
Jin Song Dong

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84EEJin Song Dong, Jing Sun, Jun Sun, Kenji Taguchi, Xian Zhang: Specifying and Verifying Sensor Networks: An Experiment of Formal Methods. ICFEM 2008: 318-337
83EEJun Sun, Yang Liu, Jin Song Dong, Hai H. Wang: Specifying and Verifying Event-Based Fairness Enhanced Systems. ICFEM 2008: 5-24
82EEChunqing Chen, Jin Song Dong, Jun Sun: A verification system for timed interval calculus. ICSE 2008: 271-280
81EEYang Liu, Jun Sun, Jin Song Dong: An analyzer for extended compositional process algebras. ICSE Companion 2008: 919-920
80EEJun Sun, Yang Liu, Jin Song Dong: Model Checking CSP Revisited: Introducing a Process Analysis Toolkit. ISoLA 2008: 307-322
79EESimon Ferndriger, Abraham Bernstein, Jin Song Dong, Yuzhang Feng, Yuan-Fang Li, Jane Hunter: Enhancing Semantic Web Services with Inheritance. International Semantic Web Conference 2008: 162-177
78 Nwe Ni Tun, Jin Song Dong: Ontology Generation through the Fusion of Partial Reuse and Relation Extraction. KR 2008: 318-328
77EEJun Sun, Yang Liu, Jin Song Dong, Jing Sun: Bounded Model Checking of Compositional Processes. TASE 2008: 23-30
76EEJun Sun, Yang Liu, Jin Song Dong, Jing Sun: Compositional encoding for bounded model checking. Frontiers of Computer Science in China 2(4): 368-379 (2008)
75EEJin Song Dong, Ping Hao, Shengchao Qin, Jun Sun, Wang Yi: Timed Automata Patterns. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 34(6): 844-859 (2008)
74EEKenji Taguchi, Jin Song Dong: Formally specifying and verifying mobile agents - model checking mobility: the MobiOZ approach. IJAOSE 2(4): 449-474 (2008)
73EEJin Song Dong, Yuzhang Feng, Ho-fung Leung: A Verification Framework for Agent Knowledge. ICFEM 2007: 57-75
72EEChunqing Chen, Jin Song Dong, Jun Sun: Machine-Assisted Proof Support for Validation Beyond Simulink. ICFEM 2007: 96-115
71 Hui Liang, Jin Song Dong, Jing Sun: Evolution and Runtime Monitoring of Software Systems. SEKE 2007: 343-348
70EEHai H. Wang, Shengchao Qin, Jun Sun, Jin Song Dong: Realizing Live Sequence Charts in SystemVerilog. TASE 2007: 379-388
69EETuan A. Luu, Tho T. Quan, Tru H. Cao, Jin Song Dong: Axiom-oriented Reasoning to Deal with Inconsistency Between Ontology and Knowledge Base. URSW 2007
68EELing Yuan, Jin Song Dong, Jing Sun: Modeling and Customization of Fault Tolerant Architecture using Object-Z/XVCL. APSEC 2006: 209-216
67EEDorel Lucanu, Yuan-Fang Li, Jin Song Dong: Semantic Web Languages - Towards an Institutional Perspective. Essays Dedicated to Joseph A. Goguen 2006: 99-123
66EEHui Liang, Jin Song Dong, Jing Sun, Roger Duke, Rudolph E. Seviora: Formal Specification-based Online Monitoring. ICECCS 2006: 152-162
65EEJin Song Dong, Yang Liu, Jun Sun, Xian Zhang: Verification of Computation Orchestration Via Timed Automata. ICFEM 2006: 226-245
64EEJin Song Dong, Ping Hao, Jun Sun, Xian Zhang: A Reasoning Method for Timed CSP Based on Constraint Solving. ICFEM 2006: 342-359
63EEChunqing Chen, Jin Song Dong: Applying Timed Interval Calculus to Simulink Diagrams. ICFEM 2006: 74-93
62EEJin Song Dong: From semantic web to expressive software specifications: a modeling languages spectrum. ICSE 2006: 1063-1064
