
Takeshi Ikenaga

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77EEYiqing Huang, Qin Liu, Satoshi Goto, Takeshi Ikenaga: Reconfigurable SAD tree architecture based on adaptive sub-sampling in HDTV application. ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2009: 463-468
76EEGuifen Tian, Tianruo Zhang, Takeshi Ikenaga, Satoshi Goto: A Fast Hybrid Decision Algorithm for H.264/AVC Intra Prediction Based on Entropy Theory. MMM 2009: 85-95
75EEWen Ji, Yuta Abe, Takeshi Ikenaga, Satoshi Goto: A cost-efficient partially-parallel irregular LDPC decoder based on sum-delta message passing algorithm. ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2008: 207-212
74EEZhenyu Liu, Satoshi Goto, Takeshi Ikenaga: Optimization of Propagate Partial SAD and SAD tree motion estimation hardwired engine for H.264. ICCD 2008: 328-333
73EEZhenxing Chen, Qin Liu, Takeshi Ikenaga, Satoshi Goto: A motion vector difference based self-incremental adaptive search range algorithm for variable block size motion estimation. ICIP 2008: 1988-1991
72EEYang Song, Yao Ma, Zhenyu Liu, Takeshi Ikenaga, Satoshi Goto: Hardware-oriented direction-based fast fractional motion estimation algorithm in H.264/AVC. ICME 2008: 1009-1012
71EEZhenyu Liu, Satoshi Goto, Takeshi Ikenaga: Fast motion estimation for H.264/AVC using image edge features. ICME 2008: 57-60
70EEYiqing Huang, Satoshi Goto, Takeshi Ikenaga: VLSI friendly computation reduction scheme in H.264/AVC motion estimation. ISCAS 2008: 844-847
69EEQin Liu, Yiqing Huang, Takeshi Ikenaga: Early detection algorithms for 8×8 all-zero blocks in H.264/AVC. MMSP 2008: 355-358
68EEZhenyu Liu, Lingfeng Li, Yang Song, Shen Li, Satoshi Goto, Takeshi Ikenaga: Motion Feature and Hadamard Coefficient-Based Fast Multiple Reference Frame Motion Estimation for H.264. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn. 18(5): 620-632 (2008)
67EEYibo Fan, Jidong Wang, Takeshi Ikenaga, Yukiyasu Tsunoo, Satoshi Goto: An Unequal Secure Encryption Scheme for H.264/AVC Video Compression Standard. IEICE Transactions 91-A(1): 12-21 (2008)
66EEZhenxing Chen, Yang Song, Takeshi Ikenaga, Satoshi Goto: Adaptive Search Range Algorithms for Variable Block Size Motion Estimation in H.264/AVC. IEICE Transactions 91-A(4): 1015-1022 (2008)
65EEKazunori Shimizu, Nozomu Togawa, Takeshi Ikenaga, Satoshi Goto: Low Power LDPC Code Decoder Architecture Based on Intermediate Message Compression Technique. IEICE Transactions 91-A(4): 1054-1061 (2008)
64EEYibo Fan, Takeshi Ikenaga, Satoshi Goto: A High-Speed Design of Montgomery Multiplier. IEICE Transactions 91-A(4): 971-977 (2008)
63EEYiqing Huang, Zhenyu Liu, Yang Song, Satoshi Goto, Takeshi Ikenaga: Parallel Improved HDTV720p Targeted Propagate Partial SAD Architecture for Variable Block Size Motion Estimation in H.264/AVC. IEICE Transactions 91-A(4): 987-997 (2008)
62EEQin Liu, Yiqing Huang, Satoshi Goto, Takeshi Ikenaga: Edge Block Detection and Motion Vector Information Based Fast VBSME Algorithm. IEICE Transactions 91-A(8): 1935-1943 (2008)
61EEZhenyu Liu, Satoshi Goto, Takeshi Ikenaga: Content-Aware Fast Motion Estimation for H.264/AVC. IEICE Transactions 91-A(8): 1944-1952 (2008)
