
Mikio Yoshida

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6EEYuuichi Teranishi, Hirokazu Tanaka, Yoshimasa Ishi, Mikio Yoshida: A Geographical Observation System based on P2P Agents. PerCom 2008: 615-620
5EEManzoor Hashmani, Mikio Yoshida, Takeshi Ikenaga, Yuji Oie: Management and Realization of SLA for Providing Network QoS. ICN (1) 2001: 398-408
4 Mikio Yoshida, Ken-ichiro Fukuda, Toshihisa Takagi: PNAD-CSS: a workbench for constructing a protein name abbreviation dictionary. Bioinformatics 16(2): 169-175 (2000)
3EEMikio Yoshida, Yuri A. Tijerino, Shinji Abe, Fumio Kishino: A Virtual Space Teleconferencing System that Supports Intuitive Interaction for Creative and Cooperative Work. SI3D 1995: 115-122
2 Susumu Yamasaki, Mikio Yoshida, Shuji Doshita: A Fixpoint Semantics of Horn Sentences Based on Substitution Sets. Theor. Comput. Sci. 51: 309-324 (1987)
1 Susumu Yamasaki, Mikio Yoshida, Shuji Doshita, Mikito Hirata: A New Combination of Input and Unit Deductions for Horn Sentences. Inf. Process. Lett. 18(4): 209-213 (1984)

Coauthor Index

1Shinji Abe [3]
2Shuji Doshita [1] [2]
3Ken-ichiro Fukuda [4]
4Manzoor Hashmani [5]
5Mikito Hirata [1]
6Takeshi Ikenaga [5]
7Yoshimasa Ishi [6]
8Fumio Kishino [3]
9Yuji Oie [5]
10Toshihisa Takagi [4]
11Hirokazu Tanaka [6]
12Yuuichi Teranishi [6]
13Yuri A. Tijerino [3]
14Susumu Yamasaki [1] [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)