2008 |
82 | EE | Julie A. Street,
Hassan Gomaa:
Software Architectural Reuse Issues in Service-Oriented Architectures.
HICSS 2008: 316 |
81 | EE | Hassan Gomaa:
Advances in Software Design Methods for Concurrent, Real-Time and Distributed Applications.
ICSEA 2008: 451-456 |
80 | EE | Hassan Gomaa,
Erika Mir Olimpiew:
Managing Variability in Reusable Requirement Models for Software Product Lines.
ICSR 2008: 182-185 |
79 | | Erika Mir Olimpiew,
Hassan Gomaa:
Model-based Test Design for Software Product Lines.
SPLC (2) 2008: 173-178 |
78 | EE | Hassan Gomaa:
Concurrent Programming.
Wiley Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineering 2008 |
77 | EE | Oldrich Bubak,
Hassan Gomaa:
Applying software product line concepts in service orientation.
IJIIDS 2(4): 383-396 (2008) |
2007 |
76 | EE | Hassan Gomaa,
Michael E. Shin:
Automated Software Product Line Engineering and Product Derivation.
HICSS 2007: 285 |
75 | EE | Robert G. Pettit IV,
Hassan Gomaa:
Analyzing Behavior of Concurrent Software Designs for Embedded Systems.
ISORC 2007: 124-132 |
74 | EE | Julie A. Street,
Robert G. Pettit IV,
Hassan Gomaa:
Independent Model-Driven Software Performance Assessments of UML Designs.
ISORC 2007: 299-306 |
73 | EE | Praveen K. Jayaraman,
Jon Whittle,
Ahmed M. Elkhodary,
Hassan Gomaa:
Model Composition in Product Lines and Feature Interaction Detection Using Critical Pair Analysis.
MoDELS 2007: 151-165 |
72 | EE | Daniel A. Menascé,
Honglei Ruan,
Hassan Gomaa:
QoS management in service-oriented architectures.
Perform. Eval. 64(7-8): 646-663 (2007) |
71 | EE | Michael E. Shin,
Hassan Gomaa:
Software requirements and architecture modeling for evolving non-secure applications into secure applications.
Sci. Comput. Program. 66(1): 60-70 (2007) |
2006 |
70 | EE | Hassan Gomaa:
Designing concurrent, distributed, and real-time applications with UML.
ICSE 2006: 1059-1060 |
69 | EE | Robert G. Pettit IV,
Hassan Gomaa:
Modeling behavioral design patterns of concurrent objects.
ICSE 2006: 202-211 |
68 | EE | Minseong Kim,
Suntae Kim,
Sooyong Park,
Mun-Taek Choi,
Munsang Kim,
Hassan Gomaa:
UML-based service robot software development: a case study.
ICSE 2006: 534-543 |
67 | EE | Hassan Gomaa:
Designing Software Product Lines with UML 2.0: From Use Cases to Pattern-Based Software Architectures.
ICSR 2006: 440 |
66 | EE | Hassan Gomaa,
Mazen Saleh:
Feature Driven Dynamic Customization of Software Product Lines.
ICSR 2006: 58-72 |
65 | EE | Robert G. Pettit IV,
Hassan Gomaa:
Modeling Behavioral Patterns of Concurrent Objects Using Petri Nets.
ISORC 2006: 303-312 |
64 | EE | Hassan Gomaa:
A Software Modeling Odyssey: Designing Evolutionary Architecture-Centric Real-Time Systems and Product Lines.
MoDELS 2006: 1-15 |
63 | | Hassan Gomaa:
Designing Software Product Lines with UML 2.0: From Use Cases to Pattern-Based Software Architectures.
SPLC 2006: 218 |
62 | EE | Hassan Gomaa:
Real-Time Software Engineering, Part 2.
IEEE Software 23(5): 102 (2006) |
2005 |
61 | EE | Erika Mir Olimpiew,
Hassan Gomaa:
Model-based testing for applications derived from software product lines.
A-MOST 2005 |
60 | EE | Hassan Gomaa,
Mazen Saleh:
Software product line engineering for Web services and UML.
AICCSA 2005: 110 |
59 | EE | Hassan Gomaa:
Designing Software Product Lines with UML.
SEW Tutorial Notes 2005: 160-216 |
58 | EE | Mazen Saleh,
Hassan Gomaa:
Separation of concerns in software product line engineering.
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 30(4): 1-5 (2005) |
57 | EE | Erika Mir Olimpiew,
Hassan Gomaa:
Model-based testing for applications derived from software product lines.
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 30(4): 1-7 (2005) |
56 | EE | M. Brian Blake,
Hassan Gomaa:
Agent-oriented compositional approaches to services-based cross-organizational workflow.
Decision Support Systems 40(1): 31-50 (2005) |
2004 |
55 | EE | Hassan Gomaa,
Diana L. Webber:
Modeling Adaptive and Evolvable Software Product Lines Using the Variation Point Model.
