
Michael K. Reiter

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142EELujo Bauer, Lorrie Faith Cranor, Robert W. Reeder, Michael K. Reiter, Kami Vaniea: Real life challenges in access-control management. CHI 2009: 899-908
141EEDebin Gao, Michael K. Reiter, Dawn Xiaodong Song: Beyond Output Voting: Detecting Compromised Replicas Using HMM-Based Behavioral Distance. IEEE Trans. Dependable Sec. Comput. 6(2): 96-110 (2009)
140EELucas Ballard, Seny Kamara, Fabian Monrose, Michael K. Reiter: Towards practical biometric key generation with randomized biometric templates. ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2008: 235-244
139EEJonathan M. McCune, Bryan Parno, Adrian Perrig, Michael K. Reiter, Arvind Seshadri: How low can you go?: recommendations for hardware-supported minimal TCB code execution. ASPLOS 2008: 14-25
138EERobert W. Reeder, Lujo Bauer, Lorrie Faith Cranor, Michael K. Reiter, Kelli Bacon, Keisha How, Heather Strong: Expandable grids for visualizing and authoring computer security policies. CHI 2008: 1473-1482
137EELujo Bauer, Lorrie Faith Cranor, Robert W. Reeder, Michael K. Reiter, Kami Vaniea: A user study of policy creation in a flexible access-control system. CHI 2008: 543-552
136EETing-Fang Yen, Michael K. Reiter: Traffic Aggregation for Malware Detection. DIMVA 2008: 207-227
135EEZhuowei Li, XiaoFeng Wang, Zhenkai Liang, Michael K. Reiter: AGIS: Towards automatic generation of infection signatures. DSN 2008: 237-246
134EEJonathan M. McCune, Bryan Parno, Adrian Perrig, Michael K. Reiter, Hiroshi Isozaki: Flicker: an execution infrastructure for tcb minimization. EuroSys 2008: 315-328
133EEDebin Gao, Michael K. Reiter, Dawn Xiaodong Song: BinHunt: Automatically Finding Semantic Differences in Binary Programs. ICICS 2008: 238-255
132EEMichael K. Reiter, Asad Samar, Chenxi Wang: Self-optimizing distributed trees. IPDPS 2008: 1-12
131EEVyas Sekar, Michael K. Reiter, Walter Willinger, Hui Zhang, Ramana Rao Kompella, David G. Andersen: cSamp: A System for Network-Wide Flow Monitoring. NSDI 2008: 233-246
130EEMichael G. Merideth, Michael K. Reiter: Write Markers for Probabilistic Quorum Systems. OPODIS 2008: 5-21
129EEM. Patrick Collins, Michael K. Reiter: On the Limits of Payload-Oblivious Network Attack Detection. RAID 2008: 251-270
128EELujo Bauer, Scott Garriss, Michael K. Reiter: Detecting and resolving policy misconfigurations in access-control systems. SACMAT 2008: 185-194
127EELucas Ballard, Seny Kamara, Michael K. Reiter: The Practical Subtleties of Biometric Key Generation. USENIX Security Symposium 2008: 61-74
126EEXiaoFeng Wang, Zhuowei Li, Jong Youl Choi, Jun Xu, Michael K. Reiter, Chongkyung Kil: Fast and Black-box Exploit Detection and Signature Generation for Commodity Software. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. Secur. 12(2): (2008)
125EEMichael K. Reiter, Asad Samar: Quiver: Consistent and Scalable Object Sharing for Edge Services. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 19(7): 878-889 (2008)
124EEXiaoFeng Wang, Michael K. Reiter: A multi-layer framework for puzzle-based denial-of-service defense. Int. J. Inf. Sec. 7(4): 243-263 (2008)
123EEMichael G. Merideth, Michael K. Reiter: Probabilistic Opaque Quorum Systems. DISC 2007: 403-419
122EEFlorian Oprea, Michael K. Reiter: Minimizing Response Time for Quorum-System Protocols over Wide-Area Networks. DSN 2007: 409-418
121EEMichael K. Reiter: Trustworthy Services and the Biological Analogy. ESORICS 2007: 1
