2009 |
82 | EE | Andreas Bulling,
Daniel Roggen,
Gerhard Tröster:
Wearable EOG goggles: eye-based interaction in everyday environments.
CHI Extended Abstracts 2009: 3259-3264 |
81 | EE | Clemens Lombriser,
Raluca Marin-Perianu,
Daniel Roggen,
Paul J. M. Havinga,
Gerhard Tröster:
Modeling Service-Oriented Context Processing in Dynamic Body Area Networks.
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 27(1): 49-57 (2009) |
2008 |
80 | | Arthur I. Karshmer,
Jürgen Nehmer,
Hartmut Raffler,
Gerhard Tröster:
Assisted Living Systems - Models, Architectures and Engineering Approaches, 14.11. - 17.11.2007
Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum fuer Informatik (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany 2008 |
79 | | Daniel Roggen,
Clemens Lombriser,
Gerhard Tröster,
Gerd Kortuem,
Paul J. M. Havinga:
Smart Sensing and Context, Third European Conference, EuroSSC 2008, Zurich, Switzerland, October 29-31, 2008. Proceedings
Springer 2008 |
78 | EE | Martin Kusserow,
Oliver Amft,
Gerhard Tröster:
Analysis of Heart Stress Response for a Public Talk Assistant System.
AmI 2008: 326-342 |
77 | EE | Mihai Marin-Perianu,
Clemens Lombriser,
Oliver Amft,
Paul J. M. Havinga,
Gerhard Tröster:
Distributed Activity Recognition with Fuzzy-Enabled Wireless Sensor Networks.
DCOSS 2008: 296-313 |
76 | EE | Piero Zappi,
Clemens Lombriser,
Thomas Stiefmeier,
Elisabetta Farella,
Daniel Roggen,
Luca Benini,
Gerhard Tröster:
Activity Recognition from On-Body Sensors: Accuracy-Power Trade-Off by Dynamic Sensor Selection.
EWSN 2008: 17-33 |
75 | EE | Andreas Bulling,
Daniel Roggen,
Gerhard Tröster:
EyeMote - Towards Context-Aware Gaming Using Eye Movements Recorded from Wearable Electrooculography.
Fun and Games 2008: 33-45 |
74 | EE | Raluca Marin-Perianu,
Clemens Lombriser,
Paul J. M. Havinga,
Hans Scholten,
Gerhard Tröster:
Tandem: A Context-Aware Method for Spontaneous Clustering of Dynamic Wireless Sensor Nodes.
IOT 2008: 341-359 |
73 | EE | Andreas Bulling,
Jamie A. Ward,
Hans Gellersen,
Gerhard Tröster:
Robust Recognition of Reading Activity in Transit Using Wearable Electrooculography.
Pervasive 2008: 19-37 |
72 | EE | Andreas Bulling,
Daniel Roggen,
Gerhard Tröster:
It's in your eyes: towards context-awareness and mobile HCI using wearable EOG goggles.
UbiComp 2008: 84-93 |
71 | EE | Oliver Amft,
Gerhard Tröster:
Recognition of dietary activity events using on-body sensors.
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 42(2): 121-136 (2008) |
70 | EE | Thomas Stiefmeier,
Daniel Roggen,
Georg Ogris,
Paul Lukowicz,
Gerhard Tröster:
Wearable Activity Tracking in Car Manufacturing.
IEEE Pervasive Computing 7(2): 42-50 (2008) |
69 | EE | Holger Junker,
Oliver Amft,
Paul Lukowicz,
Gerhard Tröster:
Gesture spotting with body-worn inertial sensors to detect user activities.
Pattern Recognition 41(6): 2010-2024 (2008) |
68 | EE | Nagendra Bhargava Bharatula,
Paul Lukowicz,
Gerhard Tröster:
Functionality-power-packaging considerations in context aware wearable systems.
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 12(2): 123-141 (2008) |
67 | EE | Patrick de la Hamette,
Gerhard Tröster:
Architecture and applications of the FingerMouse: a smart stereo camera for wearable computing HCI.
