
Attawith Sudsang

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20EEThanathorn Phoka, Pawin Vongmasa, Chaichana Nilwatchararang, Peam Pipattanasomporn, Attawith Sudsang: Planning optimal independent contact regions for two-fingered force-closure grasp of a polygon. ICRA 2008: 1175-1180
19EEPeam Pipattanasomporn, Pawin Vongmasa, Attawith Sudsang: Caging rigid polytopes via finger dispersion control. ICRA 2008: 1181-1186
18EENuttapon Boonpinon, Attawith Sudsang: Formation Control for Multi-Robot Teams Using A Data Glove. RAM 2008: 525-531
17EEPeam Pipattanasomporn, Pawin Vongmasa, Attawith Sudsang: Two-Finger Squeezing Caging of Polygonal and Polyhedral Object. ICRA 2007: 205-210
16EENattee Niparnan, Attawith Sudsang: Positive Span of Force and Torque Components of Four-Fingered Three-Dimensional Force-Closure Grasps. ICRA 2007: 4701-4706
15 Peam Pipattanasomporn, Attawith Sudsang: Two-finger Caging of Concave Polygon. ICRA 2006: 2137-2142
14EENattee Niparnan, Attawith Sudsang: Computing All Force-Closure Grasps of 2D Objects from Contact Point Set. IROS 2006: 1599-1604
13EEPawin Vongmasa, Attawith Sudsang: Coverage Diameters of Polygons. IROS 2006: 4036-4041
12 Attawith Sudsang, Thanathorn Phoka: Geometric Reformulation of 3-Fingered Force-Closure Condition. ICRA 2005: 2338-2343
11 Thanathorn Phoka, Peam Pipattanasomporn, Nattee Niparnan, Attawith Sudsang: Regrasp Planning of Four-Fingered Hand for Parallel Grasp of a Polygonal Object. ICRA 2005: 779-784
10 Attawith Sudsang, Thanaphon Luewirawong: Capturing a concave polygon with two disc-shaped fingers. ICRA 2003: 1121-1126
9 Attawith Sudsang, Thanathorn Phoka: Regrasp planning for a 4-fingered hand manipulating a polygon. ICRA 2003: 2671-2676
8 Attawith Sudsang: A Sufficient Condition for Capturing an Object in the Plane with Disc-Shaped Robots. ICRA 2002: 682-687
7 Attawith Sudsang, Lydia E. Kavraki: A Geometric Approach to Designing a Programmable Force Field with a Unique Stable Equilibrium for Parts in the Plane. ICRA 2001: 1079-1085
6 Attawith Sudsang, Jean Ponce: A New Approach to Motion Planning for Disc-Shaped Robots Manipulating a Polygonal Object in the Plane. ICRA 2000: 1068-1075
5EEAttawith Sudsang: Grasping and In-Hand Manipulation: Geometry and Algorithms. Algorithmica 26(3-4): 466-493 (2000)
4 Attawith Sudsang, Jean Ponce, Mark Hyman, David J. Kriegman: On Manipulating Polygonal Objects with Three 2-DOF Robots in the Plane. ICRA 1999: 2227-2234
3 Attawith Sudsang, Jean Ponce: On Grasping and Manipulating Polygonal Objects with Disc-Shaped Robots in the Plane. ICRA 1998: 2740-2746
2 Jean Ponce, Steve Sullivan, Attawith Sudsang, Jean-Daniel Boissonnat, Jean-Pierre Merlet: On Computing Four-Finger Equilibrium and Force-Closure Grasps of Polyhedral Objects. I. J. Robotic Res. 16(1): 11-35 (1997)
1 Attawith Sudsang, Jean Ponce: New Techniques for Computing Four-Finger-Force-Closure Grasps of Polyhedral Objects. ICRA 1995: 1355-1360

Coauthor Index

1Jean-Daniel Boissonnat [2]
2Nuttapon Boonpinon [18]
3Mark Hyman [4]
4Lydia E. Kavraki [7]
5David J. Kriegman [4]
6Thanaphon Luewirawong [10]
7Jean-Pierre Merlet [2]
8Chaichana Nilwatchararang [20]
9Nattee Niparnan [11] [14] [16]
10Thanathorn Phoka [9] [11] [12] [20]
11Peam Pipattanasomporn [11] [15] [17] [19] [20]
12Jean Ponce [1] [2] [3] [4] [6]
13Steve Sullivan [2]
14Pawin Vongmasa [13] [17] [19] [20]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)