
Luca Schiano

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16EELuca Schiano, Marco Ottavi, Fabrizio Lombardi, Salvatore Pontarelli, Adelio Salsano: On the Analysis of Reed Solomon Coding for Resilience to Transient/Permanent Faults in Highly Reliable Memories CoRR abs/0710.4750: (2007)
15EEMarco Ottavi, Luca Schiano, Fabrizio Lombardi, Douglas Tougaw: HDLQ: A HDL environment for QCA design. JETC 2(4): 243-261 (2006)
14EEHamidreza Hashempour, Luca Schiano, Fabrizio Lombardi: Enhancing error resilience for reliable compression of VLSI test data. ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2005: 371-376
13EEHamidreza Hashempour, Luca Schiano, Fabrizio Lombardi: Evaluation of Error-Resilience for Reliable Compression of Test Data. DATE 2005: 1284-1289
12EELuca Schiano, Marco Ottavi, Fabrizio Lombardi, Salvatore Pontarelli, Adelio Salsano: On the Analysis of Reed Solomon Coding for Resilience to Transient/Permanent Faults in Highly Reliable Memories. DATE 2005: 580-585
11EEMarco Ottavi, Luca Schiano, Fabrizio Lombardi, Salvatore Pontarelli, Gian-Carlo Cardarilli: Evaluating the Data Integrity of Memory Systems by Configurable Markov Models. ISVLSI 2005: 257-259
10EEJing Huang, Mariam Momenzadeh, Luca Schiano, Marco Ottavi, Fabrizio Lombardi: Tile-based QCA design using majority-like logic primitives. JETC 1(3): 163-185 (2005)
9EELuca Schiano, Yong-Bin Kim, Fabrizio Lombardi: Scan Test of IP Cores in an ATE Environment. DELTA 2004: 281-286
8EEHamidreza Hashempour, Luca Schiano, Fabrizio Lombardi: Error-Resilient Test Data Compression Using Tunstall Codes. DFT 2004: 316-323
7EELuca Schiano, Marco Ottavi, Fabrizio Lombardi: Markov Models of Fault-Tolerant Memory Systems under SEU. MTDT 2004: 38-43
6EEFengming Zhang, Young-Jun Lee, T. Kane, Luca Schiano, Mariam Momenzadeh, Yong-Bin Kim, Fred J. Meyer, Fabrizio Lombardi, S. Max, Phil Perkinson: A Digital and Wide Power Bandwidth H-Field Generator for Automatic Test Equipment. DFT 2003: 159-166
5EELuca Schiano, Fabrizio Lombardi: On the Test and Diagnosis of the Perfect Shuffle. DFT 2003: 97-104
4EECecilia Metra, Luca Schiano, Michele Favalli: Concurrent detection of power supply noise. IEEE Transactions on Reliability 52(4): 469-475 (2003)
3EECecilia Metra, Luca Schiano, Bruno Riccò, Michele Favalli: Self-Checking Scheme for the On-Line Testing of Power Supply Noise. DATE 2002: 832-836
2EELuca Schiano, Cecilia Metra, Diego Marino: Design and Implementation of a Self-Checking Scheme for Railway Trackside Systems. IOLTW 2002: 243-
1EELuca Schiano, Cecilia Metra, Diego Marino: Design and Implementation of a Self-Checking Scheme for Railway Trackside Systems. MTDT 2002: 49-56

Coauthor Index

1Gian-Carlo Cardarilli [11]
2Michele Favalli [3] [4]
3Hamidreza Hashempour [8] [13] [14]
4Jing Huang [10]
5T. Kane [6]
6Yong-Bin Kim [6] [9]
7Young-Jun Lee [6]
8Fabrizio Lombardi [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16]
9Diego Marino [1] [2]
10S. Max [6]
11Cecilia Metra [1] [2] [3] [4]
12Fred J. Meyer [6]
13Mariam Momenzadeh [6] [10]
14Marco Ottavi [7] [10] [11] [12] [15] [16]
15Phil Perkinson [6]
16Salvatore Pontarelli [11] [12] [16]
17Bruno Riccò [3]
18Adelio Salsano [12] [16]
19Douglas Tougaw [15]
20Fengming Zhang [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)