
Elizabeth Stacey

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15EEElizabeth Stacey, Philippa Gerbic: Teaching for Blended Learning. Education for the 21st Century 2006: 225-234
14 Suzanne Riverin, Elizabeth Stacey: Investigating a Network: Online Communities and Peer Support. CELDA 2004: 233-240
13 Gordon Davies, Elizabeth Stacey: Quality Education @ a Distance, IFIP TC3/WG3.6 Working Conference on Quality Education @ a Distance, February 3-6, Geelong, Australia Kluwer 2003
12 Peter J. Smith, Vicki Lowery, Elizabeth Stacey: Overview of stream B: Quality of teaching and learning experiences. Quality Education @ a Distance 2003: 113-118
11 Peter J. Smith, Elizabeth Stacey: Quality practice in computer supported collaborative learning: identifying research gaps and opportunities. Quality Education @ a Distance 2003: 119-128
10 Janine Epps, Elizabeth Stacey: Establishing quality online: supporting productive academic teams. Quality Education @ a Distance 2003: 289-297
9 Karen L. Murphy, Peter J. Smith, Elizabeth Stacey: Teaching Presence in Computer Conferencing: Lessons form the United States and Australia. ICCE 2002: 694-698
8 Elizabeth Stacey, Faye Wiesenberg: Educational partnerships on-line: Global collaborative learning through an on-line student exchage programme. TelE-Learning 2002: 337-344
7 Elizabeth Stacey: Social Presence Online: Networking Learners at a Distance. WCCE 2001: 39-48
6 Elizabeth Stacey, Vicki Lowery: The Impact of ICT on Learning at a Distance. WCCE 2001: 941-950
5 Elizabeth Stacey: Learning Collaboratively in a Web based Environment. WebNet 2000: 943-944
4 Werner Beuschel, Alfred Bork, Chris Hughes, Timothy G. McMahon, Peter Serdiukov, Elizabeth Stacey: Better Learning Online? Building University Electronic Educational Environments 1999: 233-252
3 Peter Fisser, Elizabeth Stacey, Tom J. van Weert, Jan Wibe, Catherine P. Fulford, U. Fuller, Frits de Vries: Panel on Lifelong Learning. Building University Electronic Educational Environments 1999: 79-90
2 Elizabeth Stacey: Learning Collaboratively in a CMC Environment. Teleteaching 1998: 951-960
1 W. McCullagh, Elizabeth Stacey: Telematics - implications for teacher education. Teleteaching 1993: 37-47

Coauthor Index

1Werner Beuschel [4]
2Alfred Bork [4]
3Gordon Davies [13]
4Janine Epps [10]
5Peter Fisser [3]
6Catherine P. Fulford [3]
7U. Fuller [3]
8Philippa Gerbic [15]
9Chris Hughes [4]
10Vicki Lowery [6] [12]
11W. McCullagh [1]
12Timothy G. McMahon [4]
13Karen L. Murphy [9]
14Suzanne Riverin [14]
15Peter Serdiukov [4]
16Peter J. Smith [9] [11] [12]
17Frits de Vries [3]
18Tom J. van Weert [3]
19Jan Wibe [3]
20Faye Wiesenberg [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)