HICSS 2004 |
54 | EE | Hassan Gomaa,
Michael Eonsuk Shin:
Modeling Complex Systems by Separating Application and Security Concerns.
ICECCS 2004: 19-28 |
53 | EE | Hassan Gomaa,
Michael Eonsuk Shin:
A Multiple-View Meta-modeling Approach for Variability Management in Software Product Lines.
ICSR 2004: 274-285 |
52 | EE | Hassan Gomaa:
Designing Software Product Lines with the Unified Modeling Language (UML).
SPLC 2004: 317 |
51 | EE | Robert G. Pettit IV,
Hassan Gomaa:
Modeling Behavioral Patterns of Concurrent Software Architectures Using Petri Nets.
WICSA 2004: 57-68 |
50 | EE | Hassan Gomaa,
Mohamed Hussein:
Software Reconfiguration Patterns for Dynamic Evolution of Software Architectures.
WICSA 2004: 79-88 |
49 | EE | Daniel A. Menascé,
Honglei Ruan,
Hassan Gomaa:
A framework for QoS-aware software components.
WOSP 2004: 186-196 |
48 | EE | Diana L. Webber,
Hassan Gomaa:
Modeling variability in software product lines with the variation point model.
Sci. Comput. Program. 53(3): 305-331 (2004) |
2003 |
47 | EE | Hassan Gomaa,
Mohamed Hussein:
Dynamic Software Reconfiguration in Software Product Families.
PFE 2003: 435-444 |
46 | EE | M. Brian Blake,
Hassan Gomaa:
Object-Oriented Modeling Approaches to Agent-Based Workflow Services.
SELMAS 2003: 111-128 |
45 | EE | Robert G. Pettit IV,
Hassan Gomaa:
Improving the Reliability of Concurrent Object-Oriented Software Designs.
WORDS Fall 2003: 262-269 |
2002 |
44 | EE | Hassan Gomaa,
Michael E. Shin:
Multiple-View Meta-Modeling of Software Product Lines.
ICECCS 2002: 238-246 |
43 | EE | Diana L. Webber,
Hassan Gomaa:
Modeling Variability with the Variation Point Model.
ICSR 2002: 109-122 |
42 | EE | Hassan Gomaa,
Mark Gianturco:
Domain Modeling for World Wide Web Based Software Product Lines with UML.
ICSR 2002: 78-92 |
41 | EE | Kevin L. Mills,
Hassan Gomaa:
Knowledge-Based Automation of a Design Method for Concurrent Systems.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 28(3): 228-255 (2002) |
2001 |
40 | | Hassan Gomaa:
Designing Concurrent, Distributed, and Real-Time Applications with UML.
ICSE 2001: 737-738 |
39 | EE | Hassan Gomaa,
Daniel A. Menascé:
Performance Engineering of Component-Based Distributed Software Systems.
Performance Engineering 2001: 40-55 |
38 | EE | Hassan Gomaa,
Daniel A. Menascé,
Michael E. Shin:
Reusable component interconnection patterns for distributed software architectures.
SSR 2001: 69-77 |
2000 |
37 | EE | Hassan Gomaa,
Larry Kerschberg,
Ghulam A. Farrukh:
Domain Modeling of Software Process Models.
ICECCS 2000: 50-60 |
36 | EE | Hassan Gomaa,
Shaoying Liu,
Michael E. Shin:
Integration of the Domain Modeling Method for Families of Systems with the SOFL Formal Specification Language.
ICECCS 2000: 61-71 |
35 | EE | Hassan Gomaa:
Designing real-time and distributed applications with the UML (tutorial session).
ICSE 2000: 829 |
34 | | Hassan Gomaa:
Object Oriented Analysis and Modeling for Families of Systems with UML.
ICSR 2000: 89-99 |
33 | EE | Hassan Gomaa,
Daniel A. Menascé:
Design and performance modeling of component interconnection patterns for distributed software architectures.
Workshop on Software and Performance 2000: 117-126 |
32 | EE | Kevin L. Mills,
Hassan Gomaa:
A knowledge-based method for inferring semantic concepts from visual models of system behavior.
ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol. 9(3): 306-337 (2000) |
31 | EE | Daniel A. Menascé,
Hassan Gomaa:
A Method for Design and Performance Modeling of Client/Server Systems.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 26(11): 1066-1085 (2000) |
1999 |
30 | EE | Hassan Gomaa:
Inter-Agent Communication in Cooperative Information Agent-Based Systems.
CIA 1999: 137-148 |
29 | EE | Hassan Gomaa,
Ghulam A. Farrukh:
A Reusable Architecture for Federated Client/Server Systems.
SSR 1999: 113-121 |
1998 |
28 | EE | Daniel A. Menascé,
Hassan Gomaa:
On a language based method for software performance engineering of client/server systems.
WOSP 1998: 63-69 |
27 | EE | Elizabeth O'Hara-Schettino,
Hassan Gomaa:
Dynamic navigation in multiple view software specifications and designs.
