
Mimi Recker

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12EEMichael Khoo, Joe Pagano, Anne Washington, Mimi Recker, Bart Palmer, Robert A. Donahue: Using web metrics to analyze digital libraries. JCDL 2008: 375-384
11EESarah Giersch, Heather Leary, Bart Palmer, Mimi Recker: Developing a review process for online resources. JCDL 2008: 457
10EELillian N. Cassel, Sarah Giersch, Mimi Recker: Educational digital libraries on the verge: introduction to the special issue. Int. J. on Digital Libraries 9(1): 1-2 (2008)
9EEMimi Recker, Sarah Giersch, Andrew Walker, Sam Halioris, Xin Mao, Bart Palmer: A study of how online learning resource are used. JCDL 2007: 179-180
8EEMimi Recker, Bart Palmer: Using resources across educational digital libraries. JCDL 2006: 240-241
7EEMimi Recker, Jim Dorward, Deonne Dawson, Sam Halioris, Ye Liu, Xin Mao, Bart Palmer, Jaeyang Park: You can lead a horse to water: teacher development and use of digital library resources. JCDL 2005: 1-8
6 Mimi Recker: Addressing the Effective Use of Learning Objects Through Teacher Education. CELDA 2004: 449-452
5EEMimi Recker, Jim Dorward, Laurie Miller Nelson: Discovery and Use of Online Learning Resources: Case Study Findings. Educational Technology & Society 7(2): 93-104 (2004)
4EETamara Sumner, Michael Khoo, Mimi Recker, Mary Marlino: Understanding Educator Perceptions of "Quality" in Digital Libraries. JCDL 2003: 269-279
3EEJim Dorward, Derek Reinke, Mimi Recker: An evaluation model for a digital library services tool. JCDL 2002: 322-323
2 Mimi Recker, Kimberly Lawless: A Web Site Does Not A Community Make. WebNet 1999: 1401-1402
1 James E. Pitkow, Mimi Recker: Results from the First World-Wide Web User Survey. Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 27(2): 243-254 (1994)

Coauthor Index

1Lillian N. Cassel (Lillian (Boots) Cassel) [10]
2Deonne Dawson [7]
3Robert A. Donahue [12]
4Jim Dorward [3] [5] [7]
5Sarah Giersch [9] [10] [11]
6Sam Halioris [7] [9]
7Michael Khoo [4] [12]
8Kimberly Lawless [2]
9Heather Leary [11]
10Ye Liu [7]
11Xin Mao [7] [9]
12Mary Marlino [4]
13Laurie Miller Nelson [5]
14Joe Pagano [12]
15Bart Palmer [7] [8] [9] [11] [12]
16Jaeyang Park [7]
17James E. Pitkow [1]
18Derek Reinke [3]
19Tamara Sumner [4]
20Andrew Walker [9]
21Anne Washington [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)