60EEYibo Fan, Takeshi Ikenaga, Satoshi Goto: Reconfigurable Variable Block Size Motion Estimation Architecture for Search Range Reduction Algorithm. IEICE Transactions 91-C(4): 440-448 (2008)
59EEQin Liu, Seiichiro Hiratsuka, Kazunori Shimizu, Shinsuke Ushiki, Satoshi Goto, Takeshi Ikenaga: A 41 mW VGA@30 fps Quadtree Video Encoder for Video Surveillance Systems. IEICE Transactions 91-C(4): 449-456 (2008)
58EELingfeng Li, Yang Song, Shen Li, Takeshi Ikenaga, Satoshi Goto: A Hardware Architecture of CABAC Encoding and Decoding with Dynamic Pipeline for H.264/AVC. Signal Processing Systems 50(1): 81-95 (2008)
57EEZhenyu Liu, Yiqing Huang, Yang Song, Satoshi Goto, Takeshi Ikenaga: Hardware-efficient propagate partial sad architecture for variable block size motion estimation in H.264/AVC. ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2007: 160-163
56EEShen Li, Xianghui Wei, Takeshi Ikenaga, Satoshi Goto: A VLSI architecture design of an edge based fast intra prediction mode decision algorithm for H.264/avc. ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2007: 20-24
55EEZhenyu Liu, Lingfeng Li, Yang Song, Takeshi Ikenaga, Satoshi Goto: VLSI Oriented Fast Multiple Reference Frame Motion Estimation Algorithm for H.264/AVC. ICME 2007: 1902-1905
54EEYang Song, Zhenyu Liu, Takeshi Ikenaga, Satoshi Goto: Ultra Low-Complexity Fast Variable Block Size Motion Estimation Algorithm in H.264/AVC. ICME 2007: 376-379
53EEDaiki Nobayashi, Yutaka Nakamura, Takeshi Ikenaga, Yoshiaki Hori: Development of Single Sign-On System with Hardware Token and Key Management Server. ICSNC 2007: 73
52EEYang Song, Zhenyu Liu, Takeshi Ikenaga, Satoshi Goto: Enhanced Strict Multilevel Successive Elimination Algorithm for Fast Motion Estimation. ISCAS 2007: 3659-3662
51EEKazunori Shimizu, Nozomu Togawa, Takeshi Ikenaga, Satoshi Goto: Power-efficient LDPC code decoder architecture. ISLPED 2007: 359-362
50EEYibo Fan, Jidong Wang, Takeshi Ikenaga, Yukiyasu Tsunoo, Satoshi Goto: A New Video Encryption Scheme for H.264/AVC. PCM 2007: 246-255
49EEMing Shao, Zhenyu Liu, Satoshi Goto, Takeshi Ikenaga: Lossless VLSI Oriented Full Computation Reusing Algorithm for H.264/AVC Fractional Motion Estimation. IEICE Transactions 90-A(4): 756-763 (2007)
48EEYang Song, Zhenyu Liu, Takeshi Ikenaga, Satoshi Goto: Lossy Strict Multilevel Successive Elimination Algorithm for Fast Motion Estimation. IEICE Transactions 90-A(4): 764-770 (2007)
47EEQi Wang, Kazunori Shimizu, Takeshi Ikenaga, Satoshi Goto: Efficient Fully-Parallel LDPC Decoder Design with Improved Simplified Min-Sum Algorithms. IEICE Transactions 90-C(10): 1964-1971 (2007)
46EEYang Song, Zhenyu Liu, Takeshi Ikenaga, Satoshi Goto: Low-Power Partial Distortion Sorting Fast Motion Estimation Algorithms and VLSI Implementations. IEICE Transactions 90-D(1): 108-117 (2007)
45EEYangxing Liu, Takeshi Ikenaga, Satoshi Goto: Geometrical, Physical and Text/Symbol Analysis Based Approach of Traffic Sign Detection System. IEICE Transactions 90-D(1): 208-216 (2007)
44EEShen Li, Lingfeng Li, Takeshi Ikenaga, Shunichi Ishiwata, Masataka Matsui, Satoshi Goto: Content-Based Complexity Reduction Methods for MPEG-2 to H.264 Transcoding. IEICE Transactions 90-D(1): 90-98 (2007)
