2008 |
111 | | Egon Börger,
Michael J. Butler,
Jonathan P. Bowen,
Paul Boca:
Abstract State Machines, B and Z, First International Conference, ABZ 2008, London, UK, September 16-18, 2008. Proceedings
Springer 2008 |
110 | | Egon Börger,
Antonio Cisternino:
Advances in Software Engineering, Lipari Summer School 2007, Lipari Island, Italy, July 8-21, 2007, Revised Tutorial Lectures
Springer 2008 |
109 | EE | Egon Börger,
Bernhard Thalheim:
Modeling Workflows, Interaction Patterns, Web Services and Business Processes: The ASM-Based Approach.
ABZ 2008: 24-38 |
108 | EE | Egon Börger,
Don S. Batory:
Coupling Design and Verification in Software Product Lines.
FoIKS 2008: 1-4 |
107 | | Egon Börger,
Andreas Prinz:
Quo Vadis Abstract State Machines?
J. UCS 14(12): 1921-1928 (2008) |
106 | | Don S. Batory,
Egon Börger:
Modularizing Theorems for Software Product Lines: The Jbook Case Study.
J. UCS 14(12): 2059-2082 (2008) |
2007 |
105 | EE | Egon Börger:
Modeling Workflow Patterns from First Principles.
ER 2007: 1-20 |
104 | EE | Egon Börger,
Bernhard Thalheim:
A Method for Verifiable and Validatable Business Process Modeling.
Lipari Summer School 2007: 59-115 |
103 | EE | Egon Börger:
Construction and analysis of ground models and their refinements as a foundation for validating computer-based systems.
Formal Asp. Comput. 19(2): 225-241 (2007) |
2006 |
102 | EE | Andreas Friesen,
Egon Börger:
A high-level specification for Semantic Web Service Discovery Services.
ICWE Workshops 2006: 16 |
101 | EE | Nicu G. Fruja,
Egon Börger:
Modeling the .NET CLR Exception Handling Mechanism for a Mathematical Analysis.
Journal of Object Technology 5(3): 5-34 (2006) |
2005 |
100 | EE | Egon Börger:
The ASM Method: a Cornerstone in Computer Science Education.
Abstract State Machines 2005: 49-56 |
99 | EE | Danièle Beauquier,
Egon Börger,
Anatol Slissenko:
Abstract State Machines 2005: 5-10 |
98 | EE | Egon Börger:
Design Pattern Abstractions and Abstract State Machines.
Abstract State Machines 2005: 91-100 |
97 | EE | Michael Altenhofen,
Egon Börger,
Jens Lemcke:
A High-Level Specification for Mediators(Virtual Providers).
Business Process Management Workshops 2005: 116-129 |
96 | EE | Egon Börger:
The ASM Method for System Design and Analysis. A Tutorial Introduction.
FroCos 2005: 264-283 |
95 | EE | Alistair P. Barros,
Egon Börger:
A Compositional Framework for Service Interaction Patterns and Interaction Flows.
ICFEM 2005: 5-35 |
94 | EE | Michael Altenhofen,
Egon Börger,
Jens Lemcke:
An Abstract Model for Process Mediation.
ICFEM 2005: 81-95 |
93 | EE | Egon Börger:
Linking the Meaning of Programs to What the Compiler Can Verify.
VSTTE 2005: 325-336 |
92 | EE | Egon Börger:
Abstract State Machines: a unifying view of models of computation and of system design frameworks.
Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 133(1-3): 149-171 (2005) |
91 | EE | Egon Börger:
Abstract state machines and high-level system design and analysis.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 336(2-3): 205-207 (2005) |
90 | EE | Egon Börger,
Nicu G. Fruja,
Vincenzo Gervasi,
Robert F. Stärk:
A high-level modular definition of the semantics of C#.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 336(2-3): 235-284 (2005) |
2004 |
89 | EE | Robert F. Stärk,
Egon Börger:
An ASM Specification of C# Threads and the .NET Memory Model.
Abstract State Machines 2004: 38-60 |
88 | | Egon Börger:
Modeling with Abstract State Machines: A support for accurate system design and analysis.