120EELujo Bauer, Scott Garriss, Michael K. Reiter: Efficient Proving for Practical Distributed Access-Control Systems. ESORICS 2007: 19-37
119EEJonathan M. McCune, Bryan Parno, Adrian Perrig, Michael K. Reiter, Arvind Seshadri: Minimal TCB Code Execution. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2007: 267-272
118EEKevin D. Bowers, Lujo Bauer, Deepak Garg, Frank Pfenning, Michael K. Reiter: Consumable Credentials in Linear-Logic-Based Access-Control Systems. NDSS 2007
117EEScott E. Coull, Charles V. Wright, Fabian Monrose, Michael P. Collins, Michael K. Reiter: Playing Devil's Advocate: Inferring Sensitive Information from Anonymized Network Traces. NDSS 2007
116EEJames Hendricks, Gregory R. Ganger, Michael K. Reiter: Verifying distributed erasure-coded data. PODC 2007: 139-146
115EEM. Patrick Collins, Michael K. Reiter: Hit-List Worm Detection and Bot Identification in Large Networks Using Protocol Graphs. RAID 2007: 276-295
114EEJames Hendricks, Gregory R. Ganger, Michael K. Reiter: Low-overhead byzantine fault-tolerant storage. SOSP 2007: 73-86
113EELujo Bauer, Lorrie Faith Cranor, Michael K. Reiter, Kami Vaniea: Lessons learned from the deployment of a smartphone-based access-control system. SOUPS 2007: 64-75
112EEXiaoFeng Wang, Zhuowei Li, Jun Xu, Michael K. Reiter, Chongkyung Kil, Jong Youl Choi: Packet vaccine: black-box exploit detection and signature generation. ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2006: 37-46
111EEYinglian Xie, Michael K. Reiter, David R. O'Hallaron: Protecting Privacy in Key-Value Search Systems. ACSAC 2006: 493-504
110EEAlina Oprea, Michael K. Reiter: On Consistency of Encrypted Files. DISC 2006: 254-268
109EEVyas Sekar, Yinglian Xie, Michael K. Reiter, Hui Zhang: A Multi-Resolution Approach forWorm Detection and Containment. DSN 2006: 189-198
108EEMichael P. Collins, Michael K. Reiter: Finding Peer-to-Peer File-Sharing Using Coarse Network Behaviors. ESORICS 2006: 1-17
107EEDeepak Garg, Lujo Bauer, Kevin D. Bowers, Frank Pfenning, Michael K. Reiter: A Linear Logic of Authorization and Knowledge. ESORICS 2006: 297-312
106EEMichael Abd-El-Malek, Gregory R. Ganger, Garth R. Goodson, Michael K. Reiter, Jay J. Wylie: Towards bounded wait-free PASIS. From Security to Dependability 2006
105EEGinger Perng, Michael K. Reiter, Chenxi Wang: M2: Multicasting Mixes for Efficient and Anonymous Communication. ICDCS 2006: 59
104EEYinglian Xie, Vyas Sekar, Michael K. Reiter, Hui Zhang: Forensic Analysis for Epidemic Attacks in Federated Networks. ICNP 2006: 43-53
103EEDaniel Golovin, Anupam Gupta, Bruce M. Maggs, Florian Oprea, Michael K. Reiter: Quorum placement in networks: minimizing network congestion. PODC 2006: 16-25
102EEDebin Gao, Michael K. Reiter, Dawn Xiaodong Song: Behavioral Distance Measurement Using Hidden Markov Models. RAID 2006: 19-40
101EEXiaoFeng Wang, Michael K. Reiter: WRAPS: Denial-of-Service Defense through Web Referrals. SRDS 2006: 51-60
100EEJonathan M. McCune, Adrian Perrig, Michael K. Reiter: Bump in the Ether: A Framework for Securing Sensitive User Input. USENIX Annual Technical Conference, General Track 2006: 185-198
99 John Riedl, Michael J. Kearns, Michael K. Reiter: Proceedings 6th ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce (EC-2005), Vancouver, BC, Canada, June 5-8, 2005 ACM 2005
98EEMichael K. Reiter, XiaoFeng Wang, Matthew Wright: Building Reliable Mix Networks with Fair Exchange. ACNS 2005: 378-392
97EEJonathan M. McCune, Adrian Perrig, Michael K. Reiter: Seeing-Is-Believing: Using Camera Phones for Human-Verifiable Authentication. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2005: 110-124