43EEYangxing Liu, Takeshi Ikenaga, Satoshi Goto: An MRF model-based approach to the detection of rectangular shape objects in color images. Signal Processing 87(11): 2649-2658 (2007)
42EEYang Song, Takeshi Ikenaga, Satoshi Goto, Zhenyu Liu: Enhanced Partial Distortion Sorting Fast Motion Estimation Algorithm for Low-Power Applications. APCCAS 2006: 1236-1239
41EEKazunori Shimizu, Nozomu Togawa, Takeshi Ikenaga, Satoshi Goto: Memory-Efficient Accelerating Schedule for LDPC Decoder. APCCAS 2006: 1317-1320
40EEZhen Qiu, Takeshi Ikenaga, Satoshi Goto: Robust Scalable Video Transmission using Object-Oriented Unequal Loss Protection over Internet. APCCAS 2006: 1583-1586
39EEYangxing Liu, Takeshi Ikenaga, Satoshi Goto: A Novel Hybrid Approach of Color Image Segmentation. APCCAS 2006: 1863-1866
38EEJaidong Wang, Takeshi Ikenaga, Satoshi Goto, Kazuo Kunieda, M. Iwata, H. Koizumi, H. Shimazu: A New Multiscale Line Detection Approach for Aerial Image with Complex Scene. APCCAS 2006: 1968-1971
37EEShen Li, Lingfeng Li, Takeshi Ikenaga, Shunichi Ishiwata, Masataka Matsui, Satoshi Goto: Complexity Based Fast Coding Mode Decision for MPEG-2 / H.264 Video Transcoding. APCCAS 2006: 574-577
36EELingfeng Li, Yang Song, Takeshi Ikenaga, Satoshi Goto: A CABAC Encoding Core with Dynamic Pipeline for H.264/AVC Main Profile. APCCAS 2006: 760-763
35EETatsuyuki Ishikawa, Kazunori Shimizu, Takeshi Ikenaga, Satoshi Goto: High-throughput decoder for low-density parity-check code. ASP-DAC 2006: 112-113
34EEYangxing Liu, Takeshi Ikenaga, Satoshi Goto: A Novel Approach of Rectangular Shape Object Detection in Color Images Based on An MRF Model. IEEE ICCI 2006: 386-393
33EEJing Wang, Satoshi Goto, Kazuo Kunieda, M. Iwata, H. Koizumi, H. Shimazu, Takeshi Ikenaga: Geometric Primitives Detection in Aerial Image. IEEE ICCI 2006: 400-404
32EEKazunori Shimizu, Tatsuyuki Ishikawa, Nozomu Togawa, Takeshi Ikenaga, Satoshi Goto: A parallel LSI architecture for LDPC decoder improving message-passing schedule. ISCAS 2006
31EESeiichiro Hiratsuka, Satoshi Goto, Takeshi Ikenaga: An ultra-low complexity motion estimation algorithm and its implementation of specific processor. ISCAS 2006
30EEChangqi Yang, Satoshi Goto, Takeshi Ikenaga: High performance VLSI architecture of fractional motion estimation in H.264 for HDTV. ISCAS 2006
29EEGang Liu, Takeshi Ikenaga, Satoshi Goto, Takaaki Baba: A Selective Video Encryption Scheme for MPEG Compression Standard. IEICE Transactions 89-A(1): 194-202 (2006)
28EEYang Song, Zhenyu Liu, Takeshi Ikenaga, Satoshi Goto: A VLSI Architecture for Variable Block Size Motion Estimation in H.264/AVC with Low Cost Memory Organization. IEICE Transactions 89-A(12): 3594-3601 (2006)
27EEKazunori Shimizu, Tatsuyuki Ishikawa, Nozomu Togawa, Takeshi Ikenaga, Satoshi Goto: Power-Efficient LDPC Decoder Architecture Based on Accelerated Message-Passing Schedule. IEICE Transactions 89-A(12): 3602-3612 (2006)
26EEShen Li, Takeshi Ikenaga, Hideki Takeda, Masataka Matsui, Satoshi Goto: A Hardware Implementation of a Content-Based Motion Estimation Algorithm for Real-Time MPEG-4 Video Coding. IEICE Transactions 89-A(4): 932-940 (2006)
