
René Zapata

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18EEArturo Gil-Pinto, Philippe Fraisse, René Zapata: Wireless communication for secure positioning in multi robot formations of non holonomic ground vehicles. IROS 2008: 4198
17EELionel Lapierre, René Zapata, Pascal Lépinay: Simulatneous Path Following and Obstacle Avoidance Control of a Unicycle-type Robot. ICRA 2007: 2617-2622
16EEArturo Gil-Pinto, Philippe Fraisse, René Zapata: Decentralized strategy for car-like robot formations. IROS 2007: 4176-4181
15EEAbraham Sánchez, Rodrigo Cuautle, René Zapata, Maria A. Osorio: A Reactive Lazy PRM Approach for Nonholonomic Motion Planning. IBERAMIA-SBIA 2006: 542-551
14EEArturo Gil-Pinto, Philippe Fraisse, René Zapata: A decentralized algorithm to adaptive trajectory planning for a group of nonholonomic mobile robots. IROS 2006: 404-417
13EEPhilippe Fraisse, René Zapata, W. Zarrad, D. Andreu: Remote secure decentralized control strategy for mobile robots. Advanced Robotics 19(9): 1027-1040 (2005)
12EERené Zapata, Pascal Lépinay, B. Jacquot, D. Roman Ocampo: Co-design of fast biologically-plausible vision-based systems for controlling the reactive behaviors of mobile robots. J. Field Robotics 22(7): 341-357 (2005)
11EEAbraham Sánchez, René Zapata: Sensor-Based Probabilistic Roadmaps for Car-Like Robots. ENC 2004: 282-288
10EEPhilippe Fraisse, D. Andreu, René Zapata, Jean-Pierre Richard, Thierry Divoux: Remote decentralized control strategy for cooperative mobile robots. ICARCV 2004: 1011-1016
9EEAbraham Sánchez López, René Zapata: Towards Derandomizing PRM Planners. MICAI 2004: 911-920
8 Abraham Sánchez López, René Zapata, Claudio Lanzoni: On the use of low-discrepancy sequences in non-holonomic motion planning. ICRA 2003: 3764-3769
7 Claudio Lanzoni, Abraham Sánchez López, René Zapata: Sensor-based motion planning for car-like mobile robots in unknown environments. ICRA 2003: 4258-4263
6EEAbraham Sánchez López, René Zapata, J. Abraham Arenas B.: Motion Planning for Car-Like Robots Using Lazy Probabilistic Roadmap Method. MICAI 2002: 1-10
5 Alessio Cacitti, René Zapata: Reactive Behaviours of Mobile Manipulator Based on the DVZ Method. ICRA 2001: 680-685
4 Luc Yriarte, Pascal Deplanques, Jean Sallantin, Philippe Reitz, René Zapata, B. Burg, Francois Arlabosse: An Architecture for Modeling and Validation. Application to Mobile Robotics. ECAI 1996: 699-706
3 René Zapata, Pascal Lépinay, Pascal Deplanques: Collision Avoidance Using an Egocentric Memory of Proximity. ECAL 1995: 614-624
2EELise Cellier, Pierre Dauchez, René Zapata, Masaru Uchiyama: Collision avoidance for a two-arm robot by reflex actions: Simulations and experimentations. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 14(2): 219-238 (1995)
1 René Zapata, Pascal Lépinay: Fast Mobile Robots in Unstructured Environments. Geometric Reasoning for Perception and Action 1991: 94-105

Coauthor Index

1D. Andreu [10] [13]
2Francois Arlabosse [4]
3J. Abraham Arenas B. [6]
4B. Burg [4]
5Alessio Cacitti [5]
6Lise Cellier [2]
7Rodrigo Cuautle [15]
8Pierre Dauchez [2]
9Pascal Deplanques [3] [4]
10Thierry Divoux [10]
11Philippe Fraisse [10] [13] [14] [16] [18]
12Arturo Gil-Pinto [14] [16] [18]
13B. Jacquot [12]
14María Auxilio Osorio Lama (Maria A. Osorio) [15]
15Claudio Lanzoni [7] [8]
16Lionel Lapierre [17]
17Pascal Lépinay [1] [3] [12] [17]
18Abraham Sánchez López (Abraham Sánchez) [6] [7] [8] [9] [11] [15]
19D. Roman Ocampo [12]
20Philippe Reitz [4]
21Jean-Pierre Richard [10]
22Jean Sallantin [4]
23Masaru Uchiyama [2]
24Luc Yriarte [4]
25W. Zarrad [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)