
Masayoshi Wada

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6EEMasayoshi Wada: Step climbing capability of a 4WD omnidirectional wheelchair. IROS 2008: 266-272
5EEMasayoshi Wada: Holonomic and omnidirectional wheelchairs with synchronized 4WD mechanism. IROS 2007: 1196-1202
4 Masayoshi Wada: Virtual Link Model for Redundantly Actuated Holonomic Omnidirectional Mobile Robots. ICRA 2006: 3201-3207
3 Masayoshi Wada, Akira Takagi, Shunji Mori: Caster Drive Mechanisms for Holonomic and Omnidirectional Mobile Platforms with no Over Constraint. ICRA 2000: 1531-1538
2 Masayoshi Wada, Haruhiko Asada: A Holonomic Omnidirectional Vehicle with a Reconfigurable Footprint Mechanism and Its Application to Wheelchairs. ICRA 1998: 774-780
1 Masayoshi Wada, Takashi Tsukahara, Kiichiro Tsuda: Learning Control of Elastic Joint Robot and Its Application to the Industrial Robot Manipulator. ICRA (1) 1993: 417-422

Coauthor Index

1Haruhiko Asada [2]
2Shunji Mori [3]
3Akira Takagi [3]
4Kiichiro Tsuda [1]
5Takashi Tsukahara [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)