
Haruhiko Asada

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24 Arin Basmajian, Ernesto E. Blanco, Haruhiko Asada: The Marionette Bed: Automated Rolling and Repositioning of Bedridden Patients. ICRA 2002: 1422-1427
23 Stephen A. Mascaro, Haruhiko Asada: Finger Posture and Shear Force Measurement Using Fingernail Sensors: Initial Experimentation. ICRA 2001: 1857-1862
22 Chun-Hung Liu, Eric Wade, Haruhiko Asada: Reduced-Cable Smart motors Using DC Power Line Communication. ICRA 2001: 3831-3838
21 Karim A. Tahboub, Haruhiko Asada: Dynamics Analysis and Control of a Holonomic Vehicle with a Continuously Variable Transmission. ICRA 2000: 2466-2472
20 Stephen A. Mascaro, Haruhiko Asada: Fingernail Touch Sensors: Spatially Distributed Measurement and Hemodynamic Modeling. ICRA 2000: 3422-3427
19 Joseph Spano, Haruhiko Asada: Surface Waves for Active Transport of Bedridden Patients. ICRA 2000: 556-562
18 Mitsuichi Hiratsuka, Haruhiko Asada: Detection of Human Mistakes and Misperception for Human Perceptive Augmentation: Behavior Monitoring Using Hybrid Hidden Markov Models. ICRA 2000: 577-582
17 Haruhiko Asada, Bei Gu, Brandon W. Gordon: A Unified Approach to Modeling and Realization of Constraint Robot Motion using Singularly Perturbed Sliding Manifolds. ICRA 2000: 736-743
16 Joseph Spano, Haruhiko Asada: Therapy of Bedridden Patients. ICRA 1999: 2051-2056
15 Boo-Ho Yang, Sokwoo Rhee, Haruhiko Asada: A Twenty-Four Hour Tele-Nursing System Using a Ring Sensor. ICRA 1998: 387-392
14 Masayoshi Wada, Haruhiko Asada: A Holonomic Omnidirectional Vehicle with a Reconfigurable Footprint Mechanism and Its Application to Wheelchairs. ICRA 1998: 774-780
13 Anton C. Pil, Haruhiko Asada: An Experimental Approach to Simultaneous Structure/Control Design Using Rapid Recursive Prototype Modification. ICRA 1995: 1140-1145
12 Mark West, Haruhiko Asada: Design and Control of Ball Wheel Omnidirectional Vehicles. ICRA 1995: 1931-1938
11 Boo-Ho Yang, Haruhiko Asada: Progressive Learning for Robotic Assembly: Learning Impedance with an Excitation Scheduling Method. ICRA 1995: 2538-2544
10 Shih-Hung Li, Boo-Ho Yang, Haruhiko Asada: Experimental Verification of Progressive Learning Control For High-Speed Direct-Drive Robots With Structure Flexibility and Non-Collocated Sensors. ISER 1995: 319-330
9 Anton C. Pil, Haruhiko Asada: Recursive Experimental Structure Re-Desigu of a Robot Arm Using Rapid Prototyping. ICRA 1994: 1094-1099
8 Sooyong Lee, Haruhiko Asada: Assembly of Parts with Irregular Surfaces Using Active Force Sensing. ICRA 1994: 2639-2644
7 Jahng-Hyon Park, Haruhiko Asada: Sequence Optimization for High Speed Robotic Assembly Using Simulated Annealing. ICRA 1994: 3441-3446
6 Brenan J. McCarragher, Haruhiko Asada: A Discrete Event Approach to the Control of Robotic Assembly Tasks. ICRA (1) 1993: 331-336
5 Sheng Liu, Haruhiko Asada: Teaching and Learning of Deburring Robots Using Neural Networks. ICRA (3) 1993: 339-345
4 Anton C. Pil, Haruhiko Asada: A Computer Integrated Development System for High Speed Robot Design Incorporating Structural Reconfiguration. ICRA (3) 1993: 677-683
3 Boo-Ho Yang, Haruhiko Asada: Reinforcement Learning of Assembly Robots. ISER 1993: 245-254
2 Haruhiko Asada, Sheng Liu: Experimental Verification of Human Skill Transfer to Deburring Robots. ISER 1991: 61-77
1 Haruhiko Asada, Takeo Kanade: Design Concept of Direct-Drive Manipulators Using Rare-Earth DC Torque Motors. IJCAI 1981: 775-778

Coauthor Index

1Arin Basmajian [24]
2Ernesto E. Blanco [24]
3Brandon W. Gordon [17]
4Bei Gu [17]
5Mitsuichi Hiratsuka [18]
6Takeo Kanade [1]
7Sooyong Lee [8]
8Shih-Hung Li [10]
9Chun-Hung Liu [22]
10Sheng Liu [2] [5]
11Stephen A. Mascaro [20] [23]
12Brenan J. McCarragher [6]
13Jahng-Hyon Park [7]
14Anton C. Pil [4] [9] [13]
15Sokwoo Rhee [15]
16Joseph Spano [16] [19]
17Karim A. Tahboub [21]
18Masayoshi Wada [14]
19Eric Wade [22]
20Mark West [12]
21Boo-Ho Yang [3] [10] [11] [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)