Modellierung 2004: 235-239 |
87 | EE | Egon Börger:
A Practice-Oriented Course on the Principles of Computation, Programming, and System Design and Analysis.
TFM 2004: 65-84 |
86 | EE | Egon Börger,
Alessandra Cavarra,
Elvinia Riccobene:
On formalizing UML state machines using ASM.
Information & Software Technology 46(5): 287-292 (2004) |
2003 |
85 | | Egon Börger,
Angelo Gargantini,
Elvinia Riccobene:
Abstract State Machines, Advances in Theory and Practice, 10th International Workshop, ASM 2003, Taormina, Italy, March 3-7, 2003, Proceedings
Springer 2003 |
84 | | Egon Börger,
Robert F. Stärk:
Abstract State Machines. A Method for High-Level System Design and Analysis
Springer 2003 |
83 | EE | Egon Börger,
Tommaso Bolognesi:
Remarks on Turbo ASMs for Functional Equations and Recursion Schemes.
Abstract State Machines 2003: 218-228 |
82 | EE | Tommaso Bolognesi,
Egon Börger:
Abstract State Processes.
Abstract State Machines 2003: 22-32 |
81 | EE | Egon Börger,
Robert F. Stärk:
Exploiting Abstraction for Specification Reuse. The Java/C# Case Study.
FMCO 2003: 42-76 |
80 | | Egon Börger,
Elvinia Riccobene,
Alessandra Cavarra:
Modeling the Meaning of Transitions from and to Concurrent States in UML State Machines.
SAC 2003: 1086-1091 |
79 | EE | Egon Börger:
The ASM Ground Model Method as a Foundation for Requirements Engineering.
Verification: Theory and Practice 2003: 145-160 |
78 | EE | Egon Börger:
The ASM Refinement Method.
Formal Asp. Comput. 15(2-3): 237-257 (2003) |
2002 |
77 | EE | Egon Börger:
The Origins and the Development of the ASM Method for High Level System Design and Analysis.
J. UCS 8(1): 2-74 (2002) |
2001 |
76 | | Robert F. Stärk,
Joachim Schmid,
Egon Börger:
Java and the Java Virtual Machine: Definition, Verification, Validation
Springer 2001 |
75 | EE | Egon Börger:
Design for Reuse via Structuring Techniques for ASMs.
EUROCAST 2001: 20-35 |
74 | EE | Egon Börger,
Diego Sona:
A Neural Abstract Machine.
J. UCS 7(11): 1006-1023 (2001) |
73 | EE | Egon Börger,
Uwe Glässer:
Abstract State Machines 2001: New Developments and Applications - J.UCS Special Issue.
J. UCS 7(11): 914-916 (2001) |
2000 |
72 | EE | Egon Börger,
Alessandra Cavarra,
Elvinia Riccobene:
An ASM Semantics for UML Activity Diagrams.
AMAST 2000: 293-308 |
71 | EE | Egon Börger:
Abstract State Machines at the Cusp of the Millenium.
Abstract State Machines 2000: 1-8 |
70 | EE | Egon Börger,
Alessandra Cavarra,
Elvinia Riccobene:
Modeling the Dynamics of UML State Machines.
Abstract State Machines 2000: 223-241 |
69 | EE | Egon Börger,
Peter Päppinghaus,
Joachim Schmid:
Report on a Practical Application of ASMs in Software Design.
Abstract State Machines 2000: 361-366 |
68 | EE | Michael Barnett,
Egon Börger,
Yuri Gurevich,
Wolfram Schulte,
Margus Veanes:
Using Abstract State Machines at Microsoft: A Case Study.
Abstract State Machines 2000: 367-379 |
67 | EE | Egon Börger,
Joachim Schmid:
Composition and Submachine Concepts for Sequential ASMs.
CSL 2000: 41-60 |
66 | EE | Egon Börger,
Wolfram Schulte:
A Practical Method for Specification and Analysis of Exception Handling - A Java/JVM Case Study.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 26(9): 872-887 (2000) |
65 | EE | Egon Börger,
Reinhard Gotzhein:
Requirements Engineering - The Light Control Case Study.
