2009 |
79 | EE | Salvatore Distefano,
Antonio Puliafito:
Dependability Evaluation with Dynamic Reliability Block Diagrams and Dynamic Fault Trees.
IEEE Trans. Dependable Sec. Comput. 6(1): 4-17 (2009) |
2008 |
78 | EE | Carmelo Ragusa,
Francesco Longo,
Antonio Puliafito:
On the Assessment of the S-Sicilia Infrastructure: A Grid-Based Business System.
GECON 2008: 113-124 |
77 | EE | Antonio Puliafito:
Letter from the technical program chair of DPDNS08.
IPDPS 2008: 1 |
76 | EE | Maria Fazio,
Maurizio Paone,
Dario Bruneo,
Antonio Puliafito:
Cross-Layer Architecture for Differentiated Services in Ad Hoc Networks.
NCA 2008: 128-135 |
2007 |
75 | EE | Salvatore Distefano,
Antonio Puliafito:
Modeling Dependability of Dynamic Computing Systems.
ICIC (2) 2007: 982-991 |
74 | EE | Salvatore Distefano,
Antonio Puliafito:
Dependability Modeling and Analysis in Dynamic Systems.
IPDPS 2007: 1-8 |
73 | EE | Luca Paladina,
Maurizio Paone,
Giuseppe Iellamo,
Antonio Puliafito:
Self Organizing Maps for Distributed Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks.
ISCC 2007: 1113-1118 |
72 | EE | Maurizio Paone,
Luca Paladina,
Dario Bruneo,
Antonio Puliafito:
A Swarm-based Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks.
NCA 2007: 265-268 |
71 | EE | Salvatore Distefano,
Antonio Puliafito:
DFT and DRBD in Computing Systems Dependability Analysis.
SAFECOMP 2007: 423-429 |
70 | EE | Salvatore Distefano,
Antonio Puliafito,
Marco Scarpa:
A Grid-based algorithm for the solution of non-Markovian stochastic Petri nets.
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 19(9): 1353-1370 (2007) |
2006 |
69 | EE | Gautam Das,
Maria Fazio,
Massimo Villari,
Antonio Puliafito:
Vulnerabilities of Internet Access Mechanisms from Mobile Ad Hoc Networks.
AINA (1) 2006: 851-858 |
68 | EE | Salvatore Distefano,
Marco Scarpa,
Antonio Puliafito:
Modeling Distributed Computing System Reliability with DRBD.
SRDS 2006: 106-118 |
67 | EE | Maria Fazio,
Massimo Villari,
Antonio Puliafito:
AIPAC: Automatic IP address configuration in mobile ad hoc networks.
Computer Communications 29(8): 1189-1200 (2006) |
66 | EE | Maria Fazio,
Massimo Villari,
Antonio Puliafito:
IP address autoconfiguration in ad hoc networks: Design, implementation and measurements.
Computer Networks 50(7): 898-920 (2006) |
65 | EE | Angelo Zaia,
Dario Bruneo,
Antonio Puliafito:
Using the Grid paradigm for multimedia applications.
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 18(8): 899-910 (2006) |
2005 |
64 | EE | Gautam Das,
Maria Fazio,
Massimo Villari,
Antonio Puliafito:
Distributed core assisted scalable data dissemination in mobile ad hoc networks.
CollaborateCom 2005 |
63 | | Gautam Das,
Maria Fazio,
Massimo Villari,
Antonio Puliafito:
CCID: Core construction for information dissemination in ad hoc scenario.
Communications and Computer Networks 2005: 114-119 |
62 | EE | Salvatore Distefano,
Marco Scarpa,
Antonio Puliafito:
Software Performance Analysis in UML Models.
FIRB-Perf 2005: 115-125 |
61 | | Salvatore Distefano,
Daniele Paci,
Antonio Puliafito,
Marco Scarpa:
Design and Implementation of a Performance Plug-In for the ArgoUML Tool.
IASTED Conf. on Software Engineering 2005: 337-342 |
60 | EE | Dario Bruneo,
Luca Paladina,
Maurizio Paone,
Antonio Puliafito:
Call Admission Control in Hierarchical Mobile Networks.
ISCC 2005: 780-785 |
59 | EE | Salvatore Distefano,
Antonio Puliafito,
Marco Scarpa:
GridSPN: a Grid-based non Markovian Petri Nets Tool.