61EEJin Song Dong, Ping Hao, Xian Zhang, Shengchao Qin: HighSpec: a tool for building and checking OZTA models. ICSE 2006: 775-778
60EEAlvaro E. Arenas, Jin Song Dong, Andrew Martin, Brian Matthews: Preface. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 151(2): 1 (2006)
59EEJun Sun, Jin Song Dong: Design Synthesis from Interaction and State-Based Specifications. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 32(6): 349-364 (2006)
58EELing Yuan, Jin Song Dong, Jing Sun, Hamid Abdul Basit: Generic Fault Tolerant Software Architecture Reasoning and Customization. IEEE Transactions on Reliability 55(3): 421-435 (2006)
57EEHai H. Wang, Jin Song Dong, Jing Sun, Jun Sun: Reasoning support for Semantic Web ontology family languages using Alloy. Multiagent and Grid Systems 2(4): 455-471 (2006)
56EEJin Song Dong, Yuzhang Feng, Yuan-Fang Li, Jun Sun: A Tools Environment for Developing and Reasoning about Ontologies. APSEC 2005: 465-472
55EEJun Sun, Jin Song Dong: Synthesis of Distributed Processes from Scenario-Based Specifications. FM 2005: 415-431
54EEJin Song Dong, D. Dan: Software Engineering Approaches to Semantic Web. ICECCS 2005: 2
53EEJin Song Dong, Roger Duke, Ping Hao: Integrating Object-Z with Timed Automata. ICECCS 2005: 488-497
52EEJun Sun, Jin Song Dong: Model Checking Live Sequence Charts. ICECCS 2005: 529-538
51EEJun Sun, Jin Song Dong: Extracting FSMs from Object-Z Specifications with History Invariants. ICECCS 2005: 96-105
50EEJin Song Dong, Ping Hao, Shengchao Qin, Xian Zhang: The Semantics and Tool Support of OZTA. ICFEM 2005: 66-80
49 Dorel Lucanu, Yuan-Fang Li, Jin Song Dong: Institution Morphisms for Relating OWL and Z. SEKE 2005: 286-291
48 Hai H. Wang, Jin Song Dong, Jing Sun, Yuan-Fang Li: TCOZ Approach to OWL-S Process Model Design. SEKE 2005: 354-359
47 Hai H. Wang, Jin Song Dong, Jing Sun: Reasoning Support for SWRL-FOL Using Alloy. SEKE 2005: 626-631
46EEDorel Lucanu, Yuan-Fang Li, Jin Song Dong: Soundness proof of Z semantics of OWL using institutions. WWW (Special interest tracks and posters) 2005: 1048-1049
45EEJin Song Dong, Ping Hao, Brendan P. Mahony: Formal Designs for Embedded and Hybrid Systems. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 15(2): 373-378 (2005)
44EEYue Tang, Jin Song Dong, Jing Sun, Brendan P. Mahony: Reasoning about Semantic Web in Isabelle/HOL. APSEC 2004: 46-53
43EEKenji Taguchi, Jin Song Dong, Gabriel Ciobanu: Relating pi-calculus to Object-Z. ICECCS 2004: 97-106
42EEJin Song Dong, Ping Hao, Shengchao Qin, Jun Sun, Wang Yi: Timed Patterns: TCOZ to Timed Automata. ICFEM 2004: 483-498
41EEJin Song Dong, Chew Hung Lee, Yuan-Fang Li, Hai H. Wang: Verifying DAML+OIL and Beyond in Z/EVES. ICSE 2004: 201-210
40EEJin Song Dong: Software Modeling Techniques and the Semantic Web. ICSE 2004: 724-725
39EEJin Song Dong, Yuzhang Feng, Yuan-Fang Li: Verifying OWL and ORL Ontologies in PVS. ICTAC 2004: 265-279
38EEJin Song Dong, Shengchao Qin, Jun Sun: Generating MSCs from an Integrated Formal Specification Language. IFM 2004: 168-186
37EEJin Song Dong, Chew Hung Lee, Hian Beng Lee, Yuan-Fang Li, Hai H. Wang: A combined approach to checking web ontologies. WWW 2004: 714-722
