
Dale Shaffer

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3 Wendy Doube, Juhani Tuovinen, Dale Shaffer: Selecting Multimedia Interactions to Build Knowledge Structures. CELDA 2004: 335-342
2EEGordon Davies, Wendy Doube, Wendy A. Lawrence-Fowler, Dale Shaffer: Quality in distance education. SIGCSE 2001: 392-393
1EEDale Shaffer, George J. Davis, Keith Jolly, Martyn Roberts, Miriam Roy: Opportunities in international teacher exchanges (abstract). SIGCSE 1994: 372

Coauthor Index

1Gordon Davies [2]
2George J. Davis [1]
3Wendy Doube [2] [3]
4Keith Jolly [1]
5Wendy A. Lawrence-Fowler [2]
6Martyn Roberts [1]
7Miriam Roy [1]
8Juhani Tuovinen [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)