Kinshuk, Demetrios G. Sampson, Pedro T. Isaías (Eds.):
Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (CELDA'04), Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 15-17 December 2004.
IADIS 2004 BibTeX
Full Papers
- Scott M. Stevens, Dean Zollman, Brian Adrian, Chih-Yu Chao, Harry Ulrich:
A Dynamic Digital Environment For The Exploratory Learning of Physics Pedagog.
3-10 BibTeX
- Ryo Takaoka, Toshio Okamoto:
Collaborative Task and Communication Protocol Among Pedagogical Agents in Teaching Task.
11-18 BibTeX
- Monica Divitini, Magnus Jenssen, Kristin Skau:
Think Globally, Act Locally: Promoting Pre-School Learning about other Cultures.
19-26 BibTeX
- Lyn Pemberton, Sanaz Fallahkhair, Judith Masthoff:
Towards a Theoretical Framework for Informal Language Learning Via Interactive Television.
27-34 BibTeX
- Sara Freitas, Mark Levene:
An Investigation of the Use of Simulations and Video Gaming for Supporting Exploratory Learning and Developing Higher-Order Cognitive Skills.
35-42 BibTeX
- Katerina Georgouli:
WASA: An Intelligent Agent for Web-Based Self-Assessment.
43-50 BibTeX
- Pythagoras Karampiperis, Demetrios G. Sampson:
A Flexible Authoring Tool Supporting Learning Activities.
51-58 BibTeX
- Óscar Narciso Mortágua Pereira, Joaquim Henriques de Sousa Pinto:
abcnet: Literacy Tool Based on Entities.
59-66 BibTeX
- Akihiro Kashihara, Shinobu Hasegawa:
Designing Meta-Learning Tool for Learning Web Contents.
67-74 BibTeX
- John Dickey, Richard Larkin:
Conceptualizing Student Learning Theory.
75-82 BibTeX
- Markus Kuhn, Heinz Ulrich Hoppe, Andreas Lingnau, Martin Fendrich:
Evaluation of Exploratory Approaches in Learning Probability Based on Computational Modelling andSimulation.
83-90 BibTeX
- Giuliana Dettori, Paola Forcheri:
Fostering Prospective Teachers Abilities of Learning to Learn Within an ICT Preparation Course.
91-98 BibTeX
- Miika Marttunen, Leena Laurinen:
Experiences of the Use of Argumentation Visualisation in Secondary Schools.
99-106 BibTeX
- Kay Hoeksema, Heinz Ulrich Hoppe:
Combining Interactive Modelling and Scientific Discovery in the Classroom.
107-114 BibTeX
- Anna Angelini, Enrica Gentile, Umberto Ostello, Paola Plantamura:
Pedagogical Support at the E-Learning Courseware: An Intelligent Software Agent.
115-121 BibTeX
- Elena Zaitseva, Frances Bell, Janice Whatley, J. Shaylor:
Peer-Evaluation in Multi-Cultural Context: Language and Culture Issues in International Collaborative Project.
122-130 BibTeX
- Kam Vat:
Toward A Learning Organization Model for Student Empowerment: A Teacher-Designer's Experience as A Coach by the Side.
131-140 BibTeX
- Hiroshi Matsuda, Yoshiaki Shindo:
Prototype of Cyber Assistant Professor: CAP.
141-148 BibTeX
- Eric Weis, Jamie Efaw:
Using Blackboard, Instead of a Blackboard, in the Classroom.
149-156 BibTeX
- Hiroshi Matsuda, Yoshiaki Shindo:
Creative Lesson by Using Cyber Theater and CTSL Learning KIT.
157-164 BibTeX
- Ryo Nagata, Fumito Masui, Atsuo Kawai, Naoki Isu:
Recognizing Article Errors Based on the Three Head Words.
165-172 BibTeX
- Tenaha O'Reilly, Grant Sinclair, Danielle S. McNamara:
iStart: A Web-Based Reading Strategy Intervention That Improves Students's Science Comprehension.
173-180 BibTeX
- Ylva Fernaeus, Christina Aderklou, Jakob Tholander:
Computational Literacy at Work Children's Construction of Digital Material.