36EEJin Song Dong, Yuan-Fang Li, Hai H. Wang: TCOZ approach to semantic web services design. WWW (Alternate Track Papers & Posters) 2004: 442-443
35 Jin Song Dong, Jim Woodcock: Formal Methods and Software Engineering, 5th International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods, ICFEM 2003, Singapore, November 5-7, 2003, Proceedings Springer 2003
34EEHong Li Yang, Jin Song Dong, Ke Gang Hao, Jun Gang Han: Formalizing Semantics of XSLT Using Object-Z. APWeb 2003: 120-131
33EEShengchao Qin, Jin Song Dong, Wei-Ngan Chin: A Semantic Foundation for TCOZ in Unifying Theories of Programming. FME 2003: 321-340
32EEJin Song Dong, Jing Sun, Hai H. Wang: Checking and Reasoning about Semantic Web through Alloy. FME 2003: 796-813
31 Jin Song Dong, Jun Sun, Hai H. Wang, Chew Hung Lee, Hian Beng Lee: Analysing Web Ontology in Alloy: A Military Case Study. SEKE 2003: 542-546
30EEMark Utting, Ian Toyn, Jing Sun, Andrew Martin, Jin Song Dong, Nicholas Daley, David W. Currie: ZML: XML Support for Standard Z. ZB 2003: 437-456
29EESergey A. Stupnikov, Leonid A. Kalinichenko, Jin Song Dong: Applying CSP-like Workflow Process Specifications for their Refinement in AMN by Pre-existing Workflows. ADBIS Research Communications 2002: 206-216
28EEJing Sun, Jin Song Dong: Specifying and Reasoning about Generic Architecture in TCOZ. APSEC 2002: 405-
27EEJin Song Dong, Shaoying Liu: The Semantics of Extended SOFL. COMPSAC 2002: 653-658
26EEJin Song Dong, Jing Sun, Hai H. Wang: Semantic Web for Extending and Linking Formalisms. FME 2002: 587-606
25EEKenji Taguchi, Jin Song Dong: An Overview of Mobile Object-Z. ICFEM 2002: 144-155
24EEJin Song Dong, Jing Sun, Hai H. Wang: Z Approach to Semantic Web. ICFEM 2002: 156-167
23EEJin Song Dong, Yuan-Fang Li, Jing Sun, Jun Sun, Hai H. Wang: XML-Based Static Type Checking and Dynamic Visualization for TCOZ. ICFEM 2002: 311-322
22 Jing Sun, Jin Song Dong, Jing Liu, Hai H. Wang: A Formal Object Approach to the Design of ZML. Ann. Software Eng. 13(1-4): 329-356 (2002)
21EEBrendan P. Mahony, Jin Song Dong: Deep Semantic Links of TCSP and Object-Z: TCOZ Approach. Formal Asp. Comput. 13(2): 142-160 (2002)
20EEJing Sun, Jin Song Dong, Jing Liu, Hai H. Wang: An XML/XSL Approach to Visualize and Animate TCOZ. APSEC 2001: 453-460
19 Jin Song Dong: State, Event, Time and Diagram in System Modeling. ICSE 2001: 733-734
18EEJing Sun, Jin Song Dong, Jing Liu, Hai H. Wang: Object-Z web environment and projections to UML. WWW 2001: 725-734
17 Jing Liu, Jin Song Dong, Brendan P. Mahony, Kun Shi: Linking UML with Integrated Formal Techniques. Unified Modeling Language: Systems Analysis, Design and Development Issues 2001: 210-223
16EEJing Liu, Jin Song Dong, Jing Sun: TRMCS in TCOZ. IWSSD 2000: 63-74
15EEBrendan P. Mahony, Jin Song Dong: Timed Communicating Object Z. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 26(2): 150-177 (2000)
14 Jin Song Dong, Brendan P. Mahony, Neale Fulton: Capturing Periodic Concurrent Interactions of Mission Computer Tasks. APSEC 1999: 538-545
13 Jin Song Dong, Shaoying Liu: An Object Semantic Model of SOFL. IFM 1999: 189-208
12 Brendan P. Mahony, Jin Song Dong: Overview of the Semantics of TCOZ. IFM 1999: 66-85
