2008 |
19 | EE | Christopher Geyer:
Active target search from UAVs in urban environments.
ICRA 2008: 2366-2371 |
18 | EE | Stavros Petridis,
Christopher Geyer,
Sanjiv Singh:
Learning to Detect Aircraft at Low Resolutions.
ICVS 2008: 474-483 |
17 | EE | Chris Urmson,
Joshua Anhalt,
Drew Bagnell,
Christopher R. Baker,
Robert Bittner,
M. N. Clark,
John M. Dolan,
Dave Duggins,
Tugrul Galatali,
Christopher Geyer,
Michele Gittleman,
Sam Harbaugh,
Martial Hebert,
Thomas M. Howard,
Sascha Kolski,
Alonzo Kelly,
Maxim Likhachev,
Matt McNaughton,
Nick Miller,
Kevin Peterson,
Brian Pilnick,
Raj Rajkumar,
Paul E. Rybski,
Bryan Salesky,
Young-Woo Seo,
Sanjiv Singh,
Jarrod Snider,
Anthony Stentz,
William Whittaker,
Ziv Wolkowicki,
Jason Ziglar,
Hong Bae,
Thomas Brown,
Daniel Demitrish,
Bakhtiar Litkouhi,
Jim Nickolaou,
Varsha Sadekar,
Wende Zhang,
Joshua Struble,
Michael Taylor,
Michael Darms,
Dave Ferguson:
Autonomous driving in urban environments: Boss and the Urban Challenge.
J. Field Robotics 25(8): 425-466 (2008) |
2007 |
16 | EE | Christopher Geyer,
Henrik Stewénius:
A Nine-point Algorithm for Estimating Para-Catadioptric Fundamental Matrices.
CVPR 2007 |
15 | EE | Todd Templeton,
David Hyunchul Shim,
Christopher Geyer,
Shankar Sastry:
Autonomous Vision-based Landing and Terrain Mapping Using an MPC-controlled Unmanned Rotorcraft.
ICRA 2007: 1349-1356 |
14 | EE | Ameesh Makadia,
Christopher Geyer,
Kostas Daniilidis:
Correspondence-free Structure from Motion.
International Journal of Computer Vision 75(3): 311-327 (2007) |
2006 |
13 | EE | Christopher Geyer,
Todd Templeton,
Marci Meingast,
Shankar Sastry:
The Recursive Multi-Frame Planar Parallax Algorithm.
3DPVT 2006: 17-24 |
2005 |
12 | EE | Ameesh Makadia,
Christopher Geyer,
Shankar Sastry,
Kostas Daniilidis:
Radon-Based Structure from Motion without Correspondences.
CVPR (1) 2005: 796-803 |
11 | EE | Marci Meingast,
Christopher Geyer,
Shankar Sastry:
Geometric Models of Rolling-Shutter Cameras
CoRR abs/cs/0503076: (2005) |
2003 |
10 | EE | Christopher Geyer,
Kostas Daniilidis:
Mirrors in motion: Epipolar geometry and motion estimation.
ICCV 2003: 766-773 |
9 | EE | Christopher Geyer,
Konstantinos Daniilidis:
Omnidirectional video.
The Visual Computer 19(6): 405-416 (2003) |
2002 |
8 | EE | Christopher Geyer,
Konstantinos Daniilidis:
Properties of the Catadioptric Fundamental Matrix.
ECCV (2) 2002: 140-154 |
7 | EE | Christopher Geyer,
Konstantinos Daniilidis:
Paracatadioptric Camera Calibration.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 24(5): 687-695 (2002) |
2001 |
6 | EE | Christopher Geyer,
Kostas Daniilidis:
Structure and Motion from Uncalibrated Catadioptric Views.
CVPR (1) 2001: 279-286 |
5 | | Christopher Geyer,
Konstantinos Daniilidis:
Catadioptric Projective Geometry.
International Journal of Computer Vision 45(3): 223-243 (2001) |
2000 |
4 | | Christopher Geyer,
Konstantinos Daniilidis:
Geometric Properties of Central Catadioptric Projections.
AFPAC 2000: 208-217 |
3 | EE | Christopher Geyer,
Konstantinos Daniilidis:
A Unifying Theory for Central Panoramic Systems and Practical Applications.
ECCV (2) 2000: 445-461 |
2 | EE | Konstantinos Daniilidis,
Christopher Geyer:
Omnidirectional Vision: Theory and Algorithms.
ICPR 2000: 1089-1096 |
1999 |
1 | EE | Christopher Geyer,
Konstantinos Daniilidis:
Catadioptric Camera Calibration.
ICCV 1999: 398-404 |