
Kirk E. Jordan

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10 William D. Gropp, Wolfgang Frings, Marc-André Hermanns, Ed Jedlicka, Kirk E. Jordan, Fred Mintzer, Boris Orth: Scaling Science Applications on Blue Gene. PARCO 2007: 583-584
9EESteve Burbeck, Kirk E. Jordan: Preface. IBM Journal of Research and Development 50(6): 527-528 (2006)
8EESteve Burbeck, Kirk E. Jordan: An assessment of the role of computing in systems biology. IBM Journal of Research and Development 50(6): 529-544 (2006)
7EEKirk E. Jordan: Preface. IBM Journal of Research and Development 48(2): 151-152 (2004)
6EEGeorge I. Fann, Gregory Beylkin, Robert J. Harrison, Kirk E. Jordan: Singular operators in multiwavelet bases. IBM Journal of Research and Development 48(2): 161-172 (2004)
5 Robert Haimes, Kirk E. Jordan: Using PVM and MPI for Co-processed, Distributed and Parallel Scientific Visualization. IPPS/SPDP Workshops 1998: 1098-1105
4 Adam Greenberg, Marcelo Rame, Kirk E. Jordan, Mary Wheeler: UTCHEM: A Chemical Flood Simulator on the CM5. PPSC 1993: 1011-1014
3 Andrei V. Malevsky, David A. Yuen, Kirk E. Jordan: Simulation of Particle Mixing by Turbulent Convective Flows on the Connection Machine. SC 1992: 294-300
2 Kirk E. Jordan: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly: Comparing High Speed Computer Systems. COMPCON 1988: 90-96
1 Kirk E. Jordan: Performance Comparison of Large-Scale Scientific Computers: Scalar Mainframes, Mainframes with Integrated Vector Facilities, and Supercomputers. IEEE Computer 20(3): 10-23 (1987)

Coauthor Index

1Gregory Beylkin [6]
2Steve Burbeck [8] [9]
3George I. Fann [6]
4Wolfgang Frings [10]
5Adam Greenberg [4]
6William Gropp (William D. Gropp, Bill Gropp) [10]
7Robert Haimes [5]
8Robert J. Harrison [6]
9Marc-André Hermanns [10]
10Ed Jedlicka [10]
11Andrei V. Malevsky [3]
12Fred Mintzer (Frederick C. Mintzer) [10]
13Boris Orth [10]
14Marcelo Rame [4]
15Mary Wheeler [4]
16David A. Yuen [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)