181-188 BibTeX
- Janet Aisbett, Greg Gibbon:
Problem Based Learning in the Digital Age: A Case Study on Digital Entertainment.
189-194 BibTeX
- Tzu-Chien Liu:
Web-Based Cognitive Apprenticeship Model for Scaffolding Pre-Service Teacher's Learning of Instructional Planning.
195-203 BibTeX
- Jun-Ming Su, Shian-Shyong Tseng, Chia-Yu Chen, Jui-Feng Weng:
Constructing Scorm Compliant Course Based on High Level Petri Nets.
204-216 BibTeX
- Hiroyuki Mitsuhara, Kazuhide Kanenishi, Yoneo Yano:
Adaptive Link Generation for Multiperspective Thinking in Web-Based Exploratory Learning.
217-223 BibTeX
- Knut Ekker:
User Satisfaction and Attitudes Towards an Internet-Based Simulation.
224-232 BibTeX
- Suzanne Riverin, Elizabeth Stacey:
Investigating a Network: Online Communities and Peer Support.
233-240 BibTeX
- Jin Yang, Ming Huang:
A Case Study on Research Assistant System From Knowledge Management Perspective.
241-248 BibTeX
- Anne Lejeune, Jean-Philippe Pernin:
A Taxonomy for Scenario-Based Engineering.
249-256 BibTeX
- Jamie Efaw, Jennifer Bailey:
The Impact of Personality and Learning Styles on the Use of Laptop Computers in the Classroom.
257-264 BibTeX
- Christoph Noor, Jacobijn Sandberg, Bob J. Wielinga:
Measuring Learning Effects of a Gaming-Simulation Environment for the Domain of Knowledge Management.
265-272 BibTeX
- Ron Stevens, Amy Soller, Melanie Cooper, Marcia Sprang:
Modeling the Development of Scientific Competence in Chemistry.
273-280 BibTeX
- Gordon Russell, Andrew Cumming:
Improving the Student Learning Experience for SQL Using Automatic Marking.
281-288 BibTeX
- Charoula Angeli, Nicos Valanides:
Thinking about Complex Problems with Modeling Software: The Role of Cognitive Style and Visual and Textual Representations.
289-296 BibTeX
- Rachel Harris, Alison Muirhead, John Hall:
Approaches to Assessing the Impact of E-Learning on Attainment II: The English Further Education Secor.
297-304 BibTeX
- Yoram Eshet:
Learning with Technology: The Way we Think in the Digital ERA.
305-310 BibTeX
- Erica Melis:
Erroneous Examples as a Source of Learning in Mathematics.
311-318 BibTeX
- Maria Benini, Irene Karaguilla Ficheman, Marcelo Knörich Zuffo, Roseli de Deus Lopes, Leandro Batista:
Editor Musical: A Case of Interface Usability for Children.
319-326 BibTeX
- Gaetano La Russa, Esko Marjomaa:
Robo-Elc: A Robotic Adaptive Learning Appliance.
327-334 BibTeX
- Wendy Doube, Juhani Tuovinen, Dale Shaffer:
Selecting Multimedia Interactions to Build Knowledge Structures.
335-342 BibTeX
- Taiyu Lin, Kinshuk, Paul McNab:
Modelling Inductive Reasoning Ability for Adaptive Virtual Learning Environment.
343-349 BibTeX
- Olga Kriskaya:
Learning from Imaging Experiences: Viewing, Visualization and the Genesis of Epistemological Interpretations.
350-357 BibTeX
- Lindsey Marshall, Lester Meachem:
Driving or Driven: Steering Technology within an Art & Design Higher Education Curriculum.
358-365 BibTeX
- Claudia Roda:
Participatory System Design as a Tool for Learning.
366-372 BibTeX
- Liana Razmerita, Thierry Nabeth, Albert A. Angehrn, Claudia Roda:
Inca: An Intelligent Cognitive Agent-Based Framework for Adaptive and Interactive Learning.
