
David L. Landis

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20EEIvan S. Kourtev, Raymond R. Hoare, Steven P. Levitan, Tom Cain, Bruce R. Childers, Donald M. Chiarulli, David L. Landis: Short Courses in System-on-a-Chip (SoC) Design. MSE 2003: 126-127
19EEDavid L. Landis, James T. Cain: Microelectronics Education As Workforce Development. MSE 2003: 37-38
18EEHerman Schmit, Thomas Kroll, Max Khusid, Ivan S. Kourtev, Narayanan Vijaykrishnan, David L. Landis: The Sandbox Design Experience Course. MSE 2003: 39-40
17EEBassam Shaer, Sami A. Al-Arian, David L. Landis: Partitioning sequential circuits for pseudoexhaustive testing. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 8(5): 534-541 (2000)
16EEBassam Shaer, David L. Landis, Sami A. Al-Arian: Partitioning algorithm to enhance pseudoexhaustive testing of digital VLSI circuits. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 8(6): 750-754 (2000)
15EEBassam Shaer, Sami A. Al-Arian, David L. Landis: Pseudo-Exhaustive Testing of Sequential Circuits. Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 1999: 109-
14EEDavid L. Landis, Paul T. Hulina, Scott Deno, Luke Roth, Lee D. Coraor: Evaluation of Computing in Memory Architectures for Digital Image Processing Applications. ICCD 1999: 146-151
13EEScott Deno, David L. Landis, Paul T. Hulina, Sanjay Balasubramanian: A Rapid Prototyping Methodology for Reverse Engineering of Legacy Electronic Systems. IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping 1999: 222-
12EEDavid L. Landis, Praveen Guddeti, Paul T. Hulina, Lee D. Coraor: Language-Based Rapid Prototyping Methods for Legacy System Re-Engineering and Re-Use. IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping 1999: 52-
11EEDavid L. Landis: Using RASSP Modules in a Rapid System Prototyping Class. MSE 1999: 53-54
10EELuke Roth, Lee D. Coraor, David L. Landis, Paul T. Hulina, Scott Deno: Computing in Memory Architectures for Digital Image Processing. MTDT 1999: 8-15
9EEBassam Shaer, Sami A. Al-Arian, David L. Landis: Partitioning algorithm to enhance VLSI testability. ACM Southeast Regional Conference 1998: 121-129
8EEStephan P. Athan, David L. Landis, Sami A. Al-Arian: A novel built-in current sensor for I/sub DDQ/ testing of deep submicron CMOS ICs. VTS 1996: 118-123
7 David L. Landis, Chuck Hudson, Patrick F. McHugh: Applications of the IEEE P1149.5 Module Test and Maintenance Bus. ITC 1992: 984-992
6 David L. Landis, Nitin Nigam, Joseph W. Yoder: Wafer-Scale Optimization Using Computational Availability. IEEE Computer 25(4): 66-71 (1992)
5EEDavid L. Landis: A test methodology for wafer scale system. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 11(1): 76-82 (1992)
4EEVijay K. Jain, David L. Landis, David C. Keezer, K. T. Wilson, D. Whittaker: Wafer Scale Integration: A university perspective. VLSI Signal Processing 2(4): 253-269 (1991)
3 David L. Landis: A Self-Test System Architecture for Reconfigurable WSI. ITC 1989: 275-282
2 David L. Landis, Daniel C. Muha: Evaluation of System BIST Using Computational Performance Measures. ITC 1988: 531-536
1 David L. Landis, Daniel C. Muha, William A. Check: Influence of Built-In Self Test on the Performance of Fault Tolerant VLSI Multiprocessors. ICPP 1987: 114-116

Coauthor Index

1Sami A. Al-Arian [8] [9] [15] [16] [17]
2Stephan P. Athan [8]
3Sanjay Balasubramanian [13]
4James T. Cain [19]
5Tom Cain [20]
6William A. Check [1]
7Donald M. Chiarulli [20]
8Bruce R. Childers [20]
9Lee D. Coraor [10] [12] [14]
10Scott Deno [10] [13] [14]
11Praveen Guddeti [12]
12Raymond R. Hoare (Raymond Hoare) [20]
13Chuck Hudson [7]
14Paul T. Hulina [10] [12] [13] [14]
15Vijay K. Jain [4]
16David C. Keezer [4]
17Max Khusid [18]
18Ivan S. Kourtev [18] [20]
19Thomas Kroll [18]
20Steven P. Levitan [20]
21Patrick F. McHugh [7]
22Daniel C. Muha [1] [2]
23Nitin Nigam [6]
24Luke Roth [10] [14]
25Herman Schmit [18]
26Bassam Shaer [9] [15] [16] [17]
27Narayanan Vijaykrishnan (Vijaykrishnan Narayanan) [18]
28D. Whittaker [4]
29K. T. Wilson [4]
30Joseph W. Yoder [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)