
Paul G. A. Jespers

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8EEGian Nicola Angotzi, Massimo Barbaro, Paul G. A. Jespers: Comparison of redundant architectures for two-step ADCs. ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2008: 445-450
7EEPaul G. A. Jespers: Sizing CMOS circuits by means of the gm/ID methodology and a compact model. SBCCI 2008: 1
6EEAndrei Vladimirescu, Radu Zlatanovici, Paul G. A. Jespers: Analog circuit synthesis using standard EDA tools. ISCAS 2006
5EERazvan Ionita, Andrei Vladimirescu, Paul G. A. Jespers: Automated Design Methodology for CMOS Analog Circuit Blocks in Complex Systems. PATMOS 2002: 487-494
4EEC. Dualibe, Paul G. A. Jespers, Michel Verleysen: Embedded fuzzy control for automatic channel equalization after digital transmissions. ISCAS (3) 2001: 173-176
3 Michel Verleysen, Paul G. A. Jespers: Analog VLSI Synapse Matrix with Enhanced Stochastic Computations. IWANN 1991: 315-321
2EEAndré Vandermeulebroecke, Etienne Vanzieleghem, Tony Denayer, Paul G. A. Jespers: A Single Chip 1024 Bits RSA Processor. EUROCRYPT 1989: 219-236
1 Michel C. Rahier, Paul G. A. Jespers: Dedicated LSI for a Microprocessor-Controlled Hand-Carried OCR System. IEEE Trans. Computers 29(2): 79-88 (1980)

Coauthor Index

1Gian Nicola Angotzi [8]
2Massimo Barbaro [8]
3Tony Denayer [2]
4C. Dualibe [4]
5Razvan Ionita [5]
6Michel C. Rahier [1]
7André Vandermeulebroecke [2]
8Etienne Vanzieleghem [2]
9Michel Verleysen [3] [4]
10Andrei Vladimirescu [5] [6]
11Radu Zlatanovici [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)