
Anthony-Trung Nguyen

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7EEAnthony-Trung Nguyen, Josep Torrellas: Design Trade-Offs in High-Throughput Coherence Controllers. IEEE PACT 2003: 194-205
6EEAshwini K. Nanda, Anthony-Trung Nguyen, Maged M. Michael, Douglas J. Joseph: High-throughout coherence control and hardware messaging in Everest. IBM Journal of Research and Development 45(2): 229-244 (2001)
5EEAshwini K. Nanda, Anthony-Trung Nguyen, Maged M. Michael, Douglas J. Joseph: High-Throughput Coherence Controllers. HPCA 2000: 145-155
4EEJosep Torrellas, Liuxi Yang, Anthony-Trung Nguyen: Toward a Cost-Effective DSM Organization That Exploits Processor-Memory Integration. HPCA 2000: 15-25
3EEAnthony-Trung Nguyen, Pradip Bose, Kattamuri Ekanadham, Ashwini K. Nanda, Maged M. Michael: Accuracy and Speedup of Parallel Trace-Driven Architectural Simulation. IPPS 1997: 39-44
2EEAnthony-Trung Nguyen, Maged M. Michael, Arun Sharma, Josep Torrellas: The Augmint multiprocessor simulation toolkit for Intel x86 architectures. ICCD 1996: 486-490
1 Nuno Neves, Anthony-Trung Nguyen, Edgar L. Torres: A Study of a Non-Linear Optimization Problem Using a Distributed Genetic Algorithm. ICPP, Vol. 2 1996: 29-36

Coauthor Index

1Pradip Bose [3]
2Kattamuri Ekanadham [3]
3Douglas J. Joseph [5] [6]
4Maged M. Michael [2] [3] [5] [6]
5Ashwini K. Nanda [3] [5] [6]
6Nuno Neves [1]
7Arun Sharma [2]
8Josep Torrellas [2] [4] [7]
9Edgar L. Torres [1]
10Liuxi Yang [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)