2008 |
31 | EE | Xiaoming You,
Yu Zhang,
Sheng Liu:
Real-Coded Quantum Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Immune Theory for Multi-modal Optimization Problems.
CSSE (1) 2008: 403-406 |
30 | EE | Sheng Liu,
Hong Hua:
Spatialchromatic foveation for gaze contingent displays.
ETRA 2008: 139-142 |
2007 |
29 | EE | Sheng Liu,
Jian Zhang,
Binhai Zhu:
Volume Computation Using a Direct Monte Carlo Method.
COCOON 2007: 198-209 |
28 | EE | Zhen-guo Gao,
Sheng Liu,
Mei Yang,
Jinhua Zhao,
Jiguang Song:
A Generic Minimum Dominating Forward Node Set Based Service Discovery Protocol for MANETs.
HPCC 2007: 634-646 |
27 | EE | Zhen-guo Gao,
Sheng Liu,
Ming Ji,
Jinhua Zhao,
Lihua Liang:
FTSCP: An Efficient Distributed Fault-Tolerant Service Composition Protocol for MANETs.
HPCC 2007: 797-808 |
26 | | Jianhua Zhang,
S. Y. Chen,
Sheng Liu,
Qiu Guan,
Haihong Wu:
Searching and fitting strategies in active shape models.
ICINCO-SPSMC 2007: 389-392 |
25 | EE | Xiaoming You,
Sheng Liu,
Dianxun Shuai:
Studying the Performance of Quantum Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Immune Theory.
International Conference on Computational Science (4) 2007: 1068-1075 |
24 | EE | Sheng Liu,
K. H. (Kane) Kim,
Sung-Jin Kim,
Zhen Zhang,
Jongho Nang,
Ki-Seok Choi,
Yongbin Kang:
TMO Structuring of a Networked System for Seamless Streaming and Tiled Display of High-Definition Movies.
SEUS 2007: 181-191 |
23 | | Xi-Qing Qi,
S. Y. Chen,
Sheng Liu,
Jianwei Zhang:
Experimental study for 3D Reconstruction based on rotational stereo.
VISAPP (Special Sessions) 2007: 55-61 |
22 | EE | Xiaodong Zhang,
Yu Yang,
Sheng Liu,
Fei Liu:
Realization of a development platform for Web-based product customization systems.
Int. J. Computer Integrated Manufacturing 20(2&3): 254-264 (2007) |
21 | EE | Stephen F. Jenks,
K. H. (Kane) Kim,
Yuqing Li,
Sheng Liu,
Liangchen Zheng,
Moon-hae Kim,
Hee Yong Youn,
Kyung-Hee Lee,
Dong-Myung Seol:
A middleware model supporting time-triggered message-triggered objects for standard Linux systems.
Real-Time Systems 36(1-2): 75-99 (2007) |
2006 |
20 | EE | Sheng Liu,
Jian Zhang:
Using Hajós' Construction to Generate Hard Graph 3-Colorability Instances.
AISC 2006: 211-225 |
19 | EE | Sheng Liu,
Yanyan Li:
A Novel Predictive Control and Its Application on Water Level System of Ship Boiler.
ICICIC (1) 2006: 344-347 |
18 | EE | Xiaoming You,
Sheng Liu,
Dianxun Shuai:
On Parallel Immune Quantum Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Learning Mechanism and Its Convergence.
ICNC (1) 2006: 903-912 |
17 | EE | Xiaoming You,
Sheng Liu,
Dianxun Shuai,
Xiaoming You,
Sheng Liu:
On Improved Parallel Immune Quantum Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Learning Mechanism.
ISDA (1) 2006: 908-913 |
16 | EE | Xiaoming You,
Sheng Liu,
Dianxun Shuai,
Xiaoming You,
Sheng Liu:
On Improved Parallel Immune Quantum Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Learning Mechanism.
ISDA (1) 2006: 908-913 |
15 | EE | K. H. (Kane) Kim,
Juan A. Colmenares,
Liangchen Zheng,
Sheng Liu,
Qian Zhou,
Moon-Cheol Kim:
Recent Additions on the Application Programming Interface of the TMO Support Middleware.
Monterey Workshop 2006: 168-186 |
14 | EE | Sheng Liu,
Jian Zhang:
Retrieving and Matching RDF Graphs by Solving the Satisfiability Problem.
Web Intelligence 2006: 510-513 |
13 | EE | Xiqiu Fan,
Honghai Zhang,
Sheng Liu,
Xiaofeng Hu,
Ke Jia:
NIL - a low-cost and high-throughput MEMS fabrication method compatible with IC manufacturing technology.
Microelectronics Journal 37(2): 121-126 (2006) |
2005 |
12 | EE | K. H. (Kane) Kim,
Sheng Liu,
Moon-hae Kim,
Doo-Hyun Kim:
A Global-Time-Based Approach for High-Quality Real-Time Video Streaming Services.
ISM 2005: 802 |
11 | EE | K. H. (Kane) Kim,
Yuqing Li,
Sheng Liu,
Moon-hae Kim,
Doo-Hyun Kim:
RMMC Programming Model and Support Execution Engine in the TMO Programming Scheme.
ISORC 2005: 34-43 |
10 | EE | K. H. (Kane) Kim,
Emmanuel Henrich,
Chansik Im,
Moon-Cheol Kim,
Sung-Jin Kim,
Yuqing Li,
Sheng Liu,
Seung-Mok Yoo,
Liangchen Zheng,
Qian Zhou:
Distributed Computing Based Streaming and Play of Music Ensemble Realized Through TMO Programming.
WORDS 2005: 129-138 |
2004 |
9 | | Aize Cao,
Qing Song,
XuLei Yang,
Sheng Liu:
Breast Mass Segmentation on Digital Mammograms by a Combined Deterministic Annealing Method.
ISBI 2004: 1303-1306 |
2002 |
8 | | Doo-Hyun Kim,
K. H. (Kane) Kim,
Sheng Liu,
Jin-Hyung Kim:
A TMO-based approach to tolerance of transmission jitters in tele-audio services.
Comput. Syst. Sci. Eng. 17(6): 325-334 (2002) |
2001 |
7 | EE | Sheng Liu,
Charles F. Babbs,
Edward J. Delp:
Multiresolution detection of spiculated lesions in digital mammograms.
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 10(6): 874-884 (2001) |
1998 |
6 | | Alexander C. Loui,
Charles N. Judice,
Sheng Liu:
An Image Database for Benchmarking of Automatic Face Detection and Recognition Algorithms.
ICIP (1) 1998: 146-150 |
5 | | Sheng Liu,
Charles F. Babbs,
Edward J. Delp:
Normal Mammogram Analysis and Recognition.
ICIP (1) 1998: 727-731 |
1997 |
4 | EE | Sheng Liu,
Edward J. Delp:
Multiresolution Detection of Stellate Lesions in Mammograms.
ICIP (2) 1997: 109-112 |
1994 |
3 | | Ken-ichiro Shimokura,
Sheng Liu:
Programming Deburring Robots Based on Human Demonstration with Direct Burr Size Measurement.
ICRA 1994: 572-577 |
1993 |
2 | | Sheng Liu,
Haruhiko Asada:
Teaching and Learning of Deburring Robots Using Neural Networks.
ICRA (3) 1993: 339-345 |
1991 |
1 | | Haruhiko Asada,
Sheng Liu:
Experimental Verification of Human Skill Transfer to Deburring Robots.
ISER 1991: 61-77 |