J. UCS 6(7): 580-581 (2000) |
64 | EE | Egon Börger,
Reinhard Gotzhein:
The Light Control Case Study: A Synopsis.
J. UCS 6(7): 582-585 (2000) |
63 | EE | Egon Börger,
Elvinia Riccobene,
Joachim Schmid:
Capturing Requirements by Abstract State Machines: The Light Control Case Study.
J. UCS 6(7): 597-620 (2000) |
62 | EE | Egon Börger,
Wolfram Schulte:
Initialization problems for Java.
Software - Concepts and Tools 19(4): 175-178 (2000) |
1999 |
61 | EE | Egon Börger,
Wolfram Schulte:
A Programmer Friendly Modular Definition of the Semantics of Java.
Formal Syntax and Semantics of Java 1999: 353-404 |
1998 |
60 | | Egon Börger:
High Level System Design and Analysis Using Abstract State Machines.
FM-Trends 1998: 1-43 |
59 | EE | Egon Börger,
Wolfram Schulte:
Defining the Java Virtual Machine as Platform for Provably Correct Java Compilation.
MFCS 1998: 17-35 |
58 | EE | Egon Börger,
James K. Huggins:
Abstract State Machines 1988-1998: Commented ASM Bibliography
CoRR cs.SE/9811014: (1998) |
1997 |
57 | | Egon Börger,
Erich Grädel,
Yuri Gurevich:
The Classical Decision Problem
Springer 1997 |
56 | | Egon Börger,
S. Mazzanti:
A Practical Method for Rigorously Controllable Hardware Design.
ZUM 1997: 151-187 |
55 | | Egon Börger,
Peter H. Schmitt:
A Description of the Tableau Method Using Abstract State Machines.
J. Log. Comput. 7(5): 659-681 (1997) |
54 | EE | Egon Börger:
Ten Years of Gurevich's Abstract State Machines.
J. UCS 3(4): 230-232 (1997) |
53 | EE | Egon Börger:
JUCS Special ASM Issue, Part II - Introduction.
J. UCS 3(5): 414-415 (1997) |
52 | EE | Egon Börger,
Luca Mearelli:
Integrating ASMs into the Software Development Life Cycle.
J. UCS 3(5): 603-665 (1997) |
1996 |
51 | | Jean-Raymond Abrial,
Egon Börger,
Hans Langmaack:
Formal Methods for Industrial Applications, Specifying and Programming the Steam Boiler Control (the book grow out of a Dagstuhl Seminar, June 1995).
Springer 1996 |
50 | | Egon Börger,
Igor Durdanovic:
Correctness of Compiling Occam to Transputer Code.
Comput. J. 39(1): 52-92 (1996) |
49 | | Christoph Beierle,
Egon Börger:
Specification and Correctness Proof of a WAM Extension with Abstract Type Constraints.
Formal Asp. Comput. 8(4): 428-462 (1996) |
48 | | Christoph Beierle,
Egon Börger:
Refinement of a Typed WAM Extension by Polymorphic Order-Sorted Types.
Formal Asp. Comput. 8(5): 539-564 (1996) |
1995 |
47 | | Jean-Raymond Abrial,
Egon Börger,
Hans Langmaack:
The Stream Boiler Case Study: Competition of Formal Program Specification and Development Methods.
Formal Methods for Industrial Applications 1995: 1-12 |
46 | | Christoph Beierle,
Egon Börger,
Igor Durdanovic,
Uwe Glässer,
Elvinia Riccobene:
Refining Abstract Machine Specifications of the Steam Boiler Control to Well Documented Executable Code.
Formal Methods for Industrial Applications 1995: 52-78 |
45 | EE | Egon Börger,
Giuseppe Del Castillo:
A formal method for provably correct composition of a real-life processor out of basic components. (The APE100 Reverse Engineering Study.
ICECCS 1995: 145-148 |
44 | | Egon Börger:
Why Use Evolving Algebras for Hardware and Software Engineering?
