2008 |
67 | EE | Stefan Maus,
Michal Moskal,
Wolfram Schulte:
Vx86: x86 Assembler Simulated in C Powered by Automated Theorem Proving.
AMAST 2008: 284-298 |
66 | EE | Jan Smans,
Bart Jacobs,
Frank Piessens,
Wolfram Schulte:
An Automatic Verifier for Java-Like Programs Based on Dynamic Frames.
FASE 2008: 261-275 |
65 | EE | Ethan K. Jackson,
Wolfram Schulte:
Model Generation for Horn Logic with Stratified Negation.
FORTE 2008: 1-20 |
64 | EE | Margus Veanes,
Wolfram Schulte:
Protocol Modeling with Model Program Composition.
FORTE 2008: 324-339 |
63 | EE | Margus Veanes,
Colin Campbell,
Wolfgang Grieskamp,
Wolfram Schulte,
Nikolai Tillmann,
Lev Nachmanson:
Model-Based Testing of Object-Oriented Reactive Systems with Spec Explorer.
Formal Methods and Testing 2008: 39-76 |
62 | EE | Darko Marinov,
Wolfram Schulte:
Workshop on state-space exploration for automated testing (SSEAT 2008).
ISSTA 2008: 315-316 |
61 | EE | Dries Vanoverberghe,
Nikolaj Bjørner,
Jonathan de Halleux,
Wolfram Schulte,
Nikolai Tillmann:
Using Dynamic Symbolic Execution to Improve Deductive Verification.
SPIN 2008: 9-25 |
60 | EE | Ethan K. Jackson,
Wolfram Schulte:
Compositional Modeling for Data-Centric Business Applications.
Software Composition 2008: 190-205 |
59 | EE | Bart Jacobs,
Frank Piessens,
Jan Smans,
K. Rustan M. Leino,
Wolfram Schulte:
A programming model for concurrent object-oriented programs.
ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 31(1): (2008) |
58 | EE | Patrice Godefroid,
Jonathan de Halleux,
Aditya V. Nori,
Sriram K. Rajamani,
Wolfram Schulte,
Nikolai Tillmann,
Michael Y. Levin:
Automating Software Testing Using Program Analysis.
IEEE Software 25(5): 30-37 (2008) |
2007 |
57 | EE | K. Rustan M. Leino,
Wolfram Schulte:
Using History Invariants to Verify Observers.
ESOP 2007: 80-94 |
56 | EE | Margus Veanes,
Colin Campbell,
Wolfram Schulte:
Composition of Model Programs.
FORTE 2007: 128-142 |
55 | EE | Wolfram Schulte:
Pex - An Intelligent Assistant for Rigorous Developer Testing.
ICECCS 2007: 161 |
54 | EE | Wolfram Schulte:
Experiments in Verifying Low Level Concurrent C Code.
ICECCS 2007: 299 |
53 | EE | Bart Jacobs,
Jan Smans,
Frank Piessens,
Wolfram Schulte:
A Simple Sequential Reasoning Approach for Sound Modular Verification of Mainstream Multithreaded Programs.
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 174(9): 23-47 (2007) |
2006 |
52 | EE | Nikolai Tillmann,
Wolfram Schulte:
Mock-object generation with behavior.
ASE 2006: 365-368 |
51 | EE | Michael Barnett,
David A. Naumann,
Wolfram Schulte,
Qi Sun:
Allowing State Changes in Specifications.
ETRICS 2006: 321-336 |
50 | EE | Bart Jacobs,
Jan Smans,
Frank Piessens,
Wolfram Schulte:
A Statically Verifiable Programming Model for Concurrent Object-Oriented Programs.
ICFEM 2006: 420-439 |
49 | EE | Nikolai Tillmann,
Feng Chen,
Wolfram Schulte:
Discovering Likely Method Specifications.
ICFEM 2006: 717-736 |
48 | EE | Wolfram Schulte:
Challenge problems in software testing.
SOQUA 2006: 1 |
47 | EE | Ralf Lämmel,
Wolfram Schulte:
Controllable Combinatorial Coverage in Grammar-Based Testing.
TestCom 2006: 19-38 |
46 | EE | Wolfgang Grieskamp,
Nikolai Tillmann,
Wolfram Schulte:
XRT- Exploring Runtime for .NET Architecture and Applications.
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 144(3): 3-26 (2006) |
45 | EE | Nikolai Tillmann,
Wolfram Schulte:
Unit Tests Reloaded: Parameterized Unit Testing with Symbolic Execution.