11EEBrendan P. Mahony, Jin Song Dong: Sensors and Actuators in TCOZ. World Congress on Formal Methods 1999: 1166-1185
10EEJin Song Dong, Brendan P. Mahony, Neale Fulton: Modeling Aircraft Mission Computer Task Rates. World Congress on Formal Methods 1999: 1855
9EEJin Song Dong, Brendan P. Mahony: Active Objects in TCOZ. ICFEM 1998: 16-25
8 Brendan P. Mahony, Jin Song Dong: Blending Object-Z and Timed CSP: An Introduction to TCOZ. ICSE 1998: 95-104
7 Brendan P. Mahony, Jin Song Dong: Network Topology and a Case Study in TCOZ. ZUM 1998: 308-327
6 Jin Song Dong, Neale Fulton, Lin Zucconi, John Colton: Formalizing Process Scheduling Requirements for an Aircraft Operational Flight Program. ICFEM 1997: 161-
5EEJin Song Dong, Roger Duke, Gordon A. Rose: An object-oriented denotational semantics of a small programming language. Object Oriented Systems 4: 29-52 (1997)
4EEJin Song Dong: Living with Free Type and Class Union. APSEC 1995: 304-312
3EEJin Song Dong, Gordon A. Rose, Roger Duke: The role of secondary attributes in formal object modelling. ICECCS 1995: 31-38
2 Jin Song Dong, Roger Duke: An Object-Oriented Approach to the Formal Specification of ODP Trader. Open Distributed Processing 1993: 341-352
1 Jin Song Dong, Roger Duke: Class Union and Polymorphism. TOOLS (12/9) 1993: 181-190

Coauthor Index

1Álvaro Enrique Arenas (Alvaro E. Arenas, Alvaro Arenas) [60]
2Hamid Abdul Basit [58]
3Abraham Bernstein [79]
4Tru H. Cao [69]
5Chunqing Chen [63] [72] [82]
6Wei-Ngan Chin [33]
7Gabriel Ciobanu [43]
8John Colton [6]
9David W. Currie [30]
10Nicholas Daley [30]
11D. Dan [54]
12Roger Duke [1] [2] [3] [5] [53] [66]
13Yuzhang Feng [39] [56] [73] [79]
14Simon Ferndriger [79]
15Neale Fulton [6] [10] [14]
16Jun Gang Han [34]
17Ke Gang Hao [34]
18Ping Hao [42] [45] [50] [53] [61] [64] [75]
19Jane Hunter [79]
20Leonid A. Kalinichenko [29]
21Chew Hung Lee [31] [37] [41]
22Hian Beng Lee [31] [37]
23Ho-fung Leung (Ho-Fung Leung) [73]
24Yuan-Fang Li [23] [36] [37] [39] [41] [46] [48] [49] [56] [67] [79]
25Hui Liang [66] [71]
26Jing Liu [16] [17] [18] [20] [22]
27Shaoying Liu [13] [27]
28Yang Liu [65] [76] [77] [80] [81] [83]
29Dorel Lucanu [46] [49] [67]
30Tuan A. Luu [69]
31Brendan P. Mahony [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [14] [15] [17] [21] [44] [45]
32Andrew Martin [30] [60]
33Brian Matthews [60]
34Shengchao Qin [33] [38] [42] [50] [61] [70] [75]
35Tho T. Quan [69]
36Gordon A. Rose [3] [5]
37Rudolph E. Seviora [66]
38Kun Shi [17]
39Sergey A. Stupnikov [29]
40Jing Sun [16] [18] [20] [22] [23] [24] [26] [28] [30] [32] [44] [47] [48] [57] [58] [66] [68] [71] [76] [77] [84]
41Jun Sun [23] [31] [38] [42] [51] [52] [55] [56] [57] [59] [64] [65] [70] [72] [75] [76] [77] [80] [81] [82] [83] [84]
42Kenji Taguchi [25] [43] [74] [84]
43Yue Tang [44]
44Ian Toyn [30]
45Nwe Ni Tun [78]
46Mark Utting [30]
47Hai H. Wang [18] [20] [22] [23] [24] [26] [31] [32] [36] [37] [41] [47] [48] [57] [70] [83]
48Jim Woodcock (J. C. P. Woodcock) [35]
49Hong Li Yang [34]
50Wang Yi [42] [75]
51Ling Yuan [58] [68]
52Xian Zhang [50] [61] [64] [65] [84]
53Lin Zucconi [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)