
Fiorella de Cindio

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25EEFiorella de Cindio, Cristian Peraboni, Leonardo Sonnante: Improving citizens' interactions in an e-deliberation environment. AVI 2008: 486-487
24EEFiorella de Cindio, Giacomo Fiumara, Massimo Marchi, Alessandro Provetti, Laura Anna Ripamonti, Leonardo Sonnante: Aggregating Information and Enforcing Awareness Across Communities with the Dynamo RSS Feeds Creation Engine: Preliminary Report. OTM Workshops (1) 2006: 227-236
23 Fiorella de Cindio, Leonardo Sonnante: Technology for eDemocracy: a Classification based on Italian Best Practices. EGOV (Workshops and Posters) 2005: 256-264
22 Fiorella de Cindio, Laura Anna Ripamonti, Alfio Ferrara, Cristian Peraboni: Combining Scorm Metadata and ACM Computer Curricula to Create an Ontology for Cataloguing Learning Objects. CELDA 2004: 521-524
21EEMarco Benini, Fiorella de Cindio, Leonardo Sonnante: Virtuose, a VIRTual CommUnity Open Source Engine for Integrating Civic Networks and Digital Cities. Digital Cities 2003: 217-232
20EEFiorella de Cindio, Oliverio Gentile, Philip Grew, Daniela Redolfi: Community Networks: Rules of Behavior and Social Structure. Inf. Soc. 19(5): (2003)
19EEDanilo Bruschi, Fiorella de Cindio, D. Ferrazzi, G. Poletti, Emilia Rosti: Internet Voting: Do people accept it? Do they trust it? DEXA Workshops 2002: 437-440
18 Gul Agha, Fiorella de Cindio, Grzegorz Rozenberg: Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming and Petri Nets, Advances in Petri Nets. Springer 2001
17EEEugenio Battiston, A. Chizzoni, Fiorella de Cindio: CLOWN as a Testbed for Concurrent Object-Oriented Concepts. Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming and Petri Nets 2001: 131-163
16 C. Balzarotti, Fiorella de Cindio, Lucia Pomello: Observation equivalences for the semantics of inheritance. FMOODS 1999
15EEEugenio Battiston, Fiorella de Cindio, Giancarlo Mauri: Modular Algebraic Nets to Specify Concurrent Systems. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 22(10): 689-705 (1996)
14 Eugenio Battiston, Oliver Botti, E. Crivelli, Fiorella de Cindio: An Incremental Specification of a Hydroelectric Power Plant Control Systems using a Class of Modular Algebraic Nets. Application and Theory of Petri Nets 1995: 84-102
13 Eugenio Battiston, V. Crespi, Fiorella de Cindio, Giancarlo Mauri: Semantics Frameworks for a Class of Modular Algebraic Nets. AMAST 1993: 271-280
12 Luca Bernardinello, Fiorella de Cindio: A survey of basic net models and modular net classes. Advances in Petri Nets: The DEMON Project 1992: 304-351
11 Oliver Botti, Fiorella de Cindio: From Basic to Timed Net Models of Occam: An Application to Program Placement. PNPM 1991: 216-221
10EEFiorella de Cindio, Carla Simone: Petri nets for modelling fault tolerant distibuted systems in a modular and incremental way. ACM SIGOPS European Workshop 1990
9 Fiorella de Cindio, Giorgio De Michelis, Lucia Pomello, Carla Simone: A State Transformation Equivalence for Concurrent Systems: Exhibited Functionality-equivalence. Concurrency 1988: 222-236
8 Eugenio Battiston, Fiorella de Cindio, Giancarlo Mauri: OBJSA Nets: a Class of High- level Nets Having Objects as Domains. European Workshop on Applications and Theory of Petri Nets 1987: 20-43
7 Fiorella de Cindio, Giorgio De Michelis, Carla Simone: GAMERU: A language for the analysis and design of human communication pragmatics within organizational systems. European Workshop on Applications and Theory of Petri Nets 1986: 21-44
6 Fiorella de Cindio, Giorgio De Michelis, Lucia Pomello, Carla Simone: Exhibited-Behaviour Equivalence and Organizational Abstraction in Concurrent System Design. ICDCS 1985: 486-495
5 Fiorella de Cindio, Giorgio De Michelis, Lucia Pomello, Carla Simone: Equivalence Notions for Concurrent Systems. European Workshop on Applications and Theory of Petri Nets 1982: 29-39
4 Fiorella de Cindio, Giorgio De Michelis, Lucia Pomello, Carla Simone: Milner's Communicationg Systmes and Petri Nets. European Workshop on Applications and Theory of Petri Nets 1982: 40-59
3 Fiorella de Cindio, Giorgio De Michelis, Lucia Pomello, Carla Simone: Real Systems Modeling: A Formal but Realistic Approach to Organizational Design. International Working Conference on Model Realism 1982: 134-152
2 Fiorella de Cindio, Giorgio De Michelis, Lucia Pomello, Carla Simone: Superposed Automata Nets. Selected Papers from the First and the Second European Workshop on Application and Theory of Petri Nets 1981: 269-279
1 Valeria De Antonellis, Fiorella de Cindio, G. Degli Antoni, Giancarlo Mauri: Use of bipartite graphs as a notation for data bases. Inf. Syst. 4(2): 137-141 (1979)

Coauthor Index

1Gul A. Agha (Gul Agha) [18]
2Valeria De Antonellis [1]
3G. Degli Antoni [1]
4C. Balzarotti [16]
5Eugenio Battiston [8] [13] [14] [15] [17]
6Marco Benini [21]
7Luca Bernardinello [12]
8Oliver Botti [11] [14]
9Danilo Bruschi [19]
10A. Chizzoni [17]
11V. Crespi [13]
12E. Crivelli [14]
13Alfio Ferrara [22]
14D. Ferrazzi [19]
15Giacomo Fiumara [24]
16Oliverio Gentile [20]
17Philip Grew [20]
18Massimo Marchi [24]
19Giancarlo Mauri [1] [8] [13] [15]
20Giorgio De Michelis [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [9]
21Cristian Peraboni [22] [25]
22G. Poletti [19]
23Lucia Pomello [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [9] [16]
24Alessandro Provetti [24]
25Daniela Redolfi [20]
26Laura Anna Ripamonti [22] [24]
27Emilia Rosti [19]
28Grzegorz Rozenberg [18]
29Carla Simone [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [9] [10]
30Leonardo Sonnante [21] [23] [24] [25]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)