Journal of Systems and Software 41(2): 93-103 (1998) |
1997 |
26 | EE | Hassan Gomaa,
Ghulam A. Farrukh:
Automated Configuration of Distributed Applications from Reusable Software Architectures.
ASE 1997: 193-200 |
1996 |
25 | EE | Robert G. Pettit IV,
Hassan Gomaa:
Integrating Petri Nets With Design Methods for Concurrent and Real-Time Systems.
ICECCS 1996: 168- |
24 | EE | Hassan Gomaa,
Ghulam A. Farrukh:
An Approach for Generating Executable Distributed Applications from Reusable Software Architectures.
ICECCS 1996: 442-449 |
23 | | Kevin L. Mills,
Hassan Gomaa:
A Knowledge-based Approach for Automating a Design Method for Concurrent and Real-Time Systems.
SEKE 1996: 529-536 |
22 | EE | Larry Kerschberg,
Hassan Gomaa,
Daniel A. Menascé,
Jong P. Yoon:
Data and Information Architectures for Large-Scale Distributed Data Intensive Information Systems (Position Paper).
SSDBM 1996: 226-233 |
21 | | Hassan Gomaa,
Larry Kerschberg,
Vijayan Sugumaran,
C. Bosch,
I. Tavakoli,
L. O'Hara:
A Knowledge-Based Software Engineering Environment for Reusable Software Requirements and Architectures.
Autom. Softw. Eng. 3(3/4): 285-307 (1996) |
20 | EE | Hassan Gomaa,
Daniel A. Menascé,
Larry Kerschberg:
A software architectural design method for large-scale distributed information systems.
Distributed Systems Engineering 3(3): 162-172 (1996) |
1995 |
19 | EE | Daniel A. Menascé,
Hassan Gomaa,
Larry Kerschberg:
A performance oriented design methodology for large-scale distributed data intensive information systems.
ICECCS 1995: 72-79 |
18 | | Sanjiv Gossain,
Don S. Batory,
Hassan Gomaa,
Mitchell D. Lubars,
Christopher Pidgeon,
Ed Seidewitz:
Objects and Domain Engineering - Panel Session.
OOPSLA 1995: 333-336 |
17 | EE | Hassan Gomaa:
Domain Modeling Methods and Environments.
SSR 1995: 256-258 |
16 | EE | Hassan Gomaa:
Reusable software requirements and architectures for families of systems.
Journal of Systems and Software 28(3): 189-202 (1995) |
1994 |
15 | | Hassan Gomaa:
Software Design Methods for Concurrent and Real-Time Systems.
CSEE 1994: 341-341 |
14 | | Paul Ammann,
Hassan Gomaa,
A. Jefferson Offutt,
David Rine,
Bo Sanden:
A Five Year Perspective on Software Engineering Graduate Programs at George Mason University.
CSEE 1994: 473-488 |
13 | EE | Hassan Gomaa:
Software design methods for the design of large-scale real-time systems.
Journal of Systems and Software 25(2): 127-146 (1994) |
1992 |
12 | | Hassan Gomaa,
Larry Kerschberg,
Vijayan Sugumaran:
A Knowledge-Based Approach to Generating Target System Specifications from a Domain Model.
IFIP Congress (1) 1992: 252-258 |
1989 |
11 | | Hassan Gomaa:
Structuring Criteria for Real Time System Design.
ICSE 1989: 290-301 |
10 | EE | Hassan Gomaa:
A software design method for distributed real-time applications.
Journal of Systems and Software 9(2): 81-94 (1989) |
1986 |
9 | | Hassan Gomaa:
Software Development of Real-Time Systems.
Commun. ACM 29(7): 657-668 (1986) |
1984 |
8 | | Hassan Gomaa:
A Software Design Method for Real-Time Systems.
Commun. ACM 27(9): 938-949 (1984) |
1982 |
7 | | Hassan Gomaa,
J. Lui,
P. Woo:
The Software Engineering of a Microcomputer Application System.
Softw., Pract. Exper. 12(4): 309-321 (1982) |
6 | | Hassan Gomaa:
The Design and Calibration of a Simulation Model of a Star Computer Network.
Softw., Pract. Exper. 12(7): 599-610 (1982) |
1981 |
5 | | Hassan Gomaa,
D. B. H. Scott:
Prototyping as a Tool in the Specification of User Requirements.
ICSE 1981: 333-342 |
4 | | Hassan Gomaa:
A Hybrid Simulation/Regression Model of a Virtual Storage System.
Comput. J. 24(4): 358-366 (1981) |
1978 |
3 | | Hassan Gomaa:
The Calibration and Validation of a Hybrid Simulation/Regression Model of a Batch Computer System.
Softw., Pract. Exper. 8(1): 11-28 (1978) |
1976 |
2 | | Hassan Gomaa:
A Modelling Approach to the Evaluation of Computer System Performance.
Performance 1976: 171-199 |
1974 |
1 | | Hassan Gomaa:
An Exercise in Resource Allocation.
Softw., Pract. Exper. 4(3): 199-213 (1974) |