373-382 BibTeX
Short Papers
- Iro Voulgari, Theodora Patsalou, Drakoulis Martakos:
Social Interaction in Multi-User Game-Like Environments.
383-386 BibTeX
- Martin Vogel, Lothar Kreft:
Group-Oriented Learning and Active Student Participation in Electronic Learning Environments.
387-390 BibTeX
- Mary Uliscak, Jim Turner:
Astroversity - The Development of a Network Learning Game that Teaches Collaborative Techniques.
391-395 BibTeX
- Miroljub Kljajic, Vardan Mkrttchian, Andrej Skraba:
Collaborative Learning and Organization Concept of Virtual University Education.
396-399 BibTeX
- Burkhard Priemer, Maria Ploog:
Students Text-Production Methods when Learning with the Internet.
400-403 BibTeX
- Effie Lai-Chong Law, Borka Jerman-Blazic:
Assessment of User Rationality and Adaptivity: A Case Study.
404-408 BibTeX
- Piedale Carvalho:
continuing Training Strategies in Europe.
409-412 BibTeX
- Patrice Renaud, Guillaume Albert, Louise Sauvé, Lise Renaud, Jean Décarie, Stéphane Bouchard:
Assessing Perceptual Learning Dynamics During Visual Search in Virtual Immersion Using Eye-Tracking Technologies.
413-418 BibTeX
- Philipp Hutterer, Ozgur Eris, Malte Jung, Larry J. Leifer, Udo Lindemann, Ade Mabogunje:
Waht do Designers Really Need? - An Explorative Experiment Before Developing Teaching Tools and Methods.
419-422 BibTeX
- Michael Eisenberg, Leah Buechley, Nwanua Elumeze:
Computation and Construction Kits: Toward the Next Generation of Tangible Building Media for Children.
423-426 BibTeX
- David White:
Giving Context to Teaching and Learning: An Explicit Depiction of Topics, Activities, Resources and Participants.
427-431 BibTeX
- Sofoklis Sotiriou, Eleni Chatzichristou, Stavros Savvas, Nikolaos Ouzounoglou, Lynn D. Dierking, Salt Hannu Sakari, Avi Hofstein, Sherman Rosenfeld:
Connect: Designing the Classroom of Tomorrow by Using Advanced Technologies to Connect Formal and Informal Learning Environments.
432-436 BibTeX
- Joaquin Ruiz, Susan Wheeler:
Jill (Just-in-Location Learning).
437-440 BibTeX
- Dominique Deuff, Nicole Devoldère, Isabelle Chanclou:
A Proposal for Visualising Learning Materials in A 3D Space.
441-444 BibTeX
- Beate Baltes, Girzegorz Waligorski:
Streamlining Virtual Communication in Online Learning.
445-448 BibTeX
- Mimi Recker:
Addressing the Effective Use of Learning Objects Through Teacher Education.
449-452 BibTeX
- Judith Knapp, Chiara Vettori, Leonhard Voltmer, Oliver Streiter, Daniel Zielinski:
Image Assisted L2 Acquisition With Internet.
453-456 BibTeX
- Jack Fei Yang:
Modes of Delivery and Learning Objectives.
457-462 BibTeX
- Maria Lorna A. Kunnath:
Instructional Systems Practices at USA Carnegie One Universities.
463-466 BibTeX
- Laurent Bodic, Pierre Favier, Guillaume Calvet:
A Model for Naturalistic Virtual User Simulation.
467-470 BibTeX
- Giovanni Fulantelli:
Improving Hyptertext Comprehension at School.
471-474 BibTeX
- Carina Markett, Inmaculada Arnedillo Sánchez, Stefan Weber, Brendan Tangney:
"PLS Turn UR Mobile on": Short Message Servie (SMS) Supporting Interactivity in the Classroom.
475-478 BibTeX
- Iryna Zhuravlova:
Multidemensionality and Nonlinearity in Hypermedia Distance Learning Courses.
479-482 BibTeX
- Paraskevi Mentzelou, Tanya Kyriakidou, Veronica Samara, Efi Petrovitsou, Konstantinos Kontogiannidis:
High School Students and the Digital Age.