96EEYinglian Xie, Vyas Sekar, David A. Maltz, Michael K. Reiter, Hui Zhang: Worm Origin Identification Using Random Moonwalks. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2005: 242-256
95EEJonathan M. McCune, Elaine Shi, Adrian Perrig, Michael K. Reiter: Detection of Denial-of-Message Attacks on Sensor Network Broadcasts. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2005: 64-78
94EELujo Bauer, Scott Garriss, Michael K. Reiter: Distributed Proving in Access-Control Systems. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2005: 81-95
93EELujo Bauer, Scott Garriss, Jonathan M. McCune, Michael K. Reiter, Jason Rouse, Peter Rutenbar: Device-Enabled Authorization in the Grey-System. ISC 2005: 431-445
92EEGinger Perng, Michael K. Reiter, Chenxi Wang: Censorship Resistance Revisited. Information Hiding 2005: 62-76
91EEAlina Oprea, Michael K. Reiter: Space-Efficient Block Storage Integrity. NDSS 2005
90EEAnupam Gupta, Bruce M. Maggs, Florian Oprea, Michael K. Reiter: Quorum placement in networks to minimize access delays. PODC 2005: 87-96
89EEDebin Gao, Michael K. Reiter, Dawn Xiaodong Song: Behavioral Distance for Intrusion Detection. RAID 2005: 63-81
88EEMichael Abd-El-Malek, Gregory R. Ganger, Garth R. Goodson, Michael K. Reiter, Jay J. Wylie: Fault-scalable Byzantine fault-tolerant services. SOSP 2005: 59-74
87EEMichael K. Reiter, Asad Samar, Chenxi Wang: Distributed Construction of a Fault-Tolerant Network from a Tree. SRDS 2005: 155-165
86EEMichael Abd-El-Malek, Gregory R. Ganger, Michael K. Reiter, Jay J. Wylie, Garth R. Goodson: Lazy Verification in Fault-Tolerant Distributed Storage Systems. SRDS 2005: 179-190
85EEMichael K. Reiter, XiaoFeng Wang: Fragile mixing. ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2004: 227-235
84EEXiaoFeng Wang, Michael K. Reiter: Mitigating bandwidth-exhaustion attacks using congestion puzzles. ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2004: 257-267
83EEDebin Gao, Michael K. Reiter, Dawn Xiaodong Song: Gray-box extraction of execution graphs for anomaly detection. ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2004: 318-329
82EELea Kissner, Alina Oprea, Michael K. Reiter, Dawn Xiaodong Song, Ke Yang: Private Keyword-Based Push and Pull with Applications to Anonymous Communication. ACNS 2004: 16-30
81EEGarth R. Goodson, Jay J. Wylie, Gregory R. Ganger, Michael K. Reiter: Efficient Byzantine-Tolerant Erasure-Coded Storage. DSN 2004: 135-144
80EEBrian Neil Levine, Michael K. Reiter, Chenxi Wang, Matthew Wright: Timing Attacks in Low-Latency Mix Systems (Extended Abstract). Financial Cryptography 2004: 251-265
79EEDarren Davis, Fabian Monrose, Michael K. Reiter: Time-Scoped Searching of Encrypted Audit Logs. ICICS 2004: 532-545
78EEMichael K. Reiter: Security by, and for, Converged Mobile Devices. ICISC 2004: 1
77EEMichael P. Collins, Michael K. Reiter: An Empirical Analysis of Target-Resident DoS Filters. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2004: 103-114
76EEYinglian Xie, Hyang-Ah Kim, David R. O'Hallaron, Michael K. Reiter, Hui Zhang: Seurat: A Pointillist Approach to Anomaly Detection. RAID 2004: 238-257
75EECharles P. Fry, Michael K. Reiter: Nested Objects in a Byzantine Quorum-Replicated System. SRDS 2004: 79-89
74EEPhilip D. MacKenzie, Michael K. Reiter, Ke Yang: Alternatives to Non-malleability: Definitions, Constructions, and Applications (Extended Abstract). TCC 2004: 171-190
73EEDebin Gao, Michael K. Reiter, Dawn Xiaodong Song: On Gray-Box Program Tracking for Anomaly Detection. USENIX Security Symposium 2004: 103-118