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 12(2): 97-110 (2008) |
2007 |
66 | | Paul Lukowicz,
Lothar Thiele,
Gerhard Tröster:
Architecture of Computing Systems - ARCS 2007, 20th International Conference, Zurich, Switzerland, March 12-15, 2007, Proceedings
Springer 2007 |
65 | EE | Oliver Amft,
Martin Kusserow,
Gerhard Tröster:
Automatic Identification of Temporal Sequences in Chewing Sounds.
BIBM 2007: 194-201 |
64 | EE | Oliver Amft,
Clemens Lombriser,
Thomas Stiefmeier,
Gerhard Tröster:
Recognition of User Activity Sequences Using Distributed Event Detection.
EuroSSC 2007: 126-141 |
63 | EE | Daniel Roggen,
Reto Jenny,
Patrick de la Hamette,
Gerhard Tröster:
Mapping by Seeing - Wearable Vision-Based Dead-Reckoning, and Closing the Loop.
EuroSSC 2007: 29-45 |
62 | EE | Clemens Lombriser,
Daniel Roggen,
Mathias Stäger,
Gerhard Tröster:
Titan: A Tiny Task Network for Dynamically Reconfigurable Heterogeneous Sensor Networks.
KiVS 2007: 127-138 |
61 | EE | Christian Metzger,
Jan Meyer,
Elgar Fleisch,
Gerhard Tröster:
Weight-Sensitive Foam to Monitor Product Availability on Retail Shelves.
Pervasive 2007: 268-279 |
60 | EE | Arthur I. Karshmer,
Jürgen Nehmer,
Hartmut Raffler,
Gerhard Tröster:
07462 Abstracts Collection -- Assisted Living Systems - Models, Architectures and Engineering Approaches.
ssisted Living Systems - Models, Architectures and Engineering Approaches 2007 |
59 | EE | Gerhard Tröster:
Sensors for AAL - what is actually missing?
ssisted Living Systems - Models, Architectures and Engineering Approaches 2007 |
58 | EE | Mathias Stäger,
Paul Lukowicz,
Gerhard Tröster:
Power and accuracy trade-offs in sound-based context recognition systems.
Pervasive and Mobile Computing 3(3): 300-327 (2007) |
2006 |
57 | EE | Nagendra Bhargava Bharatula,
Urs Anliker,
Paul Lukowicz,
Gerhard Tröster:
Architectural Tradeoffs in Wearable Systems.
ARCS 2006: 217-231 |
56 | EE | Patrick de la Hamette,
Gerhard Tröster:
FingerMouse - A Button Size Visual Hand Tracking and Segmentation Device.
ARCS 2006: 31-41 |
55 | EE | Oliver Amft,
Gerhard Tröster,
Paul Lukowicz,
Corina Schuster:
Sensing Muscle Activities with Body-Worn Sensors.
BSN 2006: 138-141 |
54 | EE | Mathias Stäger,
Paul Lukowicz,
Gerhard Tröster:
Dealing with Class Skew in Context Recognition.
ICDCS Workshops 2006: 58 |
53 | EE | Patrick de la Hamette,
Gerhard Tröster:
FingerMouse - Architecture of an ASIC-based Mobile Stereovision Smart Camera.
ISWC 2006: 121-122 |
52 | EE | Nagendra Bhargava Bharatula,
Jamie A. Ward,
Paul Lukowicz,
Gerhard Tröster:
Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) for on-body Context Systems.
ISWC 2006: 135-136 |
51 | EE | Jan Meyer,
Paul Lukowicz,
Gerhard Tröster:
Textile Pressure Sensor for Muscle Activity and Motion Detection.
ISWC 2006: 69-72 |
50 | EE | Thomas Stiefmeier,
Georg Ogris,
Holger Junker,
Paul Lukowicz,
Gerhard Tröster:
Combining Motion Sensors and Ultrasonic Hands Tracking for Continuous Activity Recognition in a Maintenance Scenario.
ISWC 2006: 97-104 |
49 | EE | Jamie A. Ward,
Paul Lukowicz,
Gerhard Tröster:
Evaluating Performance in Continuous Context Recognition Using Event-Driven Error Characterisation.