25EEKazunori Shimizu, Tatsuyuki Ishikawa, Nozomu Togawa, Takeshi Ikenaga, Satoshi Goto: Partially-Parallel LDPC Decoder Achieving High-Efficiency Message-Passing Schedule. IEICE Transactions 89-A(4): 969-978 (2006)
24EEYang Song, Zhenyu Liu, Satoshi Goto, Takeshi Ikenaga: Scalable VLSI Architecture for Variable Block Size Integer Motion Estimation in H.264/AVC. IEICE Transactions 89-A(4): 979-988 (2006)
23EEZhenyu Liu, Yang Song, Takeshi Ikenaga, Satoshi Goto: A Fine-Grain Scalable and Low Memory Cost Variable Block Size Motion Estimation Architecture for H.264/AVC. IEICE Transactions 89-C(12): 1928-1936 (2006)
22EEYangxing Liu, Satoshi Goto, Takeshi Ikenaga: A Contour-Based Robust Algorithm for Text Detection in Color Images. IEICE Transactions 89-D(3): 1221-1230 (2006)
21EEZhenyu Liu, Yang Song, Takeshi Ikenaga, Satoshi Goto: A VLSI array processing oriented fast fourier transform algorithm and hardware implementation. ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2005: 291-295
20EEKazunori Shimizu, Nozomu Togawa, Takeshi Ikenaga, Satoshi Goto: Reconfigurable adaptive FEC system with interleaving. ASP-DAC 2005: 1252-1255
19EELingfeng Li, Satoshi Goto, Takeshi Ikenaga: An efficient deblocking filter architecture with 2-dimensional parallel memory for H.264/AVC. ASP-DAC 2005: 623-626
18EEKazunori Shimizu, Tatsuyuki Ishikawa, Takeshi Ikenaga, Satoshi Goto, Nozomu Togawa: Partially-Parallel LDPC Decoder Based on High-Efficiency Message-Passing Algorithm. ICCD 2005: 503-510
17EEYangxing Liu, Satoshi Goto, Takeshi Ikenaga: A Robust Algorithm for Text Detection in Color Images. ICDAR 2005: 399-405
16EEYangxing Liu, Satoshi Goto, Takeshi Ikenaga: An accurate and low complexity approach of detecting circular shape objects in still color images. ICIP (1) 2005: 333-336
15EESeiichiro Hiratsuka, Satoshi Goto, Takaaki Baba, Takeshi Ikenaga: A locally adaptive subsampling algorithm for software based motion estimation. ISCAS (3) 2005: 2891-2894
14EEHedia Kochkar, Takeshi Ikenaga, Kenji Kawahara, Yuji Oie: Multi-class QoS routing strategies based on the network state. Computer Communications 28(11): 1348-1355 (2005)
13EEZhenyu Liu, Yang Song, Takeshi Ikenaga, Satoshi Goto: A VLSI Array Processing Oriented Fast Fourier Transform Algorithm and Hardware Implementation. IEICE Transactions 88-A(12): 3523-3530 (2005)
12EEKazunori Shimizu, Nozomu Togawa, Takeshi Ikenaga, Satoshi Goto: Reconfigurable Adaptive FEC System Based on Reed-Solomon Code with Interleaving. IEICE Transactions 88-D(7): 1526-1537 (2005)
11EEShen Li, Yong Jiang, Takeshi Ikenaga, Satoshi Goto: Content-Based Motion Estimation with Extended Temporal-Spatial Analysis. IEICE Transactions 88-D(7): 1561-1568 (2005)
10EELingfeng Li, Satoshi Goto, Takeshi Ikenaga: A Highly Parallel Architecture for Deblocking Filter in H.264/AVC. IEICE Transactions 88-D(7): 1623-1629 (2005)
9EEYutaka Fukuda, Hiroyuki Koga, Takeshi Ikenaga, Yuji Oie: Performance evaluation of TCP under dynamic allocation scheme for down-link transmission rate in W-CDMA systems. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 4(2): 223-232 (2004)
8EETakeshi Ikenaga, Kenji Kawahara, Tetsuya Takine, Yuji Oie: Analysis of Delayed Reservation Scheme in Server-Based QoS Management Network. AINA 2003: 140-145