72EEDarren Davis, Fabian Monrose, Michael K. Reiter: On User Choice in Graphical Password Schemes. USENIX Security Symposium 2004: 151-164
71EEMichael K. Reiter, Pankaj Rohatgi: Homeland Security. IEEE Internet Computing 8(6): 16-17 (2004)
70EEPhilip D. MacKenzie, Michael K. Reiter: Two-party generation of DSA signatures. Int. J. Inf. Sec. 2(3-4): 218-239 (2004)
69EEPhilip D. MacKenzie, Alina Oprea, Michael K. Reiter: Automatic generation of two-party computations. ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2003: 210-219
68EEXiaoFeng Wang, Michael K. Reiter: Defending Against Denial-of-Service Attacks with Puzzle Auction. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2003: 78-92
67EEMichael K. Reiter, Asad Samar, Chenxi Wang: The Design and Implementation of a JCA-Compliant Capture Protection Infrastructure. SRDS 2003: 339-348
66EEDahlia Malkhi, Michael Merritt, Michael K. Reiter, Gadi Taubenfeld: Objects shared by Byzantine processes. Distributed Computing 16(1): 37-48 (2003)
65EEPhilip D. MacKenzie, Michael K. Reiter: Delegation of cryptographic servers for capture-resilient devices. Distributed Computing 16(4): 307-327 (2003)
64EEPhilip D. MacKenzie, Michael K. Reiter: Networked cryptographic devices resilient to capture. Int. J. Inf. Sec. 2(1): 1-20 (2003)
63EEDahlia Malkhi, Yishay Mansour, Michael K. Reiter: Diffusion without false rumors: on propagating updates in a Byzantine environment. Theor. Comput. Sci. 1-3(299): 289-306 (2003)
62EEYinglian Xie, David R. O'Hallaron, Michael K. Reiter: A Secure Distributed Search System. HPDC 2002: 321-
61EEFabian Monrose, Michael K. Reiter, Qi Li, Daniel P. Lopresti, Chilin Shih: Toward Speech-Generated Cryptographic Keys on Resource-Constrained Devices. USENIX Security Symposium 2002: 283-296
60 Pascal Felber, Michael K. Reiter: Advanced concurrency control in Java. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 14(4): 261-285 (2002)
59EEFabian Monrose, Michael K. Reiter, Susanne Wetzel: Password hardening based on keystroke dynamics. Int. J. Inf. Sec. 1(2): 69-83 (2002)
58EEPhilip D. MacKenzie, Michael K. Reiter: Delegation of cryptographic servers for capture-resilient devices. ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2001: 10-19
57EEPhilip D. MacKenzie, Michael K. Reiter: Two-Party Generation of DSA Signatures. CRYPTO 2001: 137-154
56EEMarkus Jakobsson, Michael K. Reiter: Discouraging Software Piracy Using Software Aging. Digital Rights Management Workshop 2001: 1-12
55EEGregory Chockler, Dahlia Malkhi, Michael K. Reiter: Backoff Protocols for Distributed Mutual Exclusion and Ordering. ICDCS 2001: 11-20
54EEPhilip D. MacKenzie, Michael K. Reiter: Networked Cryptographic Devices Resilient to Capture. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2001: 12-25
53EEFabian Monrose, Michael K. Reiter, Qi Li, Susanne Wetzel: Cryptographic Key Generation from Voice. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2001: 202-213
52EERan Canetti, Yuval Ishai, Ravi Kumar, Michael K. Reiter, Ronitt Rubinfeld, Rebecca N. Wright: Selective private function evaluation with applications to private statistics. PODC 2001: 293-304
51EEDahlia Malkhi, Ohad Rodeh, Michael K. Reiter, Yaron Sella: Efficient Update Diffusion in Byzantine Environments. SRDS 2001: 90-98
50EEPierangela Samarati, Michael K. Reiter, Sushil Jajodia: An authorization model for a public key management service. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. Secur. 4(4): 453-482 (2001)