LoCA 2006: 239-255 |
48 | EE | Jamie A. Ward,
Paul Lukowicz,
Gerhard Tröster,
Thad Starner:
Activity Recognition of Assembly Tasks Using Body-Worn Microphones and Accelerometers.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 28(10): 1553-1567 (2006) |
2005 |
47 | EE | David Minnen,
Thad Starner,
Jamie A. Ward,
Paul Lukowicz,
Gerhard Tröster:
Recognizing and Discovering Human Actions from On-Body Sensor Data.
ICME 2005: 1545-1548 |
46 | EE | Georg Ogris,
Thomas Stiefmeier,
Holger Junker,
Paul Lukowicz,
Gerhard Tröster:
Using Ultrasonic Hand Tracking to Augment Motion Analysis Based Recognition of Manipulative Gestures.
ISWC 2005: 152-159 |
45 | EE | Oliver Amft,
Holger Junker,
Gerhard Tröster:
Detection of eating and drinking arm gestures using inertial body-worn sensors.
ISWC 2005: 160-163 |
44 | EE | Nagendra Bhargava Bharatula,
Mathias Stäger,
Paul Lukowicz,
Gerhard Tröster:
Power and Size Optimized Multi-Sensor Context Recognition Platform.
ISWC 2005: 194-195 |
43 | EE | Nagendra Bhargava Bharatula,
Rolf Zinniker,
Gerhard Tröster:
Hybrid Micropower Supply for Wearable-Pervasive Sensor nodes.
ISWC 2005: 196-197 |
42 | EE | Kai S. Kunze,
Paul Lukowicz,
Holger Junker,
Gerhard Tröster:
Where am I: Recognizing On-body Positions of Wearable Sensors.
LoCA 2005: 264-275 |
41 | EE | Julian Randall,
Oliver Amft,
Gerhard Tröster:
Towards LuxTrace: Using Solar Cells to Measure Distance Indoors.
LoCA 2005: 40-51 |
40 | EE | Urs Anliker,
Holger Junker,
Paul Lukowicz,
Gerhard Tröster:
Design Methodology for Context-Aware Wearable Sensor Systems.
Pervasive 2005: 220-236 |
39 | EE | Oliver Amft,
Mathias Stäger,
Paul Lukowicz,
Gerhard Tröster:
Analysis of Chewing Sounds for Dietary Monitoring.
Ubicomp 2005: 56-72 |
38 | EE | Maciej Klemm,
Gerhard Tröster:
Characterization of small planar antennas for UWB mobile terminals.
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 5(5): 525-536 (2005) |
2004 |
37 | EE | Oliver Amft,
Michael Lauffer,
Stijn Ossevoort,
Fabrizio Macaluso,
Paul Lukowicz,
Gerhard Tröster:
Design of the QBIC Wearable Computing Platform.
ASAP 2004: 398-410 |
36 | | Nagendra Bhargava Bharatula,
Stijn Ossevoort,
Paul Lukowicz,
Gerhard Tröster:
Reliability Modelling of Embedded System-in-a-Package: Design and Packaging Issues.
ESA/VLSI 2004: 387-392 |
35 | EE | Mathias Stäger,
Paul Lukowicz,
Gerhard Tröster:
Implementation and Evaluation of a Low-Power Sound-Based User Activity Recognition System.
ISWC 2004: 138-141 |
34 | EE | Ivo Locher,
Holger Junker,
Tünde Kirstein,
Gerhard Tröster:
Wireless, Low-Cost Interface for Body Area Networks.
ISWC 2004: 170-171 |
33 | EE | Holger Junker,
Paul Lukowicz,
Gerhard Tröster:
Sampling Frequency, Signal Resolution and the Accuracy of Wearable Context Recognition Systems.
ISWC 2004: 176-177 |
32 | EE | Holger Junker,
Paul Lukowicz,
Gerhard Tröster:
Continuous Recognition of Arm Activities With Body-Worn Inertial Sensors.