7EEHiroyuki Koga, Takeshi Ikenaga, Yoshiaki Hori, Yuji Oie: Out-of-Sequence in Packet Arrivals due to Layer 2 ARQ and Its Impact on TCP Performance in W-CDMA Networks. SAINT 2003: 398-401
6EEYoshiaki Ohta, Kenji Kawahara, Takeshi Ikenaga, Yuji Oie: Performance Evaluation of Channel Switching Scheme for Packet Data Transmission in Radio Network Controller. NETWORKING 2002: 648-659
5EEManzoor Hashmani, Mikio Yoshida, Takeshi Ikenaga, Yuji Oie: Management and Realization of SLA for Providing Network QoS. ICN (1) 2001: 398-408
4EETakeshi Ikenaga, Takeshi Ogura: Real-time morphology processing using highly parallel 2-D cellular automata CAM2. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 9(12): 2018-2026 (2000)
3 Takeshi Ikenaga, Takeshi Ogura: CAM2: A Highly-Parallel Two-Dimensional Cellular Architecture. IEEE Trans. Computers 47(7): 788-801 (1998)
2EETakeshi Ikenaga, Takeshi Ogura: Real-Time Morphology Processing Using Highly Parallel 2D Cellular Automata CAM2. ICIP (2) 1997: 562-565
1 Takeshi Ikenaga, Takeshi Ogura: CAM²: A Highly-Parallel 2D Cellular Automata Architecture for Real-Time and Palm-Top Pixel-Level Image Processing. Euro-Par, Vol. II 1996: 203-212

Coauthor Index

1Yuta Abe [75]
2Takaaki Baba [15] [29]
3Zhenxing Chen [66] [73]
4Yibo Fan [50] [60] [64] [67]
5Yutaka Fukuda [9]
6Satoshi Goto [10] [11] [12] [13] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [34] [35] [36] [37] [38] [39] [40] [41] [42] [43] [44] [45] [46] [47] [48] [49] [50] [51] [52] [54] [55] [56] [57] [58] [59] [60] [61] [62] [63] [64] [65] [66] [67] [68] [70] [71] [72] [73] [74] [75] [76] [77]
7Manzoor Hashmani [5]
8Seiichiro Hiratsuka [15] [31] [59]
9Yoshiaki Hori [7] [53]
10Yiqing Huang [57] [62] [63] [69] [70] [77]
11Tatsuyuki Ishikawa [18] [25] [27] [32] [35]
12Shunichi Ishiwata [37] [44]
13M. Iwata [33] [38]
14Wen Ji [75]
15Yong Jiang [11]
16Kenji Kawahara [6] [8] [14]
17Hedia Kochkar [14]
18Hiroyuki Koga [7] [9]
19H. Koizumi [33] [38]
20Kazuo Kunieda [33] [38]
21Lingfeng Li [10] [19] [36] [37] [44] [55] [58] [68]
22Shen Li [11] [26] [37] [44] [56] [58] [68]
23Gang Liu [29]
24Qin Liu [59] [62] [69] [73] [77]
25Yangxing Liu [16] [17] [22] [34] [39] [43] [45]
26Zhenyu Liu [13] [21] [23] [24] [28] [42] [46] [48] [49] [52] [54] [55] [57] [61] [63] [68] [71] [72] [74]
27Yao Ma [72]
28Masataka Matsui [26] [37] [44]
29Yutaka Nakamura [53]
30Daiki Nobayashi [53]
31Takeshi Ogura [1] [2] [3] [4]
32Yoshiaki Ohta [6]
33Yuji Oie [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [14]
34Zhen Qiu [40]
35Ming Shao [49]
36H. Shimazu [33] [38]
37Kazunori Shimizu [12] [18] [20] [25] [27] [32] [35] [41] [47] [51] [59] [65]
38Yang Song [13] [21] [23] [24] [28] [36] [42] [46] [48] [52] [54] [55] [57] [58] [63] [66] [68] [72]
39Hideki Takeda [26]
40Tetsuya Takine [8]
41Guifen Tian [76]
42Nozomu Togawa [12] [18] [20] [25] [27] [32] [41] [51] [65]
43Yukiyasu Tsunoo [50] [67]
44Shinsuke Ushiki [59]
45Jaidong Wang [38]
46Jidong Wang [50] [67]
47Jing Wang [33]
48Qi Wang [47]
49Xianghui Wei [56]
50Changqi Yang [30]
51Mikio Yoshida [5]
52Tianruo Zhang [76]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)