
Lothar Kreft

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4 Shu Zhang, Lothar Kreft, Ulrich Killat: Traffic engineering for real-time communication groups using network-calculus based schedulability analysis. MMB 2006: 335-348
3EEThanikesavan Sivanthi, Srivas Chennu, Lothar Kreft: Modeling Decentralized Real-Time Control by State Space Partition of Timed Automata. DS-RT 2005: 229-235
2 Martin Vogel, Lothar Kreft: Group-Oriented Learning and Active Student Participation in Electronic Learning Environments. CELDA 2004: 387-390
1 Michael Raus, Lothar Kreft, Walter Ameling: Ein System zur automatischen Kennzeichenerkennung aus Videobildern mit Hilfe neuronaler Verfahren. DAGM-Symposium 1991: 43-50

Coauthor Index

1Walter Ameling [1]
2Srivas Chennu [3]
3Ulrich Killat [4]
4Michael Raus [1]
5Thanikesavan Sivanthi [3]
6Martin Vogel [2]
7Shu Zhang [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)