WETICE 2005: 331-338 |
58 | EE | Dario Bruneo,
Angelo Zaia,
Antonio Puliafito:
Agent-based middleware to access multimedia services in a Grid environment.
Multiagent and Grid Systems 1(1): 41-59 (2005) |
2004 |
57 | EE | Maria Fazio,
Massimo Villari,
Antonio Puliafito:
Merging and partitioning in ad hoc networks.
ISCC 2004: 164-169 |
56 | EE | Dario Bruneo,
Luca Paladina,
Maurizio Paone,
Antonio Puliafito:
Resource reservation in mobile wireless networks.
ISCC 2004: 460-465 |
55 | EE | Salvatore Distefano,
Daniele Paci,
Antonio Puliafito,
Marco Scarpa:
UML Design and Software Performance Modeling.
ISCIS 2004: 564-573 |
54 | EE | Angelo Zaia,
Dario Bruneo,
Antonio Puliafito:
A Scalable Grid-based Multimedia Server.
WETICE 2004: 337-342 |
53 | EE | Marco Scarpa,
Antonio Puliafito,
Massimo Villari,
Angelo Zaia:
A Modeling Technique for the Performance Analysis of Web Searching Applications.
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 16(11): 1339-1356 (2004) |
2003 |
52 | EE | Dario Bruneo,
Marco Scarpa,
Angelo Zaia,
Antonio Puliafito:
Communication Paradigms for Mobile Grid Users.
CCGRID 2003: 669- |
51 | EE | Dario Bruneo,
Massimo Villari,
Angelo Zaia,
Antonio Puliafito:
VOD services for mobile wireless devices.
ISCC 2003: 602-607 |
50 | EE | Marco Scarpa,
Salvatore Distefano,
Antonio Puliafito:
A Parallel Approach for the Solution of Non-Markovian Petri Nets.
PVM/MPI 2003: 196-203 |
49 | EE | Dario Bruneo,
Massimo Villari,
Angelo Zaia,
Antonio Puliafito:
QoS management for MPEG-4 flows in wireless environment.
Microprocessors and Microsystems 27(2): 85-92 (2003) |
2002 |
48 | EE | Jian Ye,
Symeon Papavassiliou,
Giuseppe Anastasi,
Antonio Puliafito:
Strategies for dynamic management of the QoS of mobile users in wireless networks through software agents.
ISCC 2002: 369-374 |
47 | EE | Antonio Puliafito,
Orazio Tomarchio:
Design and development of a practical security model for a mobile agent system.
ISCC 2002: 477-483 |
46 | EE | Marco Scarpa,
Massimo Villari,
Angelo Zaia,
Antonio Puliafito:
From client/server to mobile agents: an in-depth analysis of the related performance aspects.
ISCC 2002: 768-773 |
2001 |
45 | EE | Symeon Papavassiliou,
Jian Ye,
Antonio Puliafito,
Orazio Tomarchio:
Integration of Mobile Agents and Genetic Algorithms for Efficient Dynamic Network Resource Allocation.
ISCC 2001: 456-463 |
44 | EE | Antonio Puliafito,
Orazio Tomarchio,
Lorenzo Vita:
Mobile Agents and Legacy Systems: How to Integrate Alternative Communication Paradigms.
MATA 2001: 31-40 |
43 | | Antonio Puliafito,
Salvatore Riccobene,
Marco Scarpa:
Which paradigm should I use? An analytical comparison of the client-server, remote evaluation and mobile agent paradigms.
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 13(1): 71-94 (2001) |
42 | EE | Aurelio La Corte,
Antonio Puliafito,
Orazio Tomarchio:
QoS management in programmable networks through mobile agents.
Microprocessors and Microsystems 25(2): 111-120 (2001) |
2000 |
41 | EE | András Horváth,
Antonio Puliafito,
Marco Scarpa,
Miklós Telek:
Analysis and Evaluation of Non-Markovian Stochastic Petri Nets.
Computer Performance Evaluation / TOOLS 2000: 171-187 |
40 | EE | Andrea Calvagna,
Antonio Puliafito,
Orazio Tomarchio:
Design of a Media Service Provider Architecture for the Internet.
ISCC 2000: 20-25 |
39 | EE | Eleonora Di Pietro,
Aurelio La Corte,
Orazio Tomarchio,
Antonio Puliafito:
Extending the MASIF Location Service in the MAP Agent System.