ISWC 2004: 188-189 |
31 | EE | Marc von Waldkirch,
Paul Lukowicz,
Gerhard Tröster:
Spectacle-Based Design of Wearable See-Through Display for Accommodation-Free Viewing.
Pervasive 2004: 106-123 |
30 | EE | Paul Lukowicz,
Holger Junker,
Gerhard Tröster:
Automatic Calibration of Body Worn Acceleration Sensors.
Pervasive 2004: 176-181 |
29 | EE | Paul Lukowicz,
Jamie A. Ward,
Holger Junker,
Mathias Stäger,
Gerhard Tröster,
Amin Atrash,
Thad Starner:
Recognizing Workshop Activity Using Body Worn Microphones and Accelerometers.
Pervasive 2004: 18-32 |
28 | EE | Nagendra Bhargava Bharatula,
Stijn Ossevoort,
Mathias Stäger,
Gerhard Tröster:
Towards Wearable Autonomous Microsystems.
Pervasive 2004: 225-237 |
27 | EE | Urs Anliker,
Jan Beutel,
Matthias Dyer,
Rolf Enzler,
Paul Lukowicz,
Lothar Thiele,
Gerhard Tröster:
A Systematic Approach to the Design of Distributed Wearable Systems.
IEEE Trans. Computers 53(8): 1017-1033 (2004) |
26 | EE | Urs Anliker,
Jamie A. Ward,
Paul Lukowicz,
Gerhard Tröster,
François Dolveck,
Michel Baer,
Fatou Keita,
Eran B. Schenker,
Fabrizio Catarsi,
Luca Coluccini,
Andrea Belardinelli,
Dror Shklarski,
Menachem Alon,
Etienne Hirt,
Rolf Schmid,
Milica Vuskovic:
AMON: a wearable multiparameter medical monitoring and alert system.
IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 8(4): 415-427 (2004) |
2003 |
25 | EE | Ernst A. Heinz,
Kai S. Kunze,
Stefan Sulistyo,
Holger Junker,
Paul Lukowicz,
Gerhard Tröster:
Experimental Evaluation of Variations in Primary Features Used for Accelerometric Context Recognition.
EUSAI 2003: 252-263 |
24 | EE | Mathias Stäger,
Paul Lukowicz,
Niroshan Perera,
T. von Büren,
Gerhard Tröster,
Thad Starner:
SoundButton: Design of a Low Power Wearable Audio Classification System.
ISWC 2003: 12-17 |
23 | EE | T. von Büren,
Paul Lukowicz,
Gerhard Tröster:
Kinetic Energy Powered Computing - an Experimental Feasibility Study.
ISWC 2003: 22-25 |
22 | EE | Holger Junker,
Paul Lukowicz,
Gerhard Tröster:
PadNET: Wearable Physical Activity Detection Network.
ISWC 2003: 244-245 |
21 | EE | Nicky Kern,
Bernt Schiele,
Holger Junker,
Paul Lukowicz,
Gerhard Tröster:
Wearable sensing to annotate meeting recordings.
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 7(5): 263-274 (2003) |
20 | EE | Christian Plessl,
Rolf Enzler,
Herbert Walder,
Jan Beutel,
Marco Platzner,
Lothar Thiele,
Gerhard Tröster:
The case for reconfigurable hardware in wearable computing.
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 7(5): 299-308 (2003) |
19 | EE | Thomas Sailer,
Gerhard Tröster:
An Efficient VLSI Architecture for Computing Decision Feedback Equalizer Coefficients from the Channel State Information.
VLSI Signal Processing 35(1): 91-103 (2003) |
2002 |
18 | EE | Paul Lukowicz,
Urs Anliker,
Jamie A. Ward,
Gerhard Tröster,
Etienne Hirt,
Christopher Neufelt:
AMON: A Wearable Medical Computer for High Risk Patients.
ISWC 2002: 133-134 |
17 | EE | Nicky Kern,
Gerhard Tröster,
Bernt Schiele,
Holger Junker,
Paul Lukowicz:
Wearable Sensing to Annotate Meeting Recordings.