SOFSEM 1995: 236-271 |
43 | | Egon Börger,
Dean Rosenzweig:
The WAM - Definition and Compiler Correctness.
Logic Programming: Formal Methods and Practical Applications 1995: 20-90 |
42 | | Egon Börger,
Dean Rosenzweig:
A Mathematical Definition of Full Prolog.
Sci. Comput. Program. 24(3): 249-286 (1995) |
1994 |
41 | | Egon Börger,
Yuri Gurevich,
Karl Meinke:
Computer Science Logic, 7th Workshop, CSL '93, Swansea, United Kingdom, September 13-17, 1993, Selected Papers
Springer 1994 |
40 | EE | Wolfgang Müller,
Egon Börger,
Uwe Glässer:
The semantics of behavioral VHDL '93 descriptions.
EURO-DAC 1994: 500-505 |
39 | | Egon Börger:
Logic Programming: The Evolving Algebra Approach.
IFIP Congress (1) 1994: 391-395 |
38 | | Egon Börger,
Giuseppe Del Castillo,
Paola Glavan,
Dean Rosenzweig:
Towards a Mathematical Specification of the APE100 Architecture: The APESE Model.
IFIP Congress (1) 1994: 396-401 |
37 | | Egon Börger,
Uwe Glässer:
A Formal Specification of the PVM Architecture.
IFIP Congress (1) 1994: 402-409 |
36 | | Egon Börger,
Francisco Javier López-Fraguas,
Mario Rodríguez-Artalejo:
A Model for Mathematical Analysis of Functional Logic Programs and Their Implementations.
IFIP Congress (1) 1994: 410-415 |
35 | | Egon Börger,
Igor Durdanovic,
Dean Rosenzweig:
Occam: Specification and Compiler Correctness - Part I: The Primary Model.
PROCOMET 1994: 489-508 |
1993 |
34 | | Egon Börger,
Gerhard Jäger,
Hans Kleine Büning,
Simone Martini,
Michael M. Richter:
Computer Science Logic, 6th Workshop, CSL '92, San Miniato, Italy, September 28 - October 2, 1992, Selected Papers
Springer 1993 |
33 | | Egon Börger,
Dean Rosenzweig:
Full Prolog in a Nutshell.
ICLP 1993: 832 |
32 | | Egon Börger,
Dean Rosenzweig:
The Mathematics of Set Predicates in Prolog.
Kurt Gödel Colloquium 1993: 1-13 |
31 | | Egon Börger:
Evolving Algebras for Specification of Logic Programming Systems.
WLP 1993: 5 |
1992 |
30 | | Egon Börger,
Gerhard Jäger,
Hans Kleine Büning,
Michael M. Richter:
Computer Science Logic, 5th Workshop, CSL '91, Berne, Switzerland, October 7-11, 1991, Proceedings
Springer 1992 |
1991 |
29 | | Egon Börger,
Hans Kleine Büning,
Michael M. Richter,
Wolfgang Schönfeld:
Computer Science Logic, 4th Workshop, CSL '90, Heidelberg, Germany, October 1-5, 1990, Proceedings
Springer 1991 |
28 | | Christoph Beierle,
Egon Börger:
Correctness Proof For the WAM with Types.
CSL 1991: 15-34 |
27 | | Egon Börger,
Elvinia Riccobene:
Logical Operational Semantics of Parlog, Part I: And-Parallelism.
PDK 1991: 191-198 |
26 | | Egon Börger,
Bart Demoen:
A Framework to Specify Database Update Views for Prolog.
PLILP 1991: 147-158 |
25 | | Egon Börger,
Elvinia Riccobene:
Logical Operational Semantics of Parlog. Part II: Or-Parallelism.
RCLP 1991: 27-34 |
24 | | Egon Börger,
Dean Rosenzweig:
WAM Algebras - A Mathematical Study of Implementation, Part 2.