ISCC 2000: 552-557 |
38 | EE | Orazio Tomarchio,
Lorenzo Vita,
Antonio Puliafito:
Nomadic Users' Support in the MAP Agent Platform.
MATA 2000: 233-242 |
37 | EE | Antonio Puliafito,
Orazio Tomarchio:
Using mobile agents to implement flexible network management strategies.
Computer Communications 23(8): 708-719 (2000) |
36 | EE | Andrea Bobbio,
Antonio Puliafito,
Miklós Telek:
A Modeling Framework to Implement Preemption Policies in Non-Markovian SPNs.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 26(1): 36-54 (2000) |
35 | | Sergio Palazzo,
Antonio Puliafito,
Marco Scarpa:
Design and evaluation of a replicated database for mobile systems.
Wireless Networks 6(2): 131-144 (2000) |
1999 |
34 | EE | Antonio Puliafito,
Salvatore Riccobene,
Marco Scarpa:
An Analytical Comparison of the Client-Server, Remote Evaluation and Mobile Agents Paradigms.
ASA/MA 1999: 278- |
33 | EE | Antonio Puliafito,
Orazio Tomarchio:
Advanced Network Management Functionalities through the Use of Mobile Software Agents.
IATA 1999: 33-45 |
32 | | Francesco Bergadano,
Antonio Puliafito,
Salvatore Riccobene,
Giancarlo Ruffo,
Lorenzo Vita:
Java-Based and Secure Learning Agents for Information Retrieval in Distributed Systems.
Inf. Sci. 113(1-2): 55-84 (1999) |
31 | | Giancarlo Iannizzotto,
Antonio Puliafito,
Lorenzo Vita:
Using the Median Distance to Compare Object Shapes in Content-Based Image Retrieval.
Multimedia Tools Appl. 8(2): 197-217 (1999) |
30 | | Ricardo M. Fricks,
Antonio Puliafito,
Kishor S. Trivedi:
Performance Analysis of Distributed Real-Time Databased.
Perform. Eval. 35(3-4): 145-169 (1999) |
1998 |
29 | EE | Hermann de Meer,
Antonio Puliafito,
Orazio Tomarchio:
Management of Quality of Service with Software Agents.
Cybernetics and Systems 29(5): 499-523 (1998) |
28 | | Antonio Puliafito,
Orazio Tomarchio,
Lorenzo Vita,
Kishor S. Trivedi:
Increasing Application Accessibility through Java.
IEEE Internet Computing 2(4): 70-77 (1998) |
27 | | Sachin Garg,
Antonio Puliafito,
Miklós Telek,
Kishor S. Trivedi:
Analysis of Preventive Maintenance in Transactions Based Software Systems.
IEEE Trans. Computers 47(1): 96-107 (1998) |
26 | EE | Andrea Bobbio,
Antonio Puliafito,
Miklós Telek,
Kishor S. Trivedi:
Recent Developments in Non-Markovian Stochastic Petri Nets.
Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers 8(1): 119-158 (1998) |
25 | EE | Igor D. D. Curcio,
Antonio Puliafito,
Salvatore Riccobene,
Lorenzo Vita:
Design and Evaluation of a Multimedia Storage Server for Mixed Traffic.
Multimedia Syst. 6(6): 367-381 (1998) |
24 | | Antonio Puliafito,
Marco Scarpa,
Kishor S. Trivedi:
Petri Nets with k Simultaneously Enabled Generally Distributed Timed Transitions.
Perform. Eval. 32(1): 1-34 (1998) |
23 | EE | Ricardo M. Fricks,
Antonio Puliafito,
Miklós Telek,
Kishor S. Trivedi:
Applications of non-Markovian stochastic Petri nets.
SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 26(2): 15-27 (1998) |
1997 |
22 | | Antonio Puliafito,
Orazio Tomarchio,
Lorenzo Vita:
Porting SHARPE on the WEB: Design and Implementation of a Network Computing Platform Using JAVA.
Computer Performance Evaluation 1997: 32-43 |
21 | | Francesco Bergadano,
A. Giallombardo,
Antonio Puliafito,
Giancarlo Ruffo,
Lorenzo Vita:
Security Agents for Information Retrieval in Distributed Systems.
Parallel Computing 22(13): 1719-1731 (1997) |
20 | | Meera Balakrishnan,
Antonio Puliafito,
Kishor S. Trivedi,
Yannis Viniotis:
Buffer losses vs. deadline violations for ABR traffic in an ATM switch: A computational approach.
