
Srinivas Bangalore

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33EEJunlan Feng, Srinivas Bangalore: Effects of Word Confusion Networks on Voice Search. EACL 2009: 238-245
32EESrinivas Bangalore, Amanda Stent: Incremental Parsing Models for Dialog Task Structure. EACL 2009: 94-102
31EESrinivas Bangalore, David Smith: HotSpots: Visualizing Edits to a Text. EMNLP 2008: 264-273
30EESrinivas Bangalore, Michael Johnston: Robust gesture processing for multimodal interaction. ICMI 2008: 225-232
29EEV. K. Rangarajan Sridhar, Srinivas Bangalore, S. S. Narayanan: Exploiting Acoustic and Syntactic Features for Automatic Prosody Labeling in a Maximum Entropy Framework. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech & Language Processing 16(4): 797-811 (2008)
28EESrinivas Bangalore, Giuseppe Di Fabbrizio, Amanda Stent: Learning the Structure of Task-Driven Human-Human Dialogs. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech & Language Processing 16(7): 1249-1259 (2008)
27EESrinivas Bangalore, Patrick Haffner, Stephan Kanthak: Statistical Machine Translation through Global Lexical Selection and Sentence Reconstruction. ACL 2007
26EEVivek Kumar Rangarajan Sridhar, Srinivas Bangalore, Shrikanth Narayanan: Exploiting Acoustic and Syntactic Features for Prosody Labeling in a Maximum Entropy Framework. HLT-NAACL 2007: 1-8
25EESrinivas Bangalore, Giuseppe Di Fabbrizio, Amanda Stent: Learning the Structure of Task-Driven Human-Human Dialogs. ACL 2006
24EESrinivas Bangalore, Michael Johnston: Edit Machines for Robust Multimodal Language Processing. EACL 2006
23EEN. Gupta, Gökhan Tür, Dilek Hakkani-Tür, Srinivas Bangalore, Giuseppe Riccardi, Mazin Gilbert: The AT&T spoken language understanding system. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech & Language Processing 14(1): 213-222 (2006)
22EESrinivas Bangalore, Dilek Z. Hakkani-Tür, Gökhan Tür: Introduction to the Special Issue on Spoken Language Understanding in Conversational Systems. Speech Communication 48(3-4): 233-238 (2006)
21 Diego Mollá Aliod, Eduardo Alonso, Srinivas Bangalore, Joseph E. Beck, Bir Bhanu, Jim Blythe, Mark S. Boddy, Amedeo Cesta, Marko Grobelnik, Dilek Z. Hakkani-Tür, Sanda M. Harabagiu, Alain Léger, Deborah L. McGuinness, Stacy Marsella, Natasa Milic-Frayling, Dunja Mladenic, Daniel Oblinger, Paul E. Rybski, Pavel Shvaiko, Stephen F. Smith, Biplav Srivastava, Sheila Tejada, Hannes Högni Vilhjálmsson, Kristinn R. Thórisson, Gökhan Tür, Holger Wache: The Workshops at the Twentieth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence. AI Magazine 26(4): 102-108 (2005)
20EESrinivas Bangalore, Michael Johnston: Balancing data-driven and rule-based approaches in the context of a Multimodal Conversational System. HLT-NAACL 2004: 33-40
19EEJunlan Feng, Srinivas Bangalore, Mazin Rahim: WebTalk: Towards Automatically Building Dialog Services by Exploiting the Content & Structure of Websites. WWW (Posters) 2003
18EEMichael Johnston, Srinivas Bangalore, Gunaranjan Vasireddy, Amanda Stent, Patrick Ehlen, Marilyn A. Walker, Steve Whittaker, Preetam Maloor: MATCH: An Architecture for Multimodal Dialogue Systems. ACL 2002: 376-383
17EESrinivas Bangalore, Vanessa Murdock, Giuseppe Riccardi: Bootstrapping Bilingual Data using Consensus Translation for a Multilingual Instant Messaging System. COLING 2002
16EEOwen Rambow, Srinivas Bangalore, Tahir Butt, Alexis Nasr, Richard Sproat: Creating a Finite-State Parser with Application Semantics. COLING 2002
15EEJohn Chen, Srinivas Bangalore, Owen Rambow, Marilyn A. Walker: Towards Automatic Generation of Natural Language Generation Systems. COLING 2002
14EESrinivas Bangalore, Giuseppe Riccardi: Stochastic Finite-State Models for Spoken Language Machine Translation. Machine Translation 17(3): 165-184 (2002)
13EESrinivas Bangalore, Giuseppe Riccardi: A Finite-State Approach to Machine Translation. NAACL 2001
12EESrinivas Bangalore, Owen Rambow: Corpus-Based Lexical Choice in Natural Language Generation. ACL 2000
11EEMichael Johnston, Srinivas Bangalore: Finite-state Multimodal Parsing and Understanding. COLING 2000: 369-375
10EESrinivas Bangalore, Owen Rambow: Exploiting a Probabilistic Hierarchical Model for Generation. COLING 2000: 42-48
9 Hiyan Alshawi, Srinivas Bangalore, Shona Douglas: Learning Dependency Translation Models as Collections of Finite State Head Transducers. Computational Linguistics 26(1): 45-60 (2000)
8EEHiyan Alshawi, Srinivas Bangalore, Shona Douglas: Head-Transducer Models for Speech Translation and Their Automatic Acquisition from Bilingual Data. Machine Translation 15(1-2): 105-124 (2000)
7EEJohn Chen, Srinivas Bangalore, K. Vijay-Shanker: New Models for Improving Supertag Disambiguation. EACL 1999: 188-195
6 Srinivas Bangalore, Aravind K. Joshi: Supertagging: An Approach to Alsmost Parsing. Computational Linguistics 25(2): 237-265 (1999)
5 Hiyan Alshawi, Srinivas Bangalore, Shona Douglas: Automatic Acquisition of Hierarchical Transduction Models for Machine Translation. COLING-ACL 1998: 41-47
4 Srinivas Bangalore, Aravind K. Joshi: Some Novel Applications of Explanation-Based Learning for Parsing Lexicalized Tree-Adjoining Grammars. ACL 1995: 268-275
3 Aravind K. Joshi, Srinivas Bangalore: Using parsed corpora for circumventing parsing. Learning for Natural Language Processing 1995: 413-424
2EESrinivas Bangalore, Aravind K. Joshi: Some Novel Applications of Explanation-Based Learning to Parsing Lexicalized Tree-Adjoining Grammars CoRR cmp-lg/9505023: (1995)
1EEAravind K. Joshi, Srinivas Bangalore: Disambiguation of Super Parts of Speech (or Supertags): Allnost Parsing. COLING 1994: 154-160