483-486 BibTeX
- Shinobu Hasegawa, Akihiro Kashihara:
Open-Ended Navigation Path Planning in Self-Directed Learning on the Web.
487-490 BibTeX
- Inmaculada Arnedillo Sánchez, Ann Fitzgibbon:
Concept-Mapping - An Introduction to Constructionism?
491-494 BibTeX
- Krassie Petrova, Yenni Sutedjo:
Just-In-Time Learning: Ready For SMS?
495-498 BibTeX
- Cecilia Göransson, Anneli Rydell:
The Stockholm Model: A Model for Transition From The Traditional Adult Learning Classroom to a More Flexible Individual Approach.
499-503 BibTeX
- Joke Tisaun, Herman Buelens, Jan Vanthienen:
Organizing Decentralized Support for a Virtual Learning Environment.
504-507 BibTeX
- Cleonilson Souza, Lindbergue Conde, José Filho, Rafael Moreira:
Remote Laboratories for Technological and Scientific Education.
508-511 BibTeX
- Danielle Morin, Jennifer Thomas:
The Effect of Technology Integration on Students' Perceptions of Learning in a Graduate Introductory Business Statistics Course.
512-516 BibTeX
- Susanna Pöntinen, Johani Rautopuro:
Supporting Teacher Students Use of Information and Communication Technology in Education.
517-520 BibTeX
- Fiorella de Cindio, Laura Anna Ripamonti, Alfio Ferrara, Cristian Peraboni:
Combining Scorm Metadata and ACM Computer Curricula to Create an Ontology for Cataloguing Learning Objects.
521-524 BibTeX
- Maja Pantic, R. J. Grootjans, R. Zwisterloot:
Fleeble Agent Framework for Teaching an Introductory Course In AI.
525-532 BibTeX
- Des Traynor, J. Gibson:
Implementing Cognitive Modellig in CS Education: Aligning Theory and Practice of Learning to Program.
533-536 BibTeX
- Jorge Trindade, Claudio Kirner, Carlos Fiolhais:
An Augmented Reality Application for Studying Atomic Orbitals: Orbitario.
537-538 BibTeX
- Robert Janke:
Peer-Support Intervention for Early Reading Literacy.
539-540 BibTeX
- Andriy Zhuravlov:
Conferences as Powerful Distance Learning Collaboration Tool.
541-542 BibTeX
- Scott M. Stevens, Albert T. Corbett, Kenneth R. Koedinger, Angela Z. Wagner, Chih-Yu Chao, Harry Ulrich, Sharon Lesgold:
ALPS: Bringing Active Inquiry into Active Problem Solving.
543-544 BibTeX
- Curtis Caravone, Michael Eisenberg, Zack Sanders, Jonathan Stockho:
A Computationally-Enhanced Geoboard.
545-546 BibTeX
- Guillaume Albert, Patrice Renaud, Lise Renaud, Louise Sauvé, Jean Décarie, Stéphane Bouchard:
Assessing Top-Down and Bottom-Up Effects on Perceptual Learning Through Eye-Tracking Technologies Applied in Virtual Immersion.
547-549 BibTeX
- Tang-Ho Lê, Jean Roy:
Online and in Context Collaborative Learning.
550-552 BibTeX
- Maria Lorna A. Kunnath:
Video on IP Educational Solutions.
553-554 BibTeX
- Eleonora Faggiano, Gaetano La Russa, Teresa Roselli, Veronica Rossano:
Can Educational Technology Foster Effective Motivation to Learn.
555-557 BibTeX
- Matteo Gaeta, Gerardo Iovane, Saverio Salerno, Sandro Viglione:
E-Learning Simulation: Creation and Delivery of Interactive Learning Object in the Physics Didactical Domain.
558-560 BibTeX
- Nuno Otero, André Vala, Ana Paiva, Marcelo Milrad:
Learning with the Belife Simulation Tool: The Effects of Manipulation the Time Scale of Events and Collaboration Mode.
561-562 BibTeX
- João Dias:
Strategy Lab.
563- BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:15:39 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)