RCLP 1991: 35-54 |
23 | | Christoph Beierle,
Egon Börger:
A WAM Extension for Type-Constraint Logic Programming: Specification and Correctness Proof
IWBS Report 200: (1991) |
22 | | Christoph Beierle,
Egon Börger:
Correctness Proof for the WAM
IWBS Report 205: (1991) |
1990 |
21 | | Egon Börger,
Hans Kleine Büning,
Michael M. Richter:
CSL '89, 3rd Workshop on Computer Science Logic, Kaiserslautern, Germany, October 2-6, 1989, Proceedings
Springer 1990 |
20 | | Egon Börger,
Dean Rosenzweig:
From Prolog Algebras Towards WAM - A Mathematical Study of Implementation.
CSL 1990: 31-66 |
19 | | Egon Börger,
Peter H. Schmitt:
A Formal Operational Semantics for Languages of Type Prolog III.
CSL 1990: 67-79 |
18 | | Egon Börger:
A Logical Operational Semantics of Full Prolog, Part II: Built-in Predicates for Database Manipulation.
MFCS 1990: 1-14 |
17 | | Egon Börger:
A Logical Operational Semantics of Full Prolog
IWBS Report 111: (1990) |
16 | | Egon Börger:
A Logical Operational Semantics of Full Prolog Part II: Built-in Predicates for Database Manipulations
IWBS Report 115: (1990) |
15 | | Egon Börger:
A Logical Operational Semantics of Full Prolog Part III: Built-in Predicates for Files, Terms, Arithmetic and Input-Output
IWBS Report 117: (1990) |
14 | | Egon Börger:
Complexity of Logical Decision Problems: An Introduction
IWBS Report 143: (1990) |
13 | | Egon Börger,
Peter H. Schmitt:
A Formal Operational Semantics for PROLOG III: Using Dynamic Algebras
IWBS Report 144: (1990) |
1989 |
12 | | Egon Börger:
Computability, Complexity, Logic (English translation of "Berechenbarkeit, Komplexität, Logik" from 1985)
North-Holland 1989 |
11 | | Egon Börger,
Hans Kleine Büning,
Michael M. Richter:
CSL '88, 2nd Workshop on Computer Science Logic, Duisburg, Germany, October 3-7, 1988, Proceedings
Springer 1989 |
10 | | Egon Börger:
A Logical Operational Semantics of Full Prolog. Part I: Selection Core and Control.
CSL 1989: 36-64 |
1988 |
9 | | Egon Börger,
Hans Kleine Büning,
Michael M. Richter:
CSL '87, 1st Workshop on Computer Science Logic, Karlsruhe, Germany, October 12-16, 1987, Proceedings
Springer 1988 |
1987 |
8 | | Egon Börger:
Computation Theory and Logic, In Memory of Dieter Rödding
Springer 1987 |
7 | | Egon Börger:
Unsolvable Decision Problems for Prolog Programs.
Computation Theory and Logic 1987: 37-48 |
1984 |
6 | | Egon Börger,
Gisbert Hasenjaeger,
Dieter Rödding:
Logic and Machines: Decision Problems and Complexity, Proceedings of the Symposium "Rekursive Kombinatorik" held from May 23-28, 1983 at the Institut für Mathematische Logik und Grundlagenforschung der Universität Münster/Westfahlen
Springer 1984 |
1983 |
5 | | Egon Börger:
Spektralproblem and completeness of logical decision problems.
Logic and Machines 1983: 333-356 |
1982 |
4 | | Stål Aanderaa,
Egon Börger,
Harry R. Lewis:
Conservative Reduction Classes of Krom Formulas.
J. Symb. Log. 47(1): 110-130 (1982) |
1981 |
3 | | Egon Börger:
Logical Description of Computation Processes.
FCT 1981: 410-424 |
2 | | Stal O. Anderaa,
Egon Börger:
The Equivalence of Horn and Network Complexity for Boolean Functions.
Acta Inf. 15: 303-307 (1981) |
1980 |
1 | | Egon Börger,
Hans Kleine Büning:
The Reachability Problem for Petri Nets and Decision Problems for Skolem Arithmetic.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 11: 123-143 (1980) |