ISWC 2002: 186-196 |
16 | EE | Paul Lukowicz,
Holger Junker,
Mathias Stäger,
T. von Büren,
Gerhard Tröster:
WearNET: A Distributed Multi-sensor System for Context Aware Wearables.
Ubicomp 2002: 361-370 |
15 | EE | Didier Cottet,
Michael Scheffler,
Gerhard Tröster:
A novel, zone based process monitoring method for low cost MCM-D substrates manufactured on large area panels.
Microelectronics Reliability 42(3): 417-426 (2002) |
2001 |
14 | EE | Urs Anliker,
Paul Lukowicz,
Gerhard Tröster,
Steven J. Schwartz,
Richard W. DeVaul:
The WearARM: Modular, High Performance, Low Power Computing Platform Designed for Integration into Everyday Clothing.
ISWC 2001: 167-168 |
13 | EE | Paul Lukowicz,
Urs Anliker,
Gerhard Tröster,
Steven J. Schwartz,
Richard W. DeVaul:
The WearARM Modular, Low-Power Computing Core.
IEEE Micro 21(3): 16-28 (2001) |
12 | EE | M. Cavadini,
M. Wosnitza,
Gerhard Tröster:
Multiprocessor system for high-resolution image correlation in real time.
IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 9(3): 439-449 (2001) |
11 | EE | Michael Scheffler,
Didier Cottet,
Gerhard Tröster:
A simplified yield modeling method for design rule trade-off in interconnection substrates.
Microelectronics Reliability 41(6): 861-869 (2001) |
2000 |
10 | EE | Michael Scheffler,
Gerhard Tröster:
Assessing the Cost Effectiveness of Integrated Passives.
DATE 2000: 539-543 |
9 | EE | Rolf Enzler,
Tobias Jeger,
Didier Cottet,
Gerhard Tröster:
High-Level Area and Performance Estimation of Hardware Building Blocks on FPGAs.
FPL 2000: 525-534 |
8 | | Gábor Székely,
Michael Bajka,
Christian Brechbühler,
J. Dual,
Rolf Enzler,
U. Haller,
Johannes Hug,
R. Hutter,
Nicholas Ironmonger,
M. Kauer,
V. Meier,
P. Niederer,
Alex Rhomberg,
P. Schmid,
G. Schweitzer,
Markus Thaler,
V. Vuskovic,
Gerhard Tröster:
Virtual Reality Based Simulation of Endoscopic Surgery.
Presence 9(3): 310-333 (2000) |
1999 |
7 | EE | Gerhard Tröster:
Potentials of Chip-Package Co-Design for High-Speed Digital Applications.
DATE 1999: 423-422 |
1998 |
6 | EE | Alex Rhomberg,
Rolf Enzler,
Markus Thaler,
Gerhard Tröster:
Design of a FEM Computation Engine for Real-Time Laparoscopic Surgery Simulation.
IPPS/SPDP 1998: 711-715 |
5 | EE | Michael Scheffler,
Daniel Ammann,
Andreas Thiel,
Claus M. Habiger,
Gerhard Tröster:
Modeling and Optimizing the Costs of Electronic Systems.
IEEE Design & Test of Computers 15(3): 20-26 (1998) |
1997 |
4 | EE | M. Cavadini,
M. Wosnitza,
Markus Thaler,
Gerhard Tröster:
A Multiprocessor System for Real Time High Resolution Image Correlation.
ASAP 1997: 384-391 |
1995 |
3 | | Björn Tiemann,
Johann vonder Mühll,
Ivo Hasler,
Edi Hiltebrand,
Anton Gunzinger,
Gerhard Tröster:
Architecture and implementation of a single-board desktop supercomputer.
HPCN Europe 1995: 481-487 |
2 | | R. Hüsler,
Johann vonder Mühll,
Anton Gunzinger,
Gerhard Tröster:
Dataparallel Programming with Intelligent Communication.
PaCT 1995: 186-203 |
1989 |
1 | EE | Gerhard Tröster,
Peter Tomaszewski:
Mismatch simulation for layout sensitive parameters of IC components and devices.
IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 8(2): 101-107 (1989) |