49EERoberto De Prisco, Dahlia Malkhi, Michael K. Reiter: On k-Set Consensus Problems in Asynchronous Systems. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 12(1): 7-21 (2001)
48EELorenzo Alvisi, Dahlia Malkhi, Evelyn Tumlin Pierce, Michael K. Reiter: Fault Detection for Byzantine Quorum Systems. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 12(9): 996-1007 (2001)
47EEDahlia Malkhi, Michael K. Reiter, Avishai Wool, Rebecca N. Wright: Probabilistic Quorum Systems. Inf. Comput. 170(2): 184-206 (2001)
46EECarlisle M. Adams, Mike Burmester, Yvo Desmedt, Michael K. Reiter, Philip Zimmermann: Which PKI (public key infrastructure) is the right one? (panel session). ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2000: 98-101
45EERobert M. Arlein, Ben Jai, Markus Jakobsson, Fabian Monrose, Michael K. Reiter: Privacy-preserving global customization. ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce 2000: 176-184
44EEDahlia Malkhi, Michael Merritt, Michael K. Reiter, Gadi Taubenfeld: Objects Shared by Byzantine Processes. DISC 2000: 345-359
43EELorenzo Alvisi, Evelyn Tumlin Pierce, Dahlia Malkhi, Michael K. Reiter, Rebecca N. Wright: Dynamic Byzantine Quorum Systems. DSN 2000: 283-
42EEDahlia Malkhi, Michael K. Reiter: An Architecture for Survivable Coordination in Large Distributed Systems. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 12(2): 187-202 (2000)
41EEDahlia Malkhi, Michael K. Reiter: Secure Execution of Java Applets Using a Remote Playground. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 26(12): 1197-1209 (2000)
40 Dahlia Malkhi, Michael K. Reiter, Avishai Wool: The Load and Availability of Byzantine Quorum Systems. SIAM J. Comput. 29(6): 1889-1906 (2000)
39EEFabian Monrose, Michael K. Reiter, Susanne Wetzel: Password Hardening Based on Keystroke Dynamics. ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 1999: 73-82
38EERoberto De Prisco, Dahlia Malkhi, Michael K. Reiter: On k-Set Consensus Problems in Asynchronous Systems. PODC 1999: 257-265
37EEDahlia Malkhi, Yishay Mansour, Michael K. Reiter: On Diffusing Updates in a Byzantine Environment. SRDS 1999: 134-143
36EEMichael K. Reiter, Stuart G. Stubblebine: Authentication Metric Analysis and Design. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. Secur. 2(2): 138-158 (1999)
35EEDahlia Malkhi, Michael K. Reiter: Secure Execution of Java Applets using a Remote Playground CoRR cs.CR/9908009: (1999)
34EEDahlia Malkhi, Yishay Mansour, Michael K. Reiter: On Propagating Updates in a Byzantine Environment CoRR cs.DC/9908010: (1999)
33EEDahlia Malkhi, Michael K. Reiter, Avishai Wool: The Load and Availability of Byzantine Quorum Systems CoRR cs.DC/9908011: (1999)
32EEMichael K. Reiter, Aviel D. Rubin: Anonymous Web Transactions with Crowds. Commun. ACM 42(2): 32-38 (1999)
31EEVinod Anupam, Alain J. Mayer, Kobbi Nissim, Benny Pinkas, Michael K. Reiter: On the Security of Pay-per-Click and Other Web Advertising Schemes. Computer Networks 31(11-16): 1091-1100 (1999)
30 Michael K. Reiter: High-Confidence Distributed Systems - Guest Editor's Introduction. IEEE Internet Computing 3(6): 52-54 (1999)
29EEDahlia Malkhi, Michael K. Reiter, Aviel D. Rubin: Secure Execution of Java Applets using a Remote Playground. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 1998: 40-51
28EEDahlia Malkhi, Michael K. Reiter, Avishai Wool, Rebecca N. Wright: Probabilistic Byzantine Quorum Systems. PODC 1998: 321
27 Dahlia Malkhi, Michael K. Reiter: Survivable Consensus Objects. SRDS 1998: 271-279