Coauthor Index

1Diego Mollá Aliod [21]
2Eduardo Alonso [21]
3Hiyan Alshawi [5] [8] [9]
4Joseph E. Beck (Joseph Beck) [21]
5Bir Bhanu [21]
6Jim Blythe (James Blythe) [21]
7Mark S. Boddy [21]
8Tahir Butt [16]
9Amedeo Cesta [21]
10John Chen [7] [15]
11Shona Douglas [5] [8] [9]
12Patrick Ehlen [18]
13Giuseppe Di Fabbrizio [25] [28]
14Junlan Feng [19] [33]
15Mazin Gilbert [23]
16Marko Grobelnik [21]
17N. Gupta [23]
18Patrick Haffner [27]
19Dilek Z. Hakkani-Tür (Dilek Hakkani-Tür) [21] [22] [23]
20Sanda M. Harabagiu [21]
21Michael Johnston [11] [18] [20] [24] [30]
22Aravind K. Joshi [1] [2] [3] [4] [6]
23Stephan Kanthak [27]
24Alain Léger [21]
25Preetam Maloor [18]
26Stacy Marsella [21]
27Deborah L. McGuinness [21]
28Natasa Milic-Frayling [21]
29Dunja Mladenic [21]
30Vanessa Murdock [17]
31S. S. Narayanan [29]
32Shrikanth Narayanan [26]
33Alexis Nasr [16]
34Daniel Oblinger [21]
35Mazin Rahim [19]
36Owen Rambow [10] [12] [15] [16]
37Giuseppe Riccardi [13] [14] [17] [23]
38Paul E. Rybski [21]
39Pavel Shvaiko [21]
40David Smith [31]
41Stephen F. Smith [21]
42Richard Sproat [16]
43V. K. Rangarajan Sridhar [29]
44Vivek Kumar Rangarajan Sridhar [26]
45Biplav Srivastava [21]
46Amanda Stent [18] [25] [28] [32]
47Sheila Tejada [21]
48Kristinn R. Thórisson [21]
49Gökhan Tür [21] [22] [23]
50Gunaranjan Vasireddy [18]
51K. Vijay-Shanker [7]
52Hannes Högni Vilhjálmsson [21]
53Holger Wache [21]
54Marilyn A. Walker [15] [18]
55Steve Whittaker [18]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)