
Lee D. Coraor

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22EETarak Gandhi, Mau-Tsuen Yang, Rangachar Kasturi, Octavia I. Camps, Lee D. Coraor, Jeffrey McCandless: Performance characterization of the dynamic programming obstacle detection algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 15(5): 1202-1214 (2006)
21EEMau-Tsuen Yang, Tarak Gandhi, Rangachar Kasturi, Lee D. Coraor, Octavia I. Camps, Jeffrey McCandless: Real-Time Implementation of Obstacle Detection Algorithms on a Datacube MaxPCI Architecture. Real-Time Imaging 8(2): 157-172 (2002)
20EEMarc Bumble, Lee D. Coraor, Lily Elefteriadou: Exploring CORSIM Runtime Characteristics: Profiling a Traffic Simulator. Annual Simulation Symposium 2000: 139-
19EETarak Gandhi, Mau-Tsuen Yang, Rangachar Kasturi, Octavia I. Camps, Lee D. Coraor, Jeffrey McCandless: Detection of Obstacles in the Flight Path of an Aircraft. CVPR 2000: 2304-2311
18EEDavid L. Landis, Paul T. Hulina, Scott Deno, Luke Roth, Lee D. Coraor: Evaluation of Computing in Memory Architectures for Digital Image Processing Applications. ICCD 1999: 146-151
17EEDavid L. Landis, Praveen Guddeti, Paul T. Hulina, Lee D. Coraor: Language-Based Rapid Prototyping Methods for Legacy System Re-Engineering and Re-Use. IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping 1999: 52-
16EELuke Roth, Lee D. Coraor, David L. Landis, Paul T. Hulina, Scott Deno: Computing in Memory Architectures for Digital Image Processing. MTDT 1999: 8-15
15EEMarc Bumble, Lee D. Coraor: A global synchronization network for a non-deterministic simulation architecture. Winter Simulation Conference 1999: 1460-1469
14 Marc Bumble, Lee D. Coraor: Implementing Parallelism in Random Discrete Event-Driven Simulation. IPPS/SPDP Workshops 1998: 418-427
13EEMarc Bumble, Lee D. Coraor: Architecture for a Non-deterministic Simulation Machine. Winter Simulation Conference 1998: 1599-1606
12EELizy Kurian John, Vinod Reddy, Paul T. Hulina, Lee D. Coraor: A comparative evaluation of software techniques to hide memory latency. HICSS (1) 1995: 229
11 Lizy Kurian John, Vinod Reddy, Paul T. Hulina, Lee D. Coraor: Program Balance and Its Impact on High Performance RISC Architectures. HPCA 1995: 370-379
10 Ali Berrached, Paul T. Hulina, Lee D. Coraor: Structured Data Access Mechanisms for a Decoupled Computer Architecture. ICPP 1994: 285-289
9 Lizy Kurian John, Bermjae Choi, Paul T. Hulina, Lee D. Coraor: Module Partitioning and Interlaced Data Placement Schemes to Reduce Conflicts in Interleaved Memories. ICPP (1) 1994: 212-219
8 Lizy Kurian John, Paul T. Hulina, Lee D. Coraor: Memory Latency Effects in Decoupled Architectures. IEEE Trans. Computers 43(10): 1129-1139 (1994)
7 Lizy Kurian John, Paul T. Hulina, Lee D. Coraor: Memory Latency Effects in Decoupled Architectures With a Single Data Memory Module. ISCA 1992: 236-245
6 Paul T. Hulina, Lee D. Coraor, Shih-Wei Sun: Performance Analysis of an Address Generation Coprocessor. ICPP (1) 1991: 136-143
5EELizy Kurian John, Paul T. Hulina, Lee D. Coraor, Dhamir N. Mannai: Classification and Performance Evaluation of Instruction Buffering Techniques. ISCA 1991: 150-159
4 Paul T. Hulina, Lee D. Coraor: Coprocessor architectures for efficient address computation and memory accessing. Comput. Syst. Sci. Eng. 5(3): 137-146 (1990)
3 Paul T. Hulina, Lee D. Coraor: A Hardware Memory Mapping Unit for Efficient Address Computation. ICPP 1987: 340-343
2 Lee D. Coraor, Paul T. Hulina, Orlando A. Morean: A General Model for Memory-Based Finite-State Machines. IEEE Trans. Computers 36(2): 175-184 (1987)
1 Lee D. Coraor, Paul T. Hulina: A Reconfigurable Multiprocessor. ICPP 1985: 649-651

Coauthor Index

1Ali Berrached [10]
2Marc Bumble [13] [14] [15] [20]
3Octavia I. Camps [19] [21] [22]
4Bermjae Choi [9]
5Scott Deno [16] [18]
6Lily Elefteriadou [20]
7Tarak Gandhi [19] [21] [22]
8Praveen Guddeti [17]
9Paul T. Hulina [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [16] [17] [18]
10Lizy Kurian John (Lizy K. John) [5] [7] [8] [9] [11] [12]
11Rangachar Kasturi [19] [21] [22]
12David L. Landis [16] [17] [18]
13Dhamir N. Mannai [5]
14Jeffrey McCandless [19] [21] [22]
15Orlando A. Morean [2]
16Vinod Reddy [11] [12]
17Luke Roth [16] [18]
18Shih-Wei Sun [6]
19Mau-Tsuen Yang [19] [21] [22]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)