Telecommunication Systems 7(1-3): 105-123 (1997) |
1996 |
19 | | Antonio Puliafito,
Salvatore Riccobene,
Marco Scarpa:
Evaluation of Performability Parameters in Client-Server Environments.
Comput. J. 39(8): 647-662 (1996) |
18 | EE | Vincenzo Catania,
Antonio Puliafito,
Salvatore Riccobene,
Lorenzo Vita:
Monitoring performance in distributed systems.
Computer Communications 19(9-10): 788-803 (1996) |
17 | | Giuseppe Ascia,
Vincenzo Catania,
Antonio Puliafito,
Lorenzo Vita:
A Reconfigurable Parallel Architecture for a Fuzzy Processor.
Inf. Sci. 88(1-4): 299-315 (1996) |
16 | | Giancarlo Iannizzotto,
Antonio Puliafito,
Lorenzo Vita:
A New Method for Extracting and Representing Object Contours in Real Images.
Inf. Sci. 93(1): 159-185 (1996) |
15 | | Vincenzo Catania,
Antonio Puliafito,
Lorenzo Vita:
A Fuzzy Approach to Mapping Problems.
Inf. Sci. 95(3): 191-217 (1996) |
14 | | Vicenzo Catani,
Igino La Pagila,
Antonio Puliafito,
Lorenzo Vita:
Real-Time Data Service in CIM Environments.
Int. Journal in Computer Simulation 6(2): 237- (1996) |
13 | | András Pfening,
Sachin Garg,
Antonio Puliafito,
Miklós Telek,
Kishor S. Trivedi:
Optimal Software Rejuvenation for Tolerating Soft Failures.
Perform. Eval. 27/28(4): 491-506 (1996) |
1995 |
12 | | Kishor S. Trivedi,
Antonio Puliafito,
Dimitris Logothetis:
From Stochastic Petri Nets to Markov Regenerative Stochastic Petri Nets.
MASCOTS 1995: 194-198 |
11 | | Antonio Puliafito,
Salvatore Riccobene,
Marco Scarpa:
Modelling of Client/Server Systems.
MASCOTS 1995: 340-344 |
10 | | Miklós Telek,
Andrea Bobbio,
László Jereb,
Antonio Puliafito,
Kishor S. Trivedi:
Steady State Analysis of Markov Regenerative SPN with Age Memory Policy.
MMB 1995: 165-179 |
9 | | Kishor S. Trivedi,
Andrea Bobbio,
Miklós Telek,
Reinhard German,
Gianfranco Ciardo,
Antonio Puliafito:
Non-Markovian Petri Nets (Panel).
SIGMETRICS 1995: 263-264 |
8 | | Vincenzo Catania,
Antonio Puliafito,
Salvatore Riccobene,
Lorenzo Vita:
Design and Performance Analysis of a Disk Array System.
IEEE Trans. Computers 44(10): 1236-1247 (1995) |
1994 |
7 | | Vincenzo Catania,
Antonio Puliafito,
Salvatore Riccobene,
Lorenzo Vita:
Performance Evaluation of a Partial Dynamic Declustering Disk Array System.
HPDC 1994: 244-252 |
6 | | Vincenzo Catania,
O. Granato,
Antonio Puliafito,
Lorenzo Vita:
PMT: A Tool to Monitor Performances in Distributed Systems.
HPDC 1994: 279-286 |
1993 |
5 | | Vincenzo Catania,
Antonio Puliafito,
Lorenzo Vita:
A Model for Performance Evaluation of Gracefully Degrading Systems.
Comput. J. 36(2): 177-185 (1993) |
4 | EE | Vincenzo Catania,
Antonio Puliafito,
Lorenzo Vita:
High-speed data service in distributed systems based on SMDS.
Computer Communications 16(7): 394-402 (1993) |
1991 |
3 | EE | Vincenzo Catania,
L. Mazzola,
Antonio Puliafito,
Lorenzo Vita:
Performance analysis of DQDB behaviour with priority levels.
ICDCS 1991: 44-51 |
1990 |
2 | | Vincenzo Catania,
Antonio Puliafito,
Lorenzo Vita:
Availability and Performability Assessment in LAN Interconnection.
INFOCOM 1990: 1181-1187 |
1989 |
1 | | Salvatore Casale,
Vincenzo Catania,
Antonio Puliafito,
Lorenzo Vita:
A Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol in Bridged LANs.
IFIP Congress 1989: 633-638 |