26 Dahlia Malkhi, Michael K. Reiter: Secure and Scalable Replication in Phalanx. SRDS 1998: 51-58
25EEMichael K. Reiter, Aviel D. Rubin: Crowds: Anonymity for Web Transactions. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. Secur. 1(1): 66-92 (1998)
24EEDahlia Malkhi, Michael K. Reiter: Byzantine Quorum Systems. Distributed Computing 11(4): 203-213 (1998)
23 Michael K. Reiter, Stuart G. Stubblebine: Resilient Authentication Using Path Independence. IEEE Trans. Computers 47(12): 1351-1362 (1998)
22EEMatthew K. Franklin, Michael K. Reiter: Fair Exchange with a Semi-Trusted Third Party (extended abstract). ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 1997: 1-5
21EEMichael K. Reiter, Stuart G. Stubblebine: Path Independence for Authentication in Large-Scale Systems. ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 1997: 57-66
20EEDahlia Malkhi, Michael K. Reiter: Unreliable Intrusion Detection in Distributed Computations. CSFW 1997: 116-125
19EEMichael K. Reiter, Stuart G. Stubblebine: Toward Acceptable Metrics of Authentication. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 1997: 10-20
18 Dahlia Malkhi, Michael K. Reiter, Avishai Wool: The Load and Availability of Byzantine Quorum Systems. PODC 1997: 249-257
17 Dahlia Malkhi, Michael K. Reiter, Rebecca N. Wright: Probabilistic Quorum Systems. PODC 1997: 267-273
16EEDahlia Malkhi, Michael K. Reiter: Byzantine Quorum Systems. STOC 1997: 569-578
15 Dahlia Malkhi, Michael K. Reiter: A High-Throughput Secure Reliable Multicast Protocol. Journal of Computer Security 5(2): 113-128 (1997)
14EEMichael K. Reiter, Matthew K. Franklin, John B. Lacy, Rebecca N. Wright: The Omega Key Management Service. ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 1996: 38-47
13EEDalia Malki, Michael K. Reiter: A High-Throughput Secure Reliable Multicast Protocol. CSFW 1996: 9-17
12EEDon Coppersmith, Matthew K. Franklin, Jacques Patarin, Michael K. Reiter: Low-Exponent RSA with Related Messages. EUROCRYPT 1996: 1-9
11 Michael K. Reiter: Distributed Trust with the Rampart Toolkit. Commun. ACM 39(4): 71-74 (1996)
10EEMichael K. Reiter: A Secure Group Membership Protocol. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 22(1): 31-42 (1996)
9EEMatthew K. Franklin, Michael K. Reiter: The Design and Implementation of a Secure Auction Service. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 22(5): 302-312 (1996)
8 Michael K. Reiter, Matthew K. Franklin, John B. Lacy, Rebecca N. Wright: The Omega Key Management Service. Journal of Computer Security 4(4): 267-288 (1996)
7EEMatthew K. Franklin, Michael K. Reiter: Verifiable Signature Sharing. EUROCRYPT 1995: 50-63
6 Michael K. Reiter, Li Gong: Securing Causal Relationships in Distributed Systems. Comput. J. 38(8): 633-642 (1995)
5EEMichael K. Reiter: Secure Agreement Protocols: Reliable and Atomic Group Multicast in Rampart. ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 1994: 68-80
4 Michael K. Reiter: The Rampart Toolkit for Building High-Integrity Services. Dagstuhl Seminar on Distributed Systems 1994: 99-110
3EEMichael K. Reiter, Kenneth P. Birman, Robbert van Renesse: A Security Architecture for Fault-Toerant Systems. ACM Trans. Comput. Syst. 12(4): 340-371 (1994)
2EEMichael K. Reiter, Kenneth P. Birman: How to Securely Replicate Services. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 16(3): 986-1009 (1994)
1 Michael K. Reiter: Integrating Security in a Group Oriented Distributed System (Abstract). Operating Systems Review 26(2): 27 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1Michael Abd-El-Malek [86] [88] [106]
