
Ming Shao

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7EEXuemei Li, Ming Shao, Lixing Ding: HVAC Fault Diagnosis System Using Rough Set Theory and Support Vector Machine. WKDD 2009: 895-899
6EEPanpan Huang, Yunhong Wang, Ming Shao: A New Method for Multi-view Face Clustering in Video Sequence. ICDM Workshops 2008: 869-873
5EEYi-hong Dong, Ming Shao, Xiaoying Tai: An adaptive counter propagation network based on soft competition. Pattern Recognition Letters 29(7): 938-949 (2008)
4EEMing Shao, Zhenyu Liu, Satoshi Goto, Takeshi Ikenaga: Lossless VLSI Oriented Full Computation Reusing Algorithm for H.264/AVC Fractional Motion Estimation. IEICE Transactions 90-A(4): 756-763 (2007)
3EEXiaowei Li, Guanghui Li, Ming Shao: Formal Verification Techniques Based on Boolean Satisfiability Problem. J. Comput. Sci. Technol. 20(1): 38-47 (2005)
2EEGuanghui Li, Ming Shao, Xiaowei Li: Design Error Diagnosis Based on Verification Techniques. Asian Test Symposium 2003: 474-477
1EEMing Shao, Guanghui Li, Xiaowei Li: SAT-Based Algorithm of Verification for Port Order Fault. Asian Test Symposium 2003: 478-481

Coauthor Index

1Lixing Ding [7]
2Yi-hong Dong [5]
3Satoshi Goto [4]
4Panpan Huang [6]
5Takeshi Ikenaga [4]
6Guanghui Li [1] [2] [3]
7Xiaowei Li [1] [2] [3]
8Xuemei Li [7]
9Zhenyu Liu [4]
10Xiaoying Tai [5]
11Yunhong Wang [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)