
Alessandro Marongiu

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12 Alessandro Marongiu, Paolo Palazzari: The HARWEST High Level Synthesis Flow to Design a Special-Purpose Architecture to Simulate the 3D Ising Model. PARCO 2007: 785-792
11EEGiovanni Lavorgna, Paolo Palazzari, Alessandro Marongiu, Vittorio Rosato, Simone Melchionna, Paolo Verrecchia: Statistical Methods for the Discovery of Co-Operative Transcription Factors: The Co-bind Code Revised. IPDPS 2005
10EEAlessandro Marongiu, Paolo Palazzari, Vittorio Rosato: A specialized hardware device for the protein similarity search. Concurrency - Practice and Experience 16(9): 917-931 (2004)
9EEAlessandro Marongiu, Paolo Palazzari, Vittorio Rosato: PROSIDIS: A Special Purpose Processor for PROtein SImilarity DIScovery. IPDPS 2003: 155
8 Alessandro Marongiu, Paolo Palazzari, Vittorio Rosato: Designing hardware for protein sequence analysis. Bioinformatics 19(14): 1739-1740 (2003)
7EEAlessandro Marongiu, Paolo Palazzari, Vittorio Rosato: High Level Synthesis for Programmable Devices: The HADES Project. IPDPS 2002
6EEAlessandro Marongiu, Paolo Palazzari, Vittorio Rosato: Parallel dedicated hardware devices for heterogeneous computations. SC 2001: 29
5EEAlessandro Marongiu, Paolo Palazzari, Luigi Cinque, Ferdinando Mastronardo: High Level Software Synthesis of Affine Iterative Algorithms onto Parallel Architectures. HPCN Europe 2000: 333-342
4EEPaolo Palazzari, Lidia Arcipiani, Massimo Celino, Roberto Guadagni, Alessandro Marongiu, Agostino Mathis, Paolo Novelli, Vittorio Rosato: Heterogeneity as Key Feature of High Performance Computing: the PQE1 Prototype. Heterogeneous Computing Workshop 2000: 17-30
3 Alessandro Marongiu, Paolo Palazzari: Automatic Generation of Parallel Programs from Affine Iterative Algorithms. PDPTA 2000
2EEAlessandro Marongiu, Paolo Palazzari: Automatic Mapping of System of N-Dimensional Affine Precurrence Equations (SARE) onto Distributed Memory Parallel Systems. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 26(3): 262-275 (2000)
1EEAlessandro Marongiu, Paolo Palazzari, C. Casaccia: A New Memory-Saving Technique to Map System of Affine Recurrence Equations (SARE) onto Distributed Memory Systems. IPPS/SPDP 1999: 590-596

Coauthor Index

1Lidia Arcipiani [4]
2C. Casaccia [1]
3Massimo Celino [4]
4Luigi Cinque [5]
5Roberto Guadagni [4]
6Giovanni Lavorgna [11]
7Ferdinando Mastronardo [5]
8Agostino Mathis [4]
9Simone Melchionna [11]
10Paolo Novelli [4]
11Paolo Palazzari [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]
12Vittorio Rosato [4] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
13Paolo Verrecchia [11]

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