2Carlisle M. Adams (Carlisle Adams) [46]
3Lorenzo Alvisi [43] [48]
4David G. Andersen [131]
5Vinod Anupam [31]
6Robert M. Arlein [45]
7Kelli Bacon [138]
8Lucas Ballard [127] [140]
9Lujo Bauer [93] [94] [107] [113] [118] [120] [128] [137] [138] [142]
10Kenneth P. Birman (Ken Birman) [2] [3]
11Kevin D. Bowers [107] [118]
12Mike Burmester [46]
13Ran Canetti [52]
14Gregory Chockler [55]
15Jong Youl Choi [112] [126]
16M. Patrick Collins [115] [129]
17Michael P. Collins [77] [108] [117]
18Don Coppersmith [12]
19Scott E. Coull [117]
20Lorrie Faith Cranor [113] [137] [138] [142]
21Darren Davis [72] [79]
22Yvo Desmedt [46]
23Pascal Felber [60]
24Matthew K. Franklin [7] [8] [9] [12] [14] [22]
25Charles P. Fry [75]
26Gregory R. Ganger [81] [86] [88] [106] [114] [116]
27Debin Gao [73] [83] [89] [102] [133] [141]
28Deepak Garg [107] [118]
29Scott Garriss [93] [94] [120] [128]
30Daniel Golovin [103]
31Li Gong [6]
32Garth R. Goodson [81] [86] [88] [106]
33Anupam Gupta [90] [103]
34James Hendricks [114] [116]
35Keisha How [138]
36Yuval Ishai [52]
37Hiroshi Isozaki [134]
38Ben Jai [45]
39Sushil Jajodia [50]
40Markus Jakobsson [45] [56]
41Seny Kamara [127] [140]
42Michael J. Kearns [99]
43Chongkyung Kil [112] [126]
44Hyang-Ah Kim [76]
45Lea Kissner [82]
46Ramana Rao Kompella [131]
47Ravi Kumar (S. Ravi Kumar) [52]
48John B. Lacy [8] [14]
49Brian Neil Levine [80]
50Qi Li [53] [61]
51Zhuowei Li [112] [126] [135]
52Zhenkai Liang [135]
53Daniel P. Lopresti [61]
54Philip D. MacKenzie [54] [57] [58] [64] [65] [69] [70] [74]
55Bruce M. Maggs [90] [103]
56Dahlia Malkhi (Dalia Malki) [13] [15] [16] [17] [18] [20] [24] [26] [27] [28] [29] [33] [34] [35] [37] [38] [40] [41] [42] [43] [44] [47] [48] [49] [51] [55] [63] [66]
57David A. Maltz [96]
58Yishay Mansour [34] [37] [63]
59Alain J. Mayer [31]
60Jonathan M. McCune [93] [95] [97] [100] [119] [134] [139]
61Michael G. Merideth [123] [130]
62Michael Merritt [44] [66]
63Fabian Monrose [39] [45] [53] [59] [61] [72] [79] [117] [140]
64Kobbi Nissim [31]
65David R. O'Hallaron [62] [76] [111]
66Alina Oprea [69] [82] [91] [110]
67Florian Oprea [90] [103] [122]
68Bryan Parno [119] [134] [139]
69Jacques Patarin [12]
70Ginger Perng [92] [105]
71Adrian Perrig [95] [97] [100] [119] [134] [139]
72Frank Pfenning [107] [118]
73Evelyn Tumlin Pierce [43] [48]
74Benny Pinkas [31]
75Roberto De Prisco [38] [49]
76Robert W. Reeder [137] [138] [142]
77Robbert van Renesse [3]
78John Riedl [99]
79Ohad Rodeh [51]
80Pankaj Rohatgi [71]
81Jason Rouse [93]
82Aviel D. Rubin [25] [29] [32]
83Ronitt Rubinfeld [52]
84Peter Rutenbar [93]
85Asad Samar [67] [87] [125] [132]
86Pierangela Samarati [50]
87Vyas Sekar [96] [104] [109] [131]
88Yaron Sella [51]
89Arvind Seshadri [119] [139]
90Elaine Shi [95]
91Chilin Shih [61]
92Dawn Xiaodong Song [73] [82] [83] [89] [102] [133] [141]
93Heather Strong [138]
94Stuart G. Stubblebine [19] [21] [23] [36]
95Gadi Taubenfeld [44] [66]
96Kami Vaniea [113] [137] [142]
97Chenxi Wang [67] [80] [87] [92] [105] [132]
98XiaoFeng Wang [68] [84] [85] [98] [101] [112] [124] [126] [135]
99Susanne Wetzel [39] [53] [59]
100Walter Willinger [131]
101Avishai Wool [18] [28] [33] [40] [47]
102Charles V. Wright [117]
103Matthew Wright [80] [98]
104Rebecca N. Wright [8] [14] [17] [28] [43] [47] [52]
105Jay J. Wylie [81] [86] [88] [106]
106Yinglian Xie [62] [76] [96] [104] [109] [111]
107Jun Xu [112] [126]
108Ke Yang [74] [82]
109Ting-Fang Yen [136]
110Hui Zhang [76] [96] [104] [109] [131]
111Philip Zimmermann [46]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)