Gerndt, Andreas Krumme: A Rule-based Approach for Automatic Bottleneck Detection in Programs on Shared. HIPS 1997: 93-
20 Michael Gerndt: Unstructured Templates for Programming Irregular Grid Applications on High Performance Computers. PARCO 1997: 251-260
19 Michael Gerndt, Andreas Krumme: Program Optimization for Shared Virtual Memory Systems. HPCN Europe 1996: 1001-1002
18EEMichael Gerndt: "Programming Shared Virtual Memory Multiprocessor". PDP 1996: 2-10
17 Michael Gerndt, Rudolf Berrendorf: Parallelizing applications with SVM-Fortran. HPCN Europe 1995: 793-798
16 Ulrich Detert, Michael Gerndt: TOP2 Tool Suite for the Development and Testing of Parallel Applications. CONPAR 1994: 196-207
15 Rudolf Berrendorf, Michael Gerndt, Zakaria Lahjomri, Thierry Priol: A Comparison of Shared Virtual Memory and Message Passing Programming Techniques Based on a Finite Element Application. CONPAR 1994: 461-472
14 Michael Gerndt: Automatic Parallelization of a Crystal Growth Simulation Program for Distributed-Memory Systems. HPCN 1994: 281-286
13 Rudolf Berrendorf, Ulrich Detert, Jutta Docter, U. Ehrhart, Michael Gerndt, Inge Gutheil, R. Knecht: Massively Parallel Computing in a Proction Environment iPSC/860 Installation at KFA Jülich. GI Jahrestagung 1993: 489-494
12 Peter Brezany, Michael Gerndt, Piyush Mehrotra, Hans P. Zima: Concurrent File Operations in a High Performance FORTRAN. SC 1992: 230-237
11 Michael Gerndt, Hans Moritsch: Parallelization for Multiprocessors with Memory Hierarchies. ACPC 1991: 89-101
10 Michael Gerndt: Parallelization of Multigrid Programs in SUPERB. EDMCC 1991: 62-72
9EEMichael Gerndt: Work distribution in parallel programs for distributed memory multiprocessors. ICS 1991: 96-104
8 Michael Gerndt, Hans P. Zima: Optimizing Communication in Superb. CONPAR 1990: 300-311
7 Michael Gerndt: Updating Distributed Variables in Local Computations. Concurrency - Practice and Experience 2(3): 171-193 (1990)
6 Michael Gerndt, Clemens-August Thole, Ulrich Trottenberg, Hans P. Zima: Parallelisierung auf SUPRENUM. Informatik Spektrum 13(5): 247-259 (1990)
5EEMichael Gerndt: Array distribution in SUPERB. ICS 1989: 164-174
4EEHans P. Zima, Heinz-J. Bast, Michael Gerndt: SUPERB: A tool for semi-automatic MIMD/SIMD parallelization. Parallel Computing 6(1): 1-18 (1988)
3EEUlrich Kremer, Heinz-J. Bast, Michael Gerndt, Hans P. Zima: Advanced tools and techniques for automatic parallelization. Parallel Computing 7(3): 387-393 (1988)
2 Michael Gerndt, Hans P. Zima: MIMD-Parallelization for SUPENUM. ICS 1987: 278-293
1 Hans P. Zima, Heinz-J. Bast, Michael Gerndt, Peter J. Hoppen: Semi-Automatic Parallelization of Fortran Programs. CONPAR 1986: 287-294

Coauthor Index

1Francisco Almeida [64]
2Heinz-J. Bast [1] [3] [4]
3Rudolf Berrendorf [13] [15] [17]
4Thomas Brandes [39]
5Peter Brezany [12]
6Holger Brunst [39]
7Ulrich Detert [13] [16]
8Jutta Docter [13]
9Jack Dongarra [61] [62]
10U. Ehrhart [13]
11Hans-Georg Eßer [26]
12Thomas Fahringer [24] [25] [27]
13Karl Fürlinger [34] [36] [41] [45] [49] [51] [52] [57] [61] [62]
14John Gurd [58]
15Inge Gutheil [13]
16Houssam Haitof [65]
17Adolfy Hoisie [64]
18Hans-Christian Hoppe [39]
19Peter J. Hoppen [1]
20Jürgen Jeitner [39]
21Wolfgang Karl [39]
22Edmond Kereku [38] [39] [41] [44] [50] [53] [60] [63]
23R. Knecht [13]
24Dieter Kranzlmüller [54]
25Ulrich Kremer [3]
26Andreas Krumme [19] [21]
27Zakaria Lahjomri [15]
28Tianchao Li [38] [42] [43] [46]
29Allen D. Malony [47] [48] [55]
30Piyush Mehrotra [12]
31Barton P. Miller [28] [47] [48] [55]
32Bernd Mohr [37] [56]
33Hans Moritsch [11]
34Ralph Müller-Pfefferkorn [39]
35Wolfgang E. Nagel [39] [47] [48] [55]
36Reinhard Neumann [39]
37Michael F. P. O'Boyle [35]
38Thierry Priol [15]
39Graham D. Riley [24] [25] [27]
40Andreas Schmidt [33]
41Markus Schordan [35]
42Martin Schulz [33] [39] [64]
43Helmut Schwamborn [39]
44Sebastian Strohhäcker [59]
45Jie Tao [39]
46Clemens-August Thole [6]
47Jesper Larsson Träff [24] [25] [27] [37] [56]
48Bernd Trenkler [39]
49Ulrich Trottenberg [6]
50Chau-Wen Tseng [35]
51Hans-Dieter Wehle [65]
52Josef Weidendorfer [38]
53Roland Wismüller [33]
54Hans P. Zima [1] [2] [3] [4] [6] [8] [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)