
Christel Kemke

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20EEMonirul Hasan, Venkatesh Manian, Christel Kemke: HCP with PSMA: A Robust Spoken Language Parser. NeSy 2007
19EEChristel Kemke: Action Representation for Natural Language Interfaces to Agent Systems. JCIT 2(2): 30-36 (2007)
18 Christel Kemke: An architectural framework for natural language interfaces to agent systems. Computational Intelligence 2006: 371-376
17 Christel Kemke, Shamima Mithun: Verbalization Enhanced Tutoring. FLAIRS Conference 2006: 541-543
16EEChristel Kemke, Erin Walker: Planning with Action Abstraction and Plan Decomposition Hierarchies. IAT 2006: 447-451
15EEChristel Kemke: Natural Language Communication Between Human and Artificial Agents. PRIMA 2006: 84-93
14EEChristel Kemke: Speech and Language Interfaces for Agent Systems. IAT 2004: 565-566
13EEChristel Kemke: A Formal Theory for Describing Action Concepts in Terminological Knowledge Bases. Canadian Conference on AI 2003: 458-465
12EEChristel Kemke: A Formal Approach to Describing Action Concepts in Taxonomical Knowledge Bases. ISMIS 2003: 657-662
11EEChristel Kemke: A Constructive Approach to Parsing with Neural Networks - The Hybrid Connectionist Parsing Method. Canadian Conference on AI 2002: 310-318
10 Christel Kemke: What Do You Know about Mail? Knowledge Representation in the SINIX Consultant. Artif. Intell. Rev. 14(3): 253-275 (2000)
9 Christel Kemke: A Hybrid Approach to Natural Language Parsing. ICANN 1996: 875-880
8 Christel Kemke: Metaphern und analogisches Schließen: Ein Überblick. KI 6(2): 28-36 (1992)
7 Christel Kemke: Neural Network Modelling by Means of Networks of Finite Automata. IWANN 1991: 48-53
6 Christel Kemke: Die Darstellung von ungenauem Wissen in taxonomischen Wissensbasen. KI 5(2): 12-19 (1991)
5 Christel Kemke: Bericht über die nEuro '88. KI 3(1): 13-15 (1989)
4 Christel Kemke: Tutorial: Konnektionismus. GWAI 1988: 306-307
3 Christel Kemke: Darstellung von Aktionen in Vererbungshierarchien. GWAI 1988: 66-76
2 Wolfgang Wahlster, Matthias Hecking, Christel Kemke: SC: Ein intelligentes Hilfesystem für SINIX. Innovative Informations-Infrastrukturen 1988: 81-100
1 Christel Kemke: Der Neuere Konnektionismus. Informatik Spektrum 11(3): 143-162 (1988)

Coauthor Index

1Monirul Hasan [20]
2Matthias Hecking [2]
3Venkatesh Manian [20]
4Shamima Mithun [17]
5Wolfgang Wahlster [2]
6Erin Walker [16]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)