
Gaetano La Russa

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6EEGaetano La Russa, Erkki Sutinen, Johannes C. Cronjé: Avatar Aided e-Learning Fundraising System. ICALT 2008: 246-249
5EEGaetano La Russa, Viacheslav Shirikov, Erkki Sutinen: A Content Manager for a Complex Multimodal Robotic Management: The Robo-eLC Case. ICALT 2005: 7-9
4 Gaetano La Russa, Esko Marjomaa: Robo-Elc: A Robotic Adaptive Learning Appliance. CELDA 2004: 327-334
3 Eleonora Faggiano, Gaetano La Russa, Teresa Roselli, Veronica Rossano: Can Educational Technology Foster Effective Motivation to Learn. CELDA 2004: 555-557
2 Gaetano La Russa, Eleonora Faggiano: Robo-eLC: Enhancing Learning Hypermedia with Robotics. ICALT 2004
1EEGaetano La Russa, Niko Myller, Jarkko Suhonen, Erkki Sutinen, Mikko Vesisenaho: RoboBeggar: Teaching Attitudes by Robotics. ICALT 2003: 477

Coauthor Index

1Johannes C. Cronjé [6]
2Eleonora Faggiano [2] [3]
3Esko Marjomaa [4]
4Niko Myller [1]
5Teresa Roselli [3]
6Veronica Rossano [3]
7Viacheslav Shirikov [5]
8Jarkko Suhonen [1]
9Erkki Sutinen [1] [5] [6]
10Mikko Vesisenaho [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)