IEEE Software 23(4): 38-47 (2006) |
2005 |
44 | EE | Gavin M. Bierman,
Erik Meijer,
Wolfram Schulte:
The Essence of Data Access in Comega.
ECOOP 2005: 287-311 |
43 | EE | Nikolai Tillmann,
Wolfram Schulte:
Parameterized unit tests with unit meister.
ESEC/SIGSOFT FSE 2005: 241-244 |
42 | EE | Nikolai Tillmann,
Wolfram Schulte:
Parameterized unit tests.
ESEC/SIGSOFT FSE 2005: 253-262 |
41 | EE | Margus Veanes,
Colin Campbell,
Wolfram Schulte,
Nikolai Tillmann:
Online testing with model programs.
ESEC/SIGSOFT FSE 2005: 273-282 |
40 | EE | Colin Campbell,
Wolfgang Grieskamp,
Lev Nachmanson,
Wolfram Schulte,
Nikolai Tillmann,
Margus Veanes:
Testing Concurrent Object-Oriented Systems with Spec Explorer.
FM 2005: 542-547 |
39 | EE | Wolfgang Grieskamp,
Nikolai Tillmann,
Colin Campbell,
Wolfram Schulte,
Margus Veanes:
Action Machines - Towards a Framework for Model Composition, Exploration and Conformance Testing Based on Symbolic Computation.
QSIC 2005: 72-82 |
38 | EE | Bart Jacobs,
Frank Piessens,
K. Rustan M. Leino,
Wolfram Schulte:
Safe Concurrency for Aggregate Objects with Invariants.
SEFM 2005: 137-147 |
37 | EE | Tao Xie,
Darko Marinov,
Wolfram Schulte,
David Notkin:
Symstra: A Framework for Generating Object-Oriented Unit Tests Using Symbolic Execution.
TACAS 2005: 365-381 |
36 | EE | Dean Rosenzweig,
Davor Runje,
Wolfram Schulte:
Model-Based Testing of Cryptographic Protocols.
TGC 2005: 33-60 |
35 | EE | Michael Barnett,
Robert DeLine,
Manuel Fähndrich,
Bart Jacobs,
K. Rustan M. Leino,
Wolfram Schulte,
Herman Venter:
The Spec# Programming System: Challenges and Directions.
VSTTE 2005: 144-152 |
34 | EE | Yuri Gurevich,
Benjamin Rossman,
Wolfram Schulte:
Semantic essence of AsmL.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 343(3): 370-412 (2005) |
2004 |
33 | | Jim Davies,
Wolfram Schulte,
Michael Barnett:
Formal Methods and Software Engineering, 6th International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods, ICFEM 2004, Seattle, WA, USA, November 8-12, 2004, Proceedings
Springer 2004 |
32 | EE | Lev Nachmanson,
Margus Veanes,
Wolfram Schulte,
Nikolai Tillmann,
Wolfgang Grieskamp:
Optimal strategies for testing nondeterministic systems.
ISSTA 2004: 55-64 |
31 | EE | K. Rustan M. Leino,
Wolfram Schulte:
Exception Safety for C#.
SEFM 2004: 218-227 |
30 | EE | Michael Barnett,
Robert DeLine,
Manuel Fähndrich,
K. Rustan M. Leino,
Wolfram Schulte:
Verification of Object-Oriented Programs with Invariants.
Journal of Object Technology 3(6): 27-56 (2004) |
2003 |
29 | EE | Michael Barnett,
Wolfram Schulte,
Nikolai Tillmann:
Using AsmL for Runtime Verification.
Abstract State Machines 2003: 407 |
28 | EE | Wolfram Schulte:
Parallelism versus Nondeterminism - On the Semantics of Abstract State Machines.
Abstract State Machines 2003: 425 |
27 | EE | Michael Barnett,
Wolfgang Grieskamp,
Lev Nachmanson,
Wolfram Schulte,
Nikolai Tillmann,
Margus Veanes:
Towards a Tool Environment for Model-Based Testing with AsmL.
FATES 2003: 252-266 |
26 | EE | Yuri Gurevich,
Benjamin Rossman,
Wolfram Schulte:
Semantic Essence of AsmL.
FMCO 2003: 240-259 |
25 | EE | Michael Barnett,
Wolfgang Grieskamp,
Wolfram Schulte,
Nikolai Tillmann,
Margus Veanes:
Validating Use-Cases with the AsmL Test Tool.
QSIC 2003: 238-246 |
24 | EE | Walter Guttmann,
Helmuth Partsch,
Wolfram Schulte,
Ton Vullinghs:
Tool Support for the Interactive Derivation of Formally Correct Functional Programs.
J. UCS 9(2): 173- (2003) |
23 | EE | Michael Barnett,
Wolfram Schulte:
Runtime verification of .NET contracts.
Journal of Systems and Software 65(3): 199-208 (2003) |
2002 |
22 | EE | Wolfgang Grieskamp,
Yuri Gurevich,
Wolfram Schulte,
Margus Veanes:
Generating finite state machines from abstract state machines.
ISSTA 2002: 112-122 |
2001 |
21 | EE | Wolfgang Grieskamp,
Markus Lepper,
Wolfram Schulte,
Nikolai Tillmann:
Testable Use Cases in the Abstract State Machine Language.
APAQS 2001: 167-172 |
20 | | Michael Barnett,
Wolfram Schulte:
The ABCs of specification: asml, behavior, and components.
Informatica (Slovenia) 25(4): (2001) |
2000 |
19 | EE | Yuri Gurevich,
Wolfram Schulte,
Charles Wallace:
Investigating Java Concurrency Using Abstract State Machines.
Abstract State Machines 2000: 151-176 |
18 | EE | Michael Barnett,
Egon Börger,
Yuri Gurevich,
Wolfram Schulte,
Margus Veanes:
Using Abstract State Machines at Microsoft: A Case Study.
Abstract State Machines 2000: 367-379 |
17 | EE | Wolfram Schulte:
Translating Theory into Practice - Abstract State Machines within Microsoft.
CSL 2000: 71 |
16 | EE | Wolfram Schulte:
Why Doesn't Anyone Use Formal Methods?
IFM 2000: 297-298 |
15 | EE | Egon Börger,
Wolfram Schulte:
A Practical Method for Specification and Analysis of Exception Handling - A Java/JVM Case Study.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 26(9): 872-887 (2000) |
14 | EE | Egon Börger,
Wolfram Schulte:
Initialization problems for Java.
Software - Concepts and Tools 19(4): 175-178 (2000) |
1999 |
13 | EE | Egon Börger,
Wolfram Schulte:
A Programmer Friendly Modular Definition of the Semantics of Java.
Formal Syntax and Semantics of Java 1999: 353-404 |
1998 |
12 | EE | Egon Börger,
Wolfram Schulte:
Defining the Java Virtual Machine as Platform for Provably Correct Java Compilation.
MFCS 1998: 17-35 |
1997 |
11 | | Wolfram Schulte,
Klaus Achatz:
Functional Object-Oriented Programming with Object-Gofer.
GI Jahrestagung 1997: 552-561 |
10 | | Klaus Achatz,
Wolfram Schulte:
A Formal OO Method Inspired by Fusion and Object-Z.
ZUM 1997: 92-111 |
9 | | Klaus Achatz,
Wolfram Schulte:
Formale objektorientierte Softwareentwicklung mit Fox.
Inform., Forsch. Entwickl. 12(4): 174-185 (1997) |
1996 |
8 | | Wolfram Schulte,
Thilo Schwinn,
Ton Vullinghs:
TkGofer: A Functional GUI Library.
AMAST 1996: 621-624 |
7 | | Ton Vullinghs,
Wolfram Schulte,
Thilo Schwinn:
The Design of a Functional GUI Library Using Constructor Classes.
Ershov Memorial Conference 1996: 398-408 |
6 | | Klaus Achatz,
Wolfram Schulte:
Massive Parallelization of Divide-and-Conquer Algorithms over Powerlists.
Sci. Comput. Program. 26(1-3): 59-78 (1996) |
1995 |
5 | | Klaus Achatz,
Wolfram Schulte:
Architecture Independent Massive Parallelization of Divide-and-Conquer Algorithms.
MPC 1995: 97-127 |
4 | | Ton Vullinghs,
Daniel Tuinman,
Wolfram Schulte:
Lightweight GUIs for Functional Programming
PLILP 1995: 341-356 |
3 | | Wolfram Schulte:
Erfahrungen bei der Gestaltung eines Software-Grundpraktikums.
SEUH 1995: 100-108 |
1994 |
2 | | Wolfram Schulte:
Deriving Residual Reference Count Garbage Collectors.
PLILP 1994: 102-116 |
1991 |
1 | | Wolfram Schulte,
Wolfgang Grieskamp:
Generating Efficient Portable Code for a Strict Applicative Language.
Declarative Programming 1991: 239-252 |