2008 |
48 | EE | Sandro Morasca:
Refining the axiomatic definition of internal software attributes.
ESEM 2008: 188-197 |
47 | EE | Davide Taibi,
Vieri Del Bianco,
Davide Dalle Carbonare,
Luigi Lavazza,
Sandro Morasca:
Towards The Evaluation of OSS Trustworthiness: Lessons Learned From The Observation of Relevant OSS Projects.
OSS 2008: 389-395 |
46 | | Sandro Morasca:
Subjective Assessment of the Mutual Influence of ISO 9126 Software Qualities: an Empirical Study.
SEKE 2008: 297-302 |
2007 |
45 | EE | José A. Cruz-Lemus,
Marcela Genero,
Sandro Morasca,
Mario Piattini:
Using Practitioners for Assessing the Understandability of UML Statechart Diagrams with Composite States.
ER Workshops 2007: 213-222 |
44 | EE | Davide Taibi,
Luigi Lavazza,
Sandro Morasca:
OpenBQR: a framework for the assessment of OSS.
OSS 2007: 173-186 |
43 | EE | Sandro Morasca,
Alberto Sillitti:
1st International Workshop on Trust in Open Source Software (TOSS).
OSS 2007: 371-373 |
42 | EE | Luciano Baresi,
Sandro Morasca:
Three empirical studies on estimating the design effort of Web applications.
ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol. 16(4): (2007) |
2006 |
41 | EE | Maria Letizia Jaccheri,
Sandro Morasca:
Involving Industry Professionals in Empirical Studies with Students.
Empirical Software Engineering Issues 2006: 152 |
40 | EE | Austen Rainer,
Marcus Ciolkowski,
Dietmar Pfahl,
Barbara Kitchenham,
Sandro Morasca,
Matthias M. Müller,
Guilherme Horta Travassos,
Sira Vegas:
Teaching Empirical Methods to Undergraduate Students Working Group Results.
Empirical Software Engineering Issues 2006: 158-162 |
39 | EE | Sandro Morasca:
On the Assessment of the Mean Failure Frequency of Software in Late Testing.
ICSEA 2006: 15 |
2005 |
38 | EE | Luciano Baresi,
Piero Fraternali,
Massimo Tisi,
Sandro Morasca:
Towards Model-Driven Testing of a Web Application Generator.
ICWE 2005: 75-86 |
37 | EE | Luigi Lavazza,
Sandro Morasca,
Angelo Morzenti:
A Dual Language Approach to the Development of Time-Critical Systems.
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 116: 227-239 (2005) |
2004 |
36 | EE | Sandro Morasca:
On the Definition and Use of Aggregate Indices for Nominal, Ordinal, and Other Scales.
IEEE METRICS 2004: 46-57 |
35 | EE | Sandro Morasca,
Stefano Serra Capizzano:
On the analytical comparison of testing techniques.
ISSTA 2004: 154-164 |
2003 |
34 | EE | Jeffrey Carver,
Maria Letizia Jaccheri,
Sandro Morasca,
Forrest Shull:
Using Empirical Studies during Software Courses.
ESERNET 2003: 81-103 |
33 | EE | Sandro Morasca:
Foundations of a Weak Measurement-Theoretic Approach to Software Measurement.
FASE 2003: 200-215 |
32 | EE | Jeffrey Carver,
Maria Letizia Jaccheri,
Sandro Morasca,
Forrest Shull:
Issues in Using Students in Empirical Studies in Software Engineering Education.
IEEE METRICS 2003: 239- |
31 | EE | Luciano Baresi,
Sandro Morasca,
Paolo Paolini:
Estimating the Design Effort of Web Applications.
IEEE METRICS 2003: 62-72 |
30 | | Sandro Morasca:
A Bayesian Approach to Software Testing Evaluation.
SEKE 2003: 706-713 |
29 | EE | Luigi Lavazza,
Sandro Morasca,
Angelo Morzenti:
A Dual Language Approach Extension to UML for the Development of Time-Critical Component-Based Systems.
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 82(6): (2003) |
28 | EE | Giovanni Denaro,
Mauro Pezzè,
Sandro Morasca:
Towards Industrially Relevant Fault-Proneness Models.
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 13(4): 395-417 (2003) |
2002 |
27 | EE | Giovanni Denaro,
Sandro Morasca,
Mauro Pezzè:
Deriving models of software fault-proneness.
SEKE 2002: 361-368 |
26 | EE | Sandro Morasca:
A proposal for using continuous attributes in classification trees.
SEKE 2002: 417-424 |
25 | EE | Luciano Baresi,
Sandro Morasca,
Paolo Paolini:
An Empirical Study on the Design Effort of Web Applications.
WISE 2002: 345-354 |
24 | EE | Lionel C. Briand,
Sandro Morasca,
Victor R. Basili:
An Operational Process for Goal-Driven Definition of Measures.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 28(12): 1106-1125 (2002) |
2001 |
23 | EE | Sandro Morasca,
Giuliano Russo:
An Empirical Study of Software Productivity.
COMPSAC 2001: 317-322 |
2000 |
22 | | Sandro Morasca,
Angelo Morzenti,
Pierluigi San Pietro:
A Case Study on Applying a Tool for Automated System Analysis Based on Modular Specifications Written in TRIO.
Autom. Softw. Eng. 7(2): 125-155 (2000) |
21 | EE | Pierluigi San Pietro,
Angelo Morzenti,
Sandro Morasca:
Generation of Execution Sequences for Modular Time Critical Systems.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 26(2): 128-149 (2000) |
20 | EE | Sandro Morasca,
Günther Ruhe:
A hybrid approach to analyze empirical software engineering data and its application to predict module fault-proneness in maintenance.
Journal of Systems and Software 53(3): 225-237 (2000) |
1999 |
19 | EE | Sandro Morasca:
Measuring Attributes of Concurrent Software Specifications in Petri Nets.
IEEE METRICS 1999: 100-110 |
18 | EE | Lionel C. Briand,
Sandro Morasca,
Victor R. Basili:
Defining and Validating Measures for Object-Based High-Level Design.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 25(5): 722-743 (1999) |
1998 |
17 | EE | Angelo Morzenti,
Pierluigi San Pietro,
Sandro Morasca:
A Tool for Automated System Analysis based on Modular Specifications.
ASE 1998: 2-11 |
16 | EE | Alfonso Fuggetta,
Luigi Lavazza,
Sandro Morasca,
Stefano Cinti,
Giandomenico Oldano,
Elena Orazi:
Applying GQM in an Industrial Software Factory.
ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol. 7(4): 411-448 (1998) |
1997 |
15 | | Lionel C. Briand,
Sandro Morasca:
Software Measurement and Formal Methods: A Case Study Centered on TRIO+ Specifications.
ICFEM 1997: 315- |
14 | EE | Sandro Morasca,
Lionel C. Briand:
Towards A Theoretical Framework For Measuring Software Attributes.
IEEE METRICS 1997: 119-126 |
13 | EE | Sandro Morasca:
Applying QIP/GQM in a Maintenance Project.
Empirical Software Engineering 2(2): 163-166 (1997) |
12 | EE | Lionel C. Briand,
Khaled El Emam,
Sandro Morasca:
Reply to ''Comments to the Paper: Briand, El Emam, Morasca: On the Application of Measurement Theory in Software Engineering.
Empirical Software Engineering 2(3): 317-322 (1997) |
11 | EE | Sandro Morasca,
Lionel C. Briand,
Victor R. Basili,
Elaine J. Weyuker,
Marvin V. Zelkowitz:
Comments on "Toward a Framework for Software Measurement Validation".
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 23(3): 187-188 (1997) |
10 | EE | Lionel C. Briand,
Sandro Morasca,
Victor R. Basili:
Response to: Comments on "Property-Based Software Engineering Measurement: Refining the Additivity Properties".
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 23(3): 196-197 (1997) |
1996 |
9 | EE | Sandro Morasca,
Angelo Morzenti,
Pierluigi San Pietro:
Generating Functional Test Cases in-the-large for Time-critical Systems from Logic-based Specifications.
ISSTA 1996: 39-52 |
8 | EE | Lionel C. Briand,
Sandro Morasca,
Victor R. Basili:
Property-Based Software Engineering Measurement.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 22(1): 68-86 (1996) |
1995 |
7 | EE | Dino Mandrioli,
Sandro Morasca,
Angelo Morzenti:
Generating Test Cases for Real-Time Systems from Logic Specifications.
ACM Trans. Comput. Syst. 13(4): 365-398 (1995) |
1994 |
6 | EE | Carlo Ghezzi,
Sandro Morasca,
Mauro Pezzè:
Validating timing requirements for time basic net specifications.
Journal of Systems and Software 27(2): 97-117 (1994) |
1993 |
5 | | Lionel C. Briand,
Sandro Morasca,
Victor R. Basili:
Measuring and Assessing Maintainability at the End of High Level Design.
ICSM 1993: 88-97 |
1991 |
4 | EE | Carlo Ghezzi,
Dino Mandrioli,
Sandro Morasca,
Mauro Pezzè:
A Unified High-Level Petri Net Formalism for Time-Critical Systems.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 17(2): 160-172 (1991) |
3 | | Sandro Morasca,
Mauro Pezzè,
Marco Trubian:
Timed High-Level Nets.
Real-Time Systems 3(2): 165-189 (1991) |
1989 |
2 | | Sandro Morasca,
Mauro Pezzè:
Validation of Concurrent ADA Programs using Symbolic Execution.
ESEC 1989: 469-486 |
1 | | Carlo Ghezzi,
Dino Mandrioli,
Sandro Morasca,
Mauro Pezzè:
Symbolic Execution of Concurrent Systems Using Petri Nets.
Comput. Lang. 14(4): 263-281 (1989) |