
Sridhar Narayanan

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11EESudheendra Hangal, Naveen Chandra, Sridhar Narayanan, Sandeep Chakravorty: IODINE: a tool to automatically infer dynamic invariants for hardware designs. DAC 2005: 775-778
10EESudheendra Hangal, Durgam Vahia, Chaiyasit Manovit, Juin-Yeu Joseph Lu, Sridhar Narayanan: TSOtool: A Program for Verifying Memory Systems Using the Memory Consistency Model. ISCA 2004: 114-123
9EESridhar Narayanan, R. Srinivasan, R. P. Kunda, Marc E. Levitt, Saied Bozorgui-Nesbat: A fault diagnosis methodology for the UltraSPARCTM-I microprocessor. ED&TC 1997: 494-500
8 Sridhar Narayanan, Ashutosh Das: An Efficient Scheme to Diagnose Scan Chains. ITC 1997: 704-713
7 Marc E. Levitt, Srinivas Nori, Sridhar Narayanan, G. P. Grewal, Lynn Youngs, Anjali Jones, Greg Billus, Siva Paramanandam: Testability, Debuggability, and Manufacturability Features of the UltraSPARCTM-I Microprocessor. ITC 1995: 157-166
6EESridhar Narayanan, Melvin A. Breuer: Asynchronous multiple scan chain. VTS 1995: 270-276
5EESridhar Narayanan, Melvin A. Breuer: Reconfiguration techniques for a single scan chain. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 14(6): 750-765 (1995)
4EESridhar Narayanan, Melvin A. Breuer: Reconfigurable scan chains: a novel approach to reduce test application time. ICCAD 1993: 710-715
3 Sridhar Narayanan, Rajesh Gupta, Melvin A. Breuer: Optimal Configuring of Multiple Scan Chains. IEEE Trans. Computers 42(9): 1121-1131 (1993)
2EESridhar Narayanan, Rajesh Gupta, Melvin A. Breuer: Configuring multiple scan chains for minimum test time. ICCAD 1992: 4-8
1 Sridhar Narayanan, Charles Njinda, Melvin A. Breuer: Optimal Sequencing of Scan Registers. ITC 1992: 293-302

Coauthor Index

1Greg Billus [7]
2Saied Bozorgui-Nesbat [9]
3Melvin A. Breuer [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
4Sandeep Chakravorty [11]
5Naveen Chandra [11]
6Ashutosh Das [8]
7G. P. Grewal [7]
8Rajesh K. Gupta (Rajesh Gupta) [2] [3]
9Sudheendra Hangal [10] [11]
10Anjali Jones [7]
11R. P. Kunda [9]
12Marc E. Levitt [7] [9]
13Juin-Yeu Joseph Lu [10]
14Chaiyasit Manovit [10]
15Charles Njinda [1]
16Srinivas Nori [7]
17Siva Paramanandam [7]
18R. Srinivasan [9]
19Durgam Vahia [